Min CC 08/11/1987 - Special MINUTES OF "SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING" OF AUGUST 11, 1987 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MET IN A "SPECIAL MEETING" ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1987 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF AGENDA WAS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Council member T.J . Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Present: Mayor Bauder, Charlie Jupe , T.J. Harris, Tex Farnsworth and Tino Delgado. Billie Little was absent due to illness in family. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. Mr. Jeff Miller, Town Creek Rd. , addressed the Council and expressed his appreciation to the City Staff for their professional manner in handling a stray animal . Mr. Miller also complimented David Walker, Keith Gilbreath, and Ann Smith on the way they assisted the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Ed Higginson also expressed gratitude to the Staff. Mr. Del Toro, Buffalo Trail , had ask to address the Council , but had no comments, at this time . 5. REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL BY MRS. ALMETA LEMONS. Mrs. Lemons spoke to the Council regarding her concerns , as a taypayer in the City of Cibolo. Mrs . Lemons stated that she, along with other business people in the community were concerned about the image that the Council was projecting through the media. Mrs. Lemons requested that the council unite and work for best interest of the city. Mrs . Lemon complimented the Police Chief and City Staff. 6. REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL BY TAXPAYERS & CITIZENS. Mr. Don Buell , spokesman for local taxpayers and businessman, read the attached letter dated August 8, 1987 to the Council . * STATEMENT BY MAYOR BAUDER. Before reading Item #7, Mayor Bauder addressed Officer Timothy Marcaurele and allowed him the opportunity of resigning his employment with the City of Cibolo. After conferring with his attorney, Mr. Marcaurele requested that he be allowed to submit his resignation, verbally and in writing, effective immediately. 7. ACTION ON SUSPENSION OF OFFICER TIMOTHY MARCAURELE. Charlie Jupe (Tex Farnsworth) made the motion to accept Timothy Marcaurele' s resignation effective immediately. All approved. Motion carried. • 8. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Charlie Jupe) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. ATTEST _ MAYOR SAM BAUDER ANN SMITH , CI Y SECRETARY August 8, 1987 City Council City of Cibolo Cibolo, Texas Dear Mayor and Council Members: This letter is from several concerned citizens and/or taxpayers of the City of Cibolo. The intention is to make known to you our concerns and feelings regarding the operation of the City. In our opinion, one of the most significant and important decisions that has been made by this council was to organize the City's operations into a proper organizational structure. This makes the council the planning and policy making body, and places the staff in the position of executing policy through their activities and procedures. It is critical that the council employ competent staff to manage the activities of the City and paramont that the staff be allowed to manage those activities. To operate properly and develop as it must, the City cannot be managed by part-time involvement by elected officials, as generous as those intentions might be. The position of City Administrator is integral to your organization and is the most important staff position because it is the focal point through which your policies and goals are implemented. In our opinion, the employ- ment of David Walker has been key to making this plan work. Since the City Administrator position is an integral part of the operation, you must have competence and integrity in that position. Also, you have developed an excellent situation for both the City and the employee. Walker has an excellent background and qualifications, but no experience as a City Administrator. Cibolo is relatively small and cannot financially afford to employ an experienced City Administrator; therefore, each has the oppor- tunity to grow and develop together. The police department has experienced numerous personnel changes over the past few years. Stability must be developed within a department for it to function efficiently. It is our opinion that Robert Tullgren has the qualifications and background to know what is required of his position, and develop an effective and efficient police department for our City. City of Cibolo August 8, 1987 Page 2 Therefore, we believe that Mayor Bauder has initiated a proper course for the City by developing a proper and much needed organizational structure and the City has employed well-qualified and competent staff. We hereby express our support of Mr. Walker and Mr. Tullgren and ask that they be allowed to perform their duties and prove themselves without interference. Certainly exchanges of ideas and guidance from the Council must exist, but must be done in a constructive manner with the best interests of the City being the intent. This letter was unsolicited by any council member or city employee or staff. Sincerely, �i 4