Min CC 09/01/1987 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR SESSION i ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 S. MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ORDER WAS: 1 . CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :05 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. i All members present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens requested to speak. 5. APPROVE/DISAPPROVAL OF CONSENUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, AUG. 11, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. B. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUG. 18, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. C. MINUTES OF' SPECIAL =_MEETING; =AUG.; 2C- _199T__9' 6:45- P.M. D. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP, AUG. 24, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. E. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. Charlie Jupe (T.J. Harris ) made the motion to approve she consenus items with the correction to minutes of August 18 , 1987 on Item #6 , paragraph #5 to read "2.6 million" rather than 26 million. All approved. Motion carried. 6. APPROVE/DISAPP-_ROVE RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE ON POST OFFICE SUBDIVISION PLAT. Billie Little (lino uelgado) motioned to approve the plat for the Post Office Subdivision. All approved . Motion Carried. 7. REVIEW JULY BUDGET RECAP. 8. SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON 87-88 BUDGET. With the recommendation on the Mayor and consenus of the Council , a budget workshop was set for 7 :00 P.M. , Tuesday, Sept. 8 , 1987 and the Public Hearing at 7 :OC P .M and Special Meeting to Adopt the Budget @ 7 :30 P.M. , September 29, 1987 . 9. RECOMMENDATION ON COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE FOR CITY HALL. Mr. Harris and Mr. Jupe, Computer Committee, after reviewing the available funds and evaluation of several computer companies, recommended that the hardware and software be purchased from Multiusers Business Computers in San Antonio. The hardware, an IBM Clone, consists of 2 work stations, 2 printers , 640K Ram , 360K Floppy Disk drive 1-30 MB Hard Disk , O'Hanlon Accounting Package, Utility Billing System, Newword Word Processing, cabling, -) installation, and training in the amount of $7099 . Mr. Harris (Charlie Jupe) motioned to award the contract to Multiuser Business Computers. All approved. Motion carried. -1- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M (cont'd) 10. DISCUSS, APPROVE/DISAPPROVE ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE PLACEMENT ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA. (FARNSWORTH) Tex Farnsworth (Billie Little) motioned to open for discussion on the placement of items on the agenda. Discussion centered around the manner of requesting items for Council discussion or action. Mayor Bauder addressed the memo that he had written, dated , August 27 , 1987. Mayor Bauder stated that the council needed to realize that items must not be placed for action until the staff had had the necessary time to research the matter, check with legal counsel or prepare necessary "back-up materials. Also, Mayor Bauder referenced Ordinance # 3 , dated October 9, 1965 , "REQUIRING PERSONS HAVING BUSINESS MATTERS OR bUGGESTIONS TO SUBMIT THE SAME IN WRITING TO THE MAYOR--" Mr. T.J. Harris stated that since the City already had an ordinance to govern this matter that by amending Ordinance #3 , item # 1 to read: `chat all persons having or desiring to have business with the City government, or having suggestions for the improvement of the same, or requesting assistance from the municipal authorities, shall reduce the matters involved to writing and present the same toy the Mayor who will present ahem for the consideration of the entire Council at its next meeting. " All approved this suggestion. Ordinance will be formally amended at next regular meeting of Sept. 15 , 1987. 11. DISCUSS, APPROVE/DISAPPROVE AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CITY ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE MEETING NIGHTS OF THE CITY COUNCIL (FARNSWORTH) Tex Farnsworth (T.J . Harris) made the motion to open for discussion on the possible change in meeting times or dates . The City Staff had not been able to locate such ordinance that had established the current dates and time of Council Meetings. mr. Delgado reminded the Council unless it was unanimous to make any changes _Ln meeting dates that it should not be passed. Mr. Delgado stated that it would be discriminating - against any member that already had commitments. After discussion, the motion of Mr. Farnsworth (Mr. Harris) was amended to change the second Tuesday night meeting of the month to begin at 8:00 P.M. rather than 7 :00 P .M. All approved. Motion carried. 12. DISCUSS, APPROVE/DISAPPROVE PUTTING THE CITY DEPOSITORY OUT FOR BID. (FARNSWORTH) Tex Farnswortth (Billie Little) motioned to open for discussion.. Mr. Farnsworth stated that due to --good business practices" that he thought that the City should take competitive bids for handling the city monies. Mr. Farnsworth stated that he was not dissatisfied with Cibolo Bank but that it was a matter of business. Mayor Bauder told the council that the Cibolo Bank had handled the citys funds for some eighteen years and that due to their being the only banking entity within our city that we were not required to bid out the depository agreement. Also, Mayor • Bauder stated that interest rates had been compared and the rates were competitive. Also, Mayor Bauder reminded the Council that the Cibolo Bank had done alot for the city. The bank had MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. (Cont'd) given the first "City Hall Building" to the City and that the city had sold it for some $7, 500. Also, the second, and present City Hall was purchased from the Cibolo Bank for approximately 30% of its value. Mr. Lewis Borgfeld , President of Cibolo Bank, addressed the -Council and stated that the bank nad no hard feelings if the Council chose to bid the depository; however, due to a "period of time" established ina bid the bank probably couldn ' t give the city the low rates presently offered. Mr. Borgfeld agreed with Mr. Farnsworth, that it was good business to shop around. He also said that the bank was happy to accommodate the city in anyway possible. Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris) motioned not to bid the bank Depository and to remain with Cibolo State Bank. All approved. Motion carried. 13. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2 (e) WHICH MAY INCLUDE. DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION, SECTION 2 (g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISUCSSION OF CONTRACTS, AND SECTION 2 (g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. THE COUNCIL WILL CONVENE TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: A, EMPLOYMENT OF PATROL OFFICER. B. EMPLOYMENT OF BOOKKEEPER. C. PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION TIME TO PATROL OFFICER. The Council convened in executive session at 8 :30 P.M. 14:.',_-RECONVENE:='IN OPEN_.SES1S1ON-_-AND TARE'--ACTION:=AS' NECESSARY. The Council reconvened at 9 : 24 P.M and the following action was taken: A. Tino Delgado (T.J. Harris) motioned to employ John Bosch as Patrol Officer for the City, effective September 2, 1987 . All Approved. Motion Carried. B. Charlie Jupe (lino Delgado) motioned to extend the temporary parttime bookkeeper, Phyllis A. Smith to permanent patt Ume. till Approved. Motion carried. C. T.J. Harris (Charles Jupe) motioned to approve payment of 834 hours for compensatory time to Debbie Niemietz . All approved. Motion carried. 15. MONTHLY POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT. Chief Tullgren presented each member of the Council with a written monthly report. 16. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL. Mr. T.J. Harris expressed gratitude to the citizens present and welcomed them back to future Council meetings. nr. Delgado requested a schedule" of all Fees currently used by the city. Mrs. Little ask if the Indian Circle problems had been taken care of and the street repairs completed. Mr. Gilbreath stated chat all was taken care of but no solution to the arainage problem at this time. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. (cont'd) Mr. Farnsworth expressed to Mr. Lewis Borgfeld appreciation to ,the Cibolo Bank for the aid they had provided the City in the past. Mrs. Little also expressed thanks on behalf of the school district for gook covers , calendars and pads that the bank donates . Mr. Farnsworth ask Chief Tullgren Lf the City has or could establish a Mutual Aid Agreement with Schertz Police Department on police "back-up" . mr. Farnsworth questioned if the agreemeftt :with Schertz on E.T.J. with the Cibolo Crrek as a dividing line had ever been formalized. Mayor Bauder stated that the Resolution sent over to Schertz from past Mayor Dannie Bishop was never agreed to by Schertz . Mr. Farnsworth ask about a Ordinance o6 ,the $5 ,000 exemption on Taxes. Mr. Walker stated that that would be noted in the Ordinance to Adopt the o7-88 Tax Rate . Mr. Farnsworth ask about if "traffic tickets" had been reprinted. and also the number of reserve officers listed with the city. chief Tullgren stated that he would soon be presenting a list of "Reserve Officers" for formal acceptance of the Council . Mr. Farnsworth ask if the waterline had been located to Dobie Farms # 2 in Dobie Heights . Mr. Gilbreath stated no. 18. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder thanked the citizens for coming to the meeting. 19. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Charlie Jupe) motioned to adjourn. All approved . Motion carried. MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTEST: ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 G.V.E.C. Warehouse Electricity $ 21 . 04 EMPLOYERS HEALTH Ins . Employee ' s Health Ins . 683 . 50 '(Less Payroll Ded . 278 . 00 ) GREEN VALLEY WATER July Water comsupptiot 5 , 962 . 23 GREEN VALLEY WATER Repair 10" Main Towncreek & Sunflower/ 2 men & backhoe at 121 Buffalo Trail 310 . 00 CIBOLO POST OFFICE Postage (Water Bills ) 64 . 40 RONALD CROCKETT Refund-Overpayment Final Water Bill 31 . 15 LONE STAR LUBRICATION Oil & Lub - #284 17 . 95 SIPPEL ' S Saw blades 11 . 38 SLUMP OIL Drun RC-2 Tack Oil 90 . 60 SEGUIN GAZETTE Adv . Police Dept . 7 . 34 SOUTHWESTERN PROD . Traffic Signals 120 . 13 SCHLATHER ' S Diazinon Granules 18 . 75 RAY O ' HERRON Replacement Pads-Police 30 . 60 INGRAM READY MIX 8 . 5 Yds Sack Mix Concrete 255 . 00 JO-MAR AUTO Service #282 A/C Overall Check #282 142 . 25 HILBERT IMPLEMENTS Belts/mower 27 . 75 HELPING HAND HDWE Maintenance Supplies 49 . 60 CITY OF CIBOLO Re-imbure petty cash 47 . 11 APTEN AIR GOND . Service A/C City Hall 41 . 00 ROLAND ELBEL Hauling 3 loads dirt 36 . 00 CITY OF CIBOLO Water Use City Hall 25 . 52 ' Park 65 . 86 91 . 38 G .V. E . C. Electricity : City Hall 165 . 90 City Park 28 : 11 279 . 98 Park Bldg . RON FLAKE Prosecutor - Court 150 . 00 ROY RICHARD , JR . Judge - Court 150 . 00 CITY OF UNIVERSAL CITY Dispatch Service 300 . 00 EXECUTIVE SERVICE CENTER Typewriter Ribbons (Water ) 45 . 00 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Office Supplies 50 . 40 41 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Gasoline (Police Dept . ) 202 . 77 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE City Hall Phone Bill 98 . 59 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS Long Distance Service 19 . 25 -1 - BILLS TO BE APPROVED SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 (cont 'd) GIFFORD-HILL & COMPANY Hot Mix for Streets $ 117 . 00 SCHERTZ PUBLIC WORKS Animal Shelter 20 . 00 DICKIES WORK CLOTHES Uniform Rental 78 . 00 SECRETARY OF STATE Registration : A. Smith Election Seminar 20 . 00 SAM ' S WHOLESALE Adm - Equip. 175 . 98 Office Sup. 49 . 30 Misc . 5 . 90 Pass Thru 12 . 17 Maintenance 41 . 74 285 . 09 FROST NAT ' L BANK Cert . of Oblg . 85 22 , 182 . 26 ANN SMITH Re-imbursement for T .M . C . S . Seminar/Denton : Mileage 142 . 60 Hotel 80 . 00 Meals 12 . 17 234 . 77 W.H. MULLINS , INC . Engr. Service- 5 Yr Comp. Study 15 , 250 . 00