Min CC 09/15/1987 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING C I T Y O F C I B 0 L 0 SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 @ 8:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1987, AT 8:00 P.M. AT THE CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ORDER WAS: 1 . CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present: T.J. Harris, Tex 'Farnsworth, Charles Jupe, Billie Little and Mayor Sam Bauder. Members absent : Tino Delgado. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith, Keith Gilbreath, and Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes) No citizens requested to speak. 5. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, 9/1/87 @ 7:00 P.M. B. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP, 9/8/87 @ 7:00 P.M. Mr. T.J . Harris (Tex Farnsworth) motioned to approve consensus item with the following corrections : Sept. 1st Minutes - "Comments by Council" - Mr. Harris, rather than Mr. Farnsworth, ask if the water line had been located to Dobie Farm #2 in Dobie Heights Subdivision. Sept. 8th - "Comments by Council" - Mrs. Little corrected her statement regarding her lunch period. The correct time was 12 :30-1 :30 P.M. . Motion carried. All approved. 6. PROCLAMATION ON "FIRE PREVENTION WEEK" OCT. 4-10, 1987. Mayor Bauder read a proclamation declaring October 4-10, 1987 as "Fire Prevention Week" in Cibolo. Tex Farnsworth (Charlie Jupe) made the motion that the Council approve the proclamation as read . Motion carried. All approved. 7. DISCUSSION OF CITYWZDE .:USE OF ROLLAWAY GARBAGE CONTAINERS. MayorBauder mentioned that this item was placed on the agenda strictly for discussion and to utilize the media in passing on to the citizens that the Council would be making a decision on citywide useage at the Oct. 6, 1987 , 7 :00 P.M. meeting . Also, the Council was advised that the City Hall would be sending a newsletter to the citizens of Cibolo, regarding this and other matters in the October 1st water bill . MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Page -2- SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 @ 8:00 P.M. i 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE DISPOSAL OF VOICE PAGER SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC WORKS AND POLICE DEPARTMENT. T.J . Harris (Charles Jupe) motioned to dispose of air time with Centex, Inc. for three (3 ) voice pagers. One pager will remain with public works and one with police department. Vote: "Aye" - Billie Little, Charlie Jupe, and T.J. Harris. Vote: "No" - Tex Farnsworth. Motion carried with 3-1 vote. 9. AMEND ORDINANCE # 3, PROCEDURE FOR ITEMS TO BE PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL. Charles Jupe (Tex Farnsworth) made the motion to approve the amendment to Ordinance #3. All approved. Motion carried. Mayor Bauder moved the next order of business to Item # 12 on the Agenda. 12. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE FOR ENTEX, INC. FRANCHISE. Nelda IBanez , Area Manager with Entex , discussed the upcoming city contract with Entex. Items addressed and recommended changes by the city attorney were: 3% of gross receipts rather than 2% , 15 year contract rather than 30 years, and quarterly payments rather than annual payments. Ms. IBanez , contended that the rate was set by law not to exceed 2% of gross receipts; however, she stated the Entex would be happy to add a clause that "if the state law changed , the contract would be re-negotiated" . Also, Mr. Hardy, city attorney, recommended that a clause be added to the contract requiring streets , easements, etc. being returned , after gas company or their contractors did any repairs , to the cities qualifications. Ms. IBanez stated that she would return the contract to Entex ' s legal department with these changes , with the exception of the 2% increase, and return it to the Council at the October 6th Meeting. At this time, the contract will be read for possible action. 11. BRIEFING BY DAVID WALKER ON COMPENSATION PACKAGE FOR 187-88 PROPOSED BUDGET. Due to the consensus of the Council at the Budget Workshop on September 8th requesting that Mr. Walker work up a "benefit proposal with a 7% Cap, to include Texas Municipal Retirement System (4. 7% ) and increasing the three lowest paid employee to a minimum of $5.50 per/hour and the remainder divided among the remainder of the staff, Mr. Walker prepared a slide presentation showing several different proposal . Mr. Walker pointed out that the 7% Cap with the above criteria was not favorable because it proved out to be a deficit in salary compensation. Mr. Walker showed a second phase, reducing the lowest salary to $5. 25 per/hour and having a balance of approximately $441-900 (which would leave approximately $120 per remaining seven employees annually. Mr. Walker showed several variances to the proposal . Mr. Walker presented the same criteria as option II with an 8% increase total package. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Page -3- SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 @ 8:00 P.M. Mr. Harris stated that his original idea was to increase the lower paid positions to a minimum of $5.50 per/hour; however he stated that after seeing the presentation, he preferred the Option 1 , TMRS at 4.7% and give the remaining staff a 1 .3% increase so that they would have something in their pocket. The total package would be a 7.6% benefit package with a total of $166,650.57 which would be a $11 ,839 increase over current salaries. Mayor Bauder stated with the 8% Cap that it would give all other employees a 1 . 725% increase. Mr. Farnsworth ask if the minimum of $5 .25 per hour was setting a presidence. Mayor Bauder stated that this was not setting a minimum hiring rate rather that the present employee rate be increased to $5 .25 per/hour. After much discussion, Mayor Sam Bauder - recommended that a figure of 8% Cap be placed in the budget. Mayor Bauder stated that this would be a maximum cap for completing the budget and percentages would be decided at a later date. Mr. Harris reminded that the overall salary packet - was only a 1 .8% of the overall budget. Charlie Jupe, along with Tex Farnsworth, stated that the Council should go with the 8% Cap plugged into the budget and then decide when it goes into effect later. It was the consensus of the Council to do as Mr. Jupe and Mr. Farnsworth stated. Mayor Bauder moved order of agenda back to Item # 10. 10. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE AMENDING ORDINANCE # 384, SCHEDULE OF FINES. Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris) made the motion to open for discussion on Schedule of Fines. Mayor Bauder stated that he would like to add that the fine for speeding be changed to read - Speeding in school zones be increased to $3.00 per/mile and all other areas $2.00 per/miles. Chief Tullgren recommended changes in several areas of the schedule. Mayor Bauder stated that the amended schedule had the court cost separated from the fines. The Council reviewed the schedule of fines item-by-item and made changes from Chief Tullgrens ' recommendation on Failure to Stop at Crossing when Pedestrians are in crosswalk to $60.00; No Headlights to $50.00, Littering/Trash Dumping increased to $75 .00& along with the other recommended changes. Chief Tullgren stated that for approximately ninety-days (90) that he would use a "hand-out" until he feels that the • legislature is through with changes and then tickets would be re-designed. Billie Little (Charlie Jupe) amended the motion to approve the proposed schedule of fines, with the council changes. All approved. Motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Page -4- SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 @ 8:00 P.M. 13 . ACTION ON PROCEDURE OF CERTIFYING THE EXECUTIVE SESSION AGENDA. State Law has mandated that we have a certified agenda of executive sessions. Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris) made the motion that "upon completion of the executive session, that Mayor Bauder will re-wind the tape and that the Mayor will sign it and seal it before the governing body and that the tapes will be stored in a secured place. All approved. Motion carried. 14. AMEND 186-87 BUDGET. Billie Little (Charlie Jupe) motioned to approve the amended ' 86-87 Budget, with the approval of the city auditor. The Council agreed for the staff to amend the Administrative Fund - Engineering Fees by $2,820 from the excess revenues. All approved. Motion carried. * : .. ADDENDUM: _ -Posted .at 4:15 P.M 9/15/87. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE APPLICATION FROM GUADALUPE COUNTY TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS;�'FOR__A LOCATION OF A PRISON:,<UNIT WITHIN THE COUNTY. Charlie Jupe (Tex Farnsworth ) motioned to approve the resolution supporting the application for a prison_ unit within the county. The city was _pkoa.ched- � on Monday, September 14th by the Seguin Chamber of Commerce and they stated that their application must be to the State by Monday, September 24th. All approved. Motion carried. 15. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL. Tex Farnsworth ask where is the city' s well? Mr. Farnsworth ask if with Schertz plans to extend the Schertz Parkway down on IH 35 if we needed to plan to sleeve IH 35. Mr. Farnsworth suggested that we check with the Highway Dept. Mayor Bauder stated that we received a letter from Schertz asking' that we send a letter to the highway department on a proposed overpass at Wiederstein Road and IH 35 . Mayor Bauder recommended that we do write the highway depart- ment and support an overpass on IH 35 and Wiederstein Road . Mr. Farnsworth_ also ask about including the cost of a set of Vernon' s Civil Statues in the budget. 16. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Mr. Walker informed the Council that we had a meeting with the highway department and that procedures were being drafted on the acquiring of right-of-way. 17. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. No comments. • 18. ADJOURNMENT. T.J . Harris (Charlie Jupe) motioned to adjourn at 11 :00 P.M. Motion carried. All approved. i � & SAM BAUDER, .MAYOR ATTES . ANN SMITH , CITY SECRETARY