Min CC 08/18/1987 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 18, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Present: T.J. Harris, Tino Delgado, Billie Little, Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth arrived at 7:45 P.M. Charlie Jupe was out of town. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith, Keith Gilbreath, and Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (limit 3 minutes each) No citizens ask to speak. 5. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE OF CONSENUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP ON AUGUST 3 , 1987. B. MINUTES OF COMPUTER WORKSHOP ON AUG. 4, 1987 @ 6:00 P.M. C. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AT GRANGE HALL ON AUG. 4, @ 7 :OOPM D. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. Council member Tino Delgado (T.J. Harris) motioned to approve consenus items. All approved. Motion carried. 6. DISCUSSION SESSION WITH CITY ENGINEER, MR. W.H. MULLINS, WITH REFERENCE TO THE FIVE YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STUDY. Mr. Keith Pyron, Engineer with W.H. Mullins, went over the grant i._ and the Comprehensive Study Program completed for the next five (5 ) years for the City. Mr. Pyron disclosed that the majority of the study was the twelve ( 12) maps enclosed. The various maps show recommended zoning, proposed streets, drainage issues and etc. Council members brought up the issue of "house numbering" as a part of the study. Mr. Pyron said that numbering was not a part of the study and could be done internally to save costs. The projected study estimated a population of 4, 557 people by year 2005 . Capital Improvements over the next five years were centered on the water and wastewater systems. It was recommended that 1 ,000,000 gallon ground storage tank be considered . Mr. Pyron stated that another 500-1 ,000 homes would require a new elevated tank. Cost, if fully developed, a 36" water main would be required by 2005 (4,500 people) at todays cost of $2,6 million. A recommended 20" main for approximately 2, 250 people would cost approximately 1 . 2 million dollars. The Water Looping System would cost approx. $200,050. -1- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 18, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. (cont'd) Mr. Pyron told the Council that by the time the second phase of Thistle Creek Subdivision was completed that the city would have reached its capacity on the current water system. The estimated time for completion is one to two years. The Wastewater system would need approximately $120,000 improvements to be completed before the new Bypass in completed on F.M. 78 . The other recommendation was to construct a new Town Creek lift station to be funded by Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. 7. SET DATE FOR SECOND 87-88 BUDGET WORKSHOP. Council agreed to set the next budget workshop for Monday, August 24, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. 8. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION FOR "SALUTE TO THE CONSTITUTION DAY" . l� Mayor Sam Bauder presented Mrs . Paula Thies, representing the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City I .S.D. , a proclamation proclaiming September 16 , 1987 as "Salute to the Constitution Day" in Cibolo. * EMERGENCY ITEM. Placed on Agenda at 2:15 P.M. . August 18, 1987, under Section 3A of Art. 6252.17 V.T.S.C. NOMINATE PARTY TO FILL VACANCY ON GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Mr. T.J. Harris nominated Bill Little to fill the vacancy. Motion died by lack of a second motion. It was the consenus of the Council to delay action until a special meeting, Monday, August 24th to confer with other government entities in the county. All agreed. 9. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL . Mr. Harris ask why council meeting dates were on Tuesday nights and if possibly than could be changed. f Mr. Harris also ask about the Personnel Policy on "condition of past employment checks and background checks on prospective employees. Mrs. Little ask about the flag not being flown everyday at City Hall . She stated that some member of the V.F.W. said "If the city was not going to use the flag that the V.F.W. would like it back" . Also, Mrs. L-i-ale ask about a ,plaque for the flag pole. Mr. Farnsworth ask if the city had advertised for patrolman in the San Antonio newspapers. Mr. Farnsworth brought up the subject of "items placed on the agenda. He also ask about the city purchasing a dump truck. 10. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder had no comments . -2- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 18, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. v 11. ADJOURN. Billie Little (Tex Farnsworth) motioned to adjourn at 9: 23 P.M. All approved. Motion carried. MWTOR SAM BAUDgR ATTEST: ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED AUGUST 18, 1987 GUADALUPE BLANO RIVER AUTHORITY Water" Samples Test $ 10.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Police Dept. Phone Bill $ 46.71 G.V.E .C. Water Tower Electricity 17.95 TRIPLE A RENTAL Masonry Drill Rental 25.00 XEROX Copy Machine . Supplies 70.14 HILL CCUNTRY SPRING WATER SUPPLY City Hall Drinking Water 44.00 (Pass thru) TRI COUNTY OFFICE Printing Forms (Purchase Orders/Water Cards Binders for Ordinances Desk Trays for offices, rubber stamps 303.08 EWALD TRACTOR Oil Filters , element & Oil for Backhoe 70. 79 P.B.S . Brackets for street signs 243.06 TOMMY BROWN PRINTING Calculator ribbons, Warrant Index Cards 32.50 ROLAND ELBEL Hauling ( 3 loads) 90.00 GUADALUPE CO. SHERIFF boarding in jail ( 5 days) 50.00 HARDY, SCHWARTZMAN, BAHAN & JACOBSON August Retainer 500.00 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL Animal Euthanasia 32.50 SHADROCK PETROLEUM 325 gal . gasoline 251 gal . diesel 438 .00 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Typewriter correction tape 12.37 HILBERT IMPLEMENT Pulley, belt & Clip for , mower 24.09 W.H. MULLINS , INC. Inspection of Rhea & Elm St. 87.50 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS SEMINAR/N.T.S .U. Registration: A. Smith 90.00 S .A. WINCO, INC. Bid Contract- Resurfacing Elm & Rhea Street 18, 363.00 PAYROLL ACCOUNT Gross payroll 8/1-8/15 51689.71