Min CC 10/06/1987 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING C I T Y O F C I B O L O OCTOBER 6, 1987 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1987 AT 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL , 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS . THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CALL',TOORDER:. , Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Council member T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. All members of the council were present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes) Mrs . Charlen Garrison addressed the council concerning the garbage rate and the rollaway container useage. Mrs . Garrison ask about a price reduction in garbage collections if only once a week pick-up. Also, she questioned if customers could have an option to lease if the council did not adopt the useage of the Waste Management container. Mrs . Glynn Stanhope expressed her options on the garbage containers. Mr. Steve Liparoto thanked the city for the newsletter distributed in the October water bills. Also, Mr. Liparoto expressed his wishes to continue to garbage containers and noted concern over the appearance of Main Street with various garbage containers. Mr. Liparoto ask why the trash container ordinance was not inforced. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF SEPT. 15, 1987 @ 8:00 P.M. B. MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING, SEPT. 29, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. C. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. Tex Farnsworth (Charlie Jupe ) made motion and second to approve consensus items as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. PROCLAMATION DECLARING OCT. 4-10, 1987 4-H WEEK. Mayor Sam Bauder presented representatives from Cibolo Valley 4-H Club a proclamation declaring "4-H Week in Cibolo" the week \of October 4-10, 1987. 7. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING UNITED WAY-,. . Tex Farnsworth (Charlie Jupe ) motioned and seconded to approval the resolution support the United Way. All approved. Motion carried . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Coni) October 6, 1987 @ 7:OOP.M 8. SECOND READING/DISCUSSION/APPROVAL ORDINANCE GRANTING ENTEX GAS CO. FRANCHISE RIGHTS FOR CITY OF CIBOLO. Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris) motioned and second to approved ordinance as read. All approved . Motion carried. Nelda IBanez , representative from Entex, read the ordinance in its entirety, with changes requested by the Council at the September 15 , 1987 meeting. 9. DISCUSSION/APPROVAL FISCAL YEAR 187-88 RETAINER FOR CITY ATTORNEY. Charlie Jupe (Justino Delgado) motioned and seconded to retain Mr. Harvey Hardy, firm of Hardy, Schwartzman, Jacobson & Bahan, as the city attorney for the fiscal year 187-88. Voting "Yes" : Tino Delgado, Charlie Jupe, Billie Little, T.J. Harris. Opposed : Tex Farnsworth. Motion carried 4 to 1 vote. 10. ADOPTION OF EFFECTIVE TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 187-88 AND ' - APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE LEV:YING 1987 TAX RATE FOR CITY OF CIBOLO. Tex Farnsworth (Tino Delgado) motioned and second to approve the ordinance with the amendment of stating "exemptions of 65 and older, disabled, and disabled veteran" . Mayor 'Bauder requested a roll call vote. Tino Delgado "Yes" Tex Farnsworth "Yes" Charlie Jupe "Yes" Billie Little "Yes" T.J. Harris "Yes" All approved. Motion carried. 11: . RECEIPT OF CERTIFIED APPRAISAL ROLL FROM GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth) motioned and seconded to accept the certified roll from the G.C.A.D. All approved. Motion carried. 12. APPROVAL OF 1987 CERTIFIED ANTICIPATED COLLECTION RATE OF ;; c_TAXES. Tex Farnsworth (Billie Little) motioned and seconded to approve the anticipated collection rate of 93% for the 1987 ad valorem taxes. All approved. Motion carried. 13. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF CITY WIDE USE OF WASTE MANAGEMENTS' 92 GALLON ROLLAWAY CONTAINER FOR GARBAGE PICK-UP. Charlie Jupe (Tino Delgado) motioned and seconded to "table" item # 13, until the next meeting. All approved. Motion carried. Mayor Bauder and council requested that with the agreement with Waste Management for city wide container useage that for the three ( 3) months of June , July, and August that containers be picked-up twice ( 2) a week for no additional charge. Mr. Henry Guiterrez , Waste Management official , said he would present the request to the management and return at the October 20th meeting with a reply. Mayor Bauder ask the media' s help in telling the citizens to respond their wishes to the city staff or a council member before the next meeting. MINUTUES OF REGULAR MEETING (Cont'd) October 6, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. , \,r 14. ADOPT A DATE IN NOVEMBER FOR A "FALL CLEAN-UP IN CIBOLO" . It was the consensus of the council to have two ( 2) large dumpsters placed in separate locations in the city for the week of November 2-9, 1987. Mr. Guiterrez , Waste Management , agreed to provide the dumpsters at no charge to the city. It was decided that notice to citizens would be on the November water bill . ADOPT A RESOLUTION NOMINATING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR 1988 _'EOR,.;THE--GUADALUPE__COUNTY _APPRAISAL_<DISTRICT. 'rex Farnsworth nominated Bill Little of Cibolo, Tino Delgado nominated Chuck Sharpe of Schertz , and Charlie Jupe nominated Jeff Miller of Cibolo. T.J. Harris (lino Delgado) motioned to approve resolution with the three above nominees. All Approved. Motion. carried. 16. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL 187-88 SALARY INCREASES FOR CITY STAFF. Charlie Jupe (Tino Delgado) motioned and seconded to approve salary increases, effective _ October 1 , 1987 , for the fiscal year 187-88 . All approved. Motion carried. 17. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Mr. T.J. Harris ask about the installation of the computers in city Hall . Also, he ask if the street repair on Santa Clara was complete and if the letter to Schertz City Council r69drenaing: the Weiderstein Road overpass had been responsed to. Mrs. Billie Little ask about str=eet lights at Dobie Heights and Borgfield road. Also, Mrs. Little ask about hours that the police department patroled on weekends and stated that Main Street was like a drag stripe late at night. Tex Farnsworth advised that the E-9-1-1 was proposed to be operational midyear 1988. Mr. Farnsworth also ask about enforcing the trash ordinance. He also ask Chief Tullgren +� about the mutual aide agreement with Schertz Police Dept. Mr. Harris stated that he would be T.D.Y. on November 3rd and would not be in attendance. 18. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Chief Tullgren reported on the monthly activity report. Also, that he was drafting an ordinance on the Police Reserve. 19. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. mayor Bauder thanked the public and Mr. Harvey Hardy, Atty. He also informed the Council that due to the school district, base, and other cities in the area closing, Monday, October 12th for Columbus Day that he was considering closing City Hall . 20. ADJOURNMENT. T.J. Harris (Tex Farnsworth) motioned to adjourn at 9 :30 P .M. All approved. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST- ' 4?'�11 ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY _ BILLS TO BE APPROVED SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 WARNER STANLEY (8 ) Decals & Silk Screening for Police Vehicles 282 .00 A-Z RENTS IT Rental of Hammer Drill 35 .00 ROLAND ELBEL Hauling 3 loads/Street Rep. 54.00 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS Long Distance 7 .98 EXXON CO. , U.S .A. Gasoline/Police Dept. 13 .47 CIBOLO STATE BANK Rental Safe Deposit Box 30.00 SEGUIN GAZETTE Legal Notice - Public Hearing 12 .40 SCHERTZ PUBLIC WORKS Animal Shelter 50.00 HILL COUNTRY WATER Water Dispensor (Pass Thru) 38.50 CITY OF CIBOLO Water - City Hall 23 .92 Park 71.46 95 .38 J & J TRANSMISSION Replace a/c Belt, power steering belt - service & labor/Unit 282 52 .78 G.V.E .0 Electricity: City Hall 177 .40 Comm. bldg. 32. 76 Warehouse 21 .57 Park 18 .88 250.61 JOHN BOSCH Sept. Uniform Allowance 20.00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ " 20 .00 ROBERT G. TULLGREN 20 .00 ROBERT G. TULLGREN Sept. Warrant Fees ( 16) 400.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT Sept. - Garbage Collection 4, 770 .86 STATE TREASURER Qrtly Court Costs- Criminal Justice Planning Fund 936 .00 STATE TREASURER Qrtly - Judical/Court Training Fund 186 .30 STATE TREASURER Qrtly - Law -Enforcement Officers Standards & education 184.06 STATE TREASURER Qrtly - Comp. Victims of Crime fund 567 .90 SLIMP OIL COMPANY 5 - 5gal . Crack Seal 119 .00 P.B.S . Street Signs/Speed Signs/School Zones , Etc. 606 .44 JO-MAR AUTOMOTIVE ( 2 ) batteries , Heater hcse , replace coolant , hose clamps, radiator repair - #280 & 282 155 . 20 GIFFORD-HILL & CO. Base, asphalt Street Repair 348 .50 ECKO CONSTRUCTION Repair 1300 sq. ft. Street Santa Clara & Lamar 4, 200 .00 EWALD TRACTOR Oil Cap for Backhoe 13 . 21 JOHNS WELDING` & CONST. (4) Hinges Maintenance Bldg. 103 .18 BILLS TO BE APPROVED (Cont'd) September 30, 1987 GREEN VALLEY WATER Repair line break 155.00 GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER ( 2 ) Water Log Tests 10.00 CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY Sept. - Waste Water Treatment 4,465 .23 GREEN VALLEY WATER Water Chgs. 7/31-9/1/87 8 ,077 .07 U.S. POSTMASTER Postage - Water Bills/Municipal Court/City Hall 176.00 MORTON HOMES Refund overpaid Sewer Tap Fee 200.00 W.M. GREER CONST. Refund chgs water & fees for fire hydrant useage 106.90 CITY OF CIBOLO Transfers from Water/Sewer Acct to General Fund Acct. 6 ,594.18 SOUTHWESTERN BELL City Hall Phone Bill 100.51 CIBOLO - PAYROLL FUND Payroll Transfers 9/15-9/30 5 ,977.78 BONNIE B. GEORGE Overpayment - Traffic Fines 10.00 ROBIN LANSFORD 11 if 11 V110.50 EMPLOYERS HEALTH INS . Employees Health/Life Ins. 636.50 (Less P/D $278 .00) ROBERT G. TULLGREN August Warrant Fees ( 29 ) 725.00 C.C.M.A. August- Waste Water Treatment 3 ,885 .57 GUADALUPE VALLEY HOSPITAL Sex Crime Kit (Police Dept) 21 .75 CITY OF CIBOLO Transfer Payroll 9/1-9/15 ) 5 ,411.41 CITY OF SCHERTZ 1/2 Contractors Fee/Sewer Break of Dietz Rd & FM 3009 1 ,550.50 DEBBIE NIEMEITZ August - Uniform Allowance 20.00 ROBERT TULLGREN August - Uniform Allowance 20.00 CITY OF CIBOLO Re-imburse petty cash 36. 73 DAVID D. WALKER Re-imburse expenses for attendance - TDCA Seminar/Austin 23 .17 TML RISK & INSURANCE Claim Deductible 986.00 Gen. Liability 359.83 Auto Liability 151 .33 Law Enforcement 220.08 Errors & Omission 192.00 Real & Personal 102":75 Mobile Equip. 1 .83 2,013 .82 JOHN BOSCH Re-imbursement uniforms 128.33 G.V.E.0 August- Electricity: City Hall 165.90 Park 85.97 Comm. Bldg. 28.11 279.98 BILLS TO BE APPROVED (Cont'd) SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 CENTEX COMMUNICATIONS Sept. - Voice Pagers 74.50 DICKIE WORK CLOTHES August Uniform Rentals 97 .50 WASTE MANAGEMENT August Garbage Collections 4,621 .91 ALFORNSO DE SA Refund Garbage Collections 6 .50 TRI-COUNTY OFFICE Water Billing Cards 58 .95 S & P COMMUNICATIONS Repair - Mobile Unit 178.48 2-Way Radio 523 .00 Base -Station and tower installation 2 ,375 .92 3 ,077.40 S & P COMMUNICATIONS Police Unit Radios "STEP" 1 , 790.50 J & J TRANSMISSION Adjust brakes 179 Chevy P/U 15 .00 G.V.E.C. Water Tower Electricity 19 .33 HELPING HAND HDWE Maintenance supplies 57.75 SIPPEL HARDWARE Saw Blades 11 .38 JOHN SOROLA Head Assembly for Weedeater 32. 12 A-Z RENTS IT Asphalt Saw & blades 70.00 A -Z RENTAL Compactor Rental 40.00 WADE SMITH, INC. Refund ( 5) Bldg. Permits 116.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ 4th Qtr. SAFES EMS Allocation 669. 16 COCA-COLA BOTTLING Ccld drinks "Pass Thru" 27 .25 MALTER INTERNAT'L Weed/Ant Killer 290.10 DEAN WELDING Remove and weld Prisone_-r,. bars on police cars 20.00 SHADROCK PETROLEUM 217 Gal . Gasoline/Police-Dept. 181 .63 VILLAGE LOCKSMITH (8) Keys 9.04 W.H. MULLINS, INC. Final Insp. Rhea & Elm St. 70.00 NEGLEY PAINT COMPANY 4 Gal . Paint- Street Repairs 49. 20 SOUTHWESTERN BELL Police Dept. Phone Bill 53.16 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL Statement 21 .00 RANDOLPH TIRE CENTER Front end Alignment #282 59 .00 MCKEE 'S GUN SHOP Repair 12 gauge Shotgun-Police 32.50 K-MART 6 Roll Film - Police Dept. 44.88 GUADALUPE CO. APPRAISAL 4th Qrtr. Cost Allocation 1 , 094. 56 HARDY, SCHWARTZMAN, BAHAN, & JACOBSON Monthly Retainer 500.00