Min CC 12/01/1987 . MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING C I T Y O F C I B O L O DECEMBER 1 , 1987 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1:, 1987 AT 7 : 00 P .M. , AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN CIBOLO, TEXAS . THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 P.M. 2 . INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris gave the invocation . 3 . ROLL CALL . All Council members present . 4 . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. Mr. Ernie Schlather ask to address the Council in reference to the Cibolo Police Department . Mr . Schlather stated that he would like to commend Chief Tullgren and his staff on the fine work. He said he 'd only heard one complaint and all other,--comments were favorable . Mr. Schlather requested that the Council and citizens join him in support of the Chief and the Police Department . * 5 . CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 17 , 1987 @ 7 :00 P .M. Charlie Jupe (T.J . Harris seconded) motioned to approve minutes, as read. All Approved . Motion carried . 6 . ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF LARRY SUTTON, MEMBER OF PLANNING_ & ZONING COMMITTEE. T.J . Harris (Billie LIttle seconded) to accept the resignation of Mr. Sutton from the P & Z Committee . Mr. Sutton resigned due to leaving the area for employment . All approved. Motion carried . 7 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RECOMMENDATION FROM CHIEF OF POLICE FOR TWO ADDITIONAL POLICE RESERVE OFFICERS TO BE ADDED. TO CURRENT ROSTER. Before motion Chief Tullgren removed one name from the request . Charlie Jupe ( Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve Mr. Francisco Gomez , with the Chief ' s recommendation, as a new member of the Police Reserve . All Approved. Motion carried. 8 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION SUPPORTING CLASS I HORSE . RACING IN NORTHEAST BEXAR COUNTY AND RETAMA POLO SITE IN SELMA, TEXAS . Charlie Jupe (Tino Delgado) motioned to approve the Resolution supporting Class I Horse Racing in Northeast Bexar County and Retama Polo in Selma. Voting for the Resolution: Charlie Jupe, Tino Delgado and Tex Farnsworth. Opposed: T.J . Harris and Billie Little . 3-2 Vote . Motion carried . MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING (Cont 'd) Page 2 ;r December 1, 1987 @ 7 :00 P .M. 9 . RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT APPLICATION TO TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS . T.J. Harris ( Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to approve the resolution. All--approved. Motion carried. 10 . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth voiced various concerns . Items questioned by Mr . Farnsworth were: Number of residents on Green Valley Road that are in our water service area. Waiving City Park use fee . Recommended that Youth .-Groups should not have to pay any fees . Questioned if the City was sponsoring students to U.T. — Police Graduate School and at what cost and obligation. Questioned rumor that Chief_ Tullgren had told a traffic violator that "if he'd come to court that he'd be helped" . Ask about the hours that City Hall was open and complimented on the lettering on the front door. Mentioned that he noticed that the City had purchased a tranquilizer gun and questioned when the staff would be "checked out" on it . Ask about the delinquent tax collections . Ask about the audited 86-87 budget and when it would be ready. Billie Little commend on the Mayor' s closing City Hall on Veterans Day and the Friday afternoon after Thanksgiving. Tino Delgado stated that he publicly wanted the record to show that he supportddthe Cheif of Police and that his only concern was that the city provide more police and fire protection for the citizens and that he was in favor of hiring more staff to accomplish this . Mr. Delgado ask why other Council Members keep bringing up the same areas against the Chief and the Police Department . Charlie Jupe ask about the billing dates and the calculation period on the water and the garbage service . 11. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Mr. Walker told the Council that a major main break on North Main had been repaired by our maintenance department . 12 . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder reminded the Council of the upcoming Semi- annual AACOG meeting and the Randolph Metrocom Meeting and Christmas Party. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING (COnt 'd) Page 3 December 1, 1987 @ 7 :00 P .M. 13 . ADJOURNMENT. T.J . Harris ( Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned-to adjourn at 7 :48 P .M— All approved. Motion carried. MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTEST: wx_x/ ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY *5A. Tex— Farnsworth made comments at this order of business, referencing the "Citizens to be Heard" of December 1, 1987 to the effect that he was concerned over Mr. James Carlton.' s statement on the Police Chief and his threat of "election recall" . Mr. Farnsworth stated that with the city' s form of government that only the Council can "dismiss" a council member. Also, at this time Mr. Farnsworth, stated that he understood that members of the council were upset with a recent letter mailed to each council members ' home referencing contributions to the E.R.R.A. Mr. Farnsworth stated that he felt letter was not meant to "pin-mint" anyone and that he would gladly receive mail or phone calls at his home .