Min CC 12/15/1987 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING C I T Y O F C I B O L O DECEMBER 15, 1987 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. , AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . CALL:.TO,:-ORD ERc., Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :05 P.M. 2 . INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL . Members present: Tino Delgado, Charles Jupe, T.J . Harris .and,.May.or:_Bauder. Absent due to illness - Billie Little. Absent - Tex Farnsworth. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. Mr. Gary Weaver, Timber Tech, reported to the Council that he was concerned about security and police protection in Cibolo. He stated that his business had been burglarized four times, amounting to approximately $15,000 in property loss. Mr. Weaver stated that he was not aware that Item # 8, "Recruiting Additional Police:_ Officer, " was on the agenda when he came to the meeting but that he was in support of the current police department and in support of increasing the number of police officers employed by the City. Also, Mr. Weaver wanted to get the other business people in Cibolo to become involved in a "crime prevention support group" . 1 5 . CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DEC. 1, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. B. CHECK REGISTER. Charles Jupe (T.J . Harris seconded) motioned to approve consenus items, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE FIRST SATURDAY IN MAY FOR GENERAL ELECTION FOR OFFICERS FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO AND ABOLISHING ALL OTHER DAYS FOR CITY ELECTIONS PRIOR TO THIS ORDINANCE. T.J. Harris (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve Ordinance # 406, as read, to establish the first Saturday in May as General Election Day of Officers of the City of Cibolo. All approved. Motion carried. • 7. RE-CERTIFY JOINT AGREEMENT RESOLUTION WITH MEMBERS OF THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL. T.J. Harris (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to re-certify joint agreement resolution with members of the Emergency Management Council . All approved. Motion carried. i MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) December 15, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. Page 2 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVAL OF RECRUITING FOR ONE ADDITIONAL POLICE OFFICER FOR THE CITY. Charles Jupe ( Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to allow the City Administrator and Police Chief to begin the recruiting/advertising for an additional police officer. All approved. Motion carried. 9 . DISCUSSION ON ADOPTING FIRE PREVENTION CODE FOR CITY. David Walker, City Administrator, briefed the Council that the city presently has no fire prevention code ordinance and that he would like to begin drafting an ordinance, in compliance with the Southern Building Code Congress Fire Code. The draft ordinance will be presented to the Council at a later date, for adoption. 10. _CONSIDER CHANGE OF ELCTRIC SERVICE_ RATES TO CUSTOMERS AS REQUESTED BY GUADALUPE VALLEY ELECTRIC yCOO-PERATIVE. Charles Jupe (T.J. Harris seconded) motioned to approve the Resolution presented by G.V.E.C. , with the additional statement that the "lessor of the proposed rates , as filed and any changes as mandated by the Public Utility Commission" . All approved. Motion carried. Mr. Marcus Pridgen, representative of G.V.E.C. , presented the resolution to the Council on approval of electric rates to be charged by G.V.E.C. Mr. Pridgen stated that all publication requirement had been complied with and that the Public Utility Commission of Texas issued its Final Order in Docket #7550. A rate schedule comparison chart was presented and discussed with the council . After discussion, Mr. Pridgen agreed to the above change in the resolution. 11 . PRESENTATION BY MR. BUSTER CAGE, CITY AUDITOR, ON THE 1986-87 AUDIT REPORT. Mr. Buster Cage, City Auditor, presented his annual audit report to the Council and Staff. Mr. Cage, commended the Council on the positive progress that Cibolo had made in their financial recordkeeping this past year. Mr. Cage stated that he was pleased in the cities purchase of a computer system after several years of recommending that they automate. Mr. Cage said that records were in good shape and progress had been made. Mr. Cage stated to the Council that in "'his;books that the City got an A+" . 12.- COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tino Delgado expressed appreciation to the city staff for the progress and accomplishments that had been achieved during the past year. T.J . Harris agreed with Mr. Delgado that the staff was doing a good job. Also, Mr. Harris stated that he did • not like to have to see "Police Reports" but that he was proud of our police protection and felt that the department was doing a good job. Charles Jupe "dittoed" Mr. Degado and Mr. Harris' comments. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 15, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. Page —3- 13. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Chief Tullgren presented each Council member a copy of the monthly police activity report. Chief stated that he would possibly b�., introducing two new reserve officers, for approval , at the January meeting. The Chief stated that the first meeting of the Thistle Creek Neighborhood Crime Watch had taken place tonight. The chief warned all citizens that cars, homes and etc. should always be locked and security precautions used in your home and business. David Walker mentioned several items to the Council. Mr. Walker said he had had several comments about the streets being dirty and that he would check into the cost of contracting a "street cleaner" and report back to the Council . Also, Mr. Walker reported that the maintenance department had discovered two leaks in the park and that they had been repaired . Also, that the Council might be hearing some complaints due the fact that the city hall had send out statements to businesses and residents for "false alarms" on their security systems. Mr. Walker stated that he had contacted Southern Pacific Railroad in reference to getting a gate at the railroad track crossing on Main Street. Finally, Mr. Walker informed the Council that the water line in Dobie Heights still had not been located. 14. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder stated that City Hall would be closed December 25th and January 1st and if the Council had no objection that he would probably close at noon on December 24th. Mayor Bauder informed the Council that due to the holidays that there may not be a need for the January 5th meeting . y Mayor Bauder thanked the citizens and press for their support during the 1987 and extended an invitation for all present to stay and enjoy holiday refreshments. 15. ADJOURNMENT. T.J. Harris (Charles Jupe seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. Mayor Sam Bauder ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGI STER AS OF D E C E M B E R 1 5 , 1 9 8 7 THOMAS SOFTWARE Computer System: Hardware 5, 511.20 Software 4 , 090 .50 $ 9, 601.70 TEXAS DEPT. OF HEALTH Registration: Animal Control L . Moxley & P . Fitzgerald 20 .00 C .C .M.A. November, 187 Consumption 4 , 660 .93 ASTE MANAGEMENT November, ' 87 Garbage Collection 4 ,590 .59 CIBOLO PAYROLL FUND 11/15 to 11/30 Gross PayrollTransf . 6, 357 .71 CIBOLO STATE BANK Cert , of Oblg. ' 82 Principal 15, 000 .00 Interest 10,450 .00 25,450 .00 U.S . POSTMASTER Postage 110 .00 JOHN BOSCH ( 1) Warrant Fee_ 25 .00 ROBERT TULLGREN ( 12 ) Warrant Fees 300 .00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ Uniform Allowance 30 .00 ROBERT G. TULLGREN If " 30 .00 JOHN BOSCH If " 30 .00 �~=-,,SEGUIN GAZETTE Legal Notice 14 .50 1 1 ,_TARDY, SCHWARTZMAN, BAHAN & JACOBSON December Retainer 500 .00 CITY OF U.C . December Dispatch Service 300 .00 RON FLAKE, ATTY December Municipal Court 150 .00 ROY RICHARD, JR. Decemb er Municipal Court Judge 150 .00 SIMMANG' S Badges - ( 5 ) Reserve Officers 134 .50 SIPPEL ' S Lights & Supplies for Backhoe 19 .11 HELPING HAND HDWE Maintenance Supplies (Monthly Bill) 100 .08 CITY OF SCHERTZ Animal Shelter 60 .00 SHADROCK PETROLEUM 300 gal. unleaded: Police Dept . 148 .50 Maintenacne 99 .00 247 .50 W.H. MULLINS, INC . Review Fire Station & Posto Office 175 .00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL Police Dept . Phone Bill 39 .70 SOUTHWESTERN BELL City Hall Phone Bill 98 .28 CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER ( CONT-DO AQUA UTILITIES Clamps (Water Dept ) 202 .17 EMPLOYERS INS . Employee' s Health Coverage 589 .00 HILL COUNTRY WATER Pass T-hru- 25 .00 M.C.;I . Long Distance- 11.46 POSTMASTER Postage for Water Bills 70 .70 T & T CONCRETE Remove slab & replace concrete on Indian Circle from main break 600 .00 CITY OF CIBOLO Water Bills; Park 69 .64 City Hall 23 .60 93 .24 *ML RISK INS. Property & Liability Ins . 980 .41 SOUTHWESTERN BELL Police phone bill 20 .20 DICKIE WORK CLOTHES Uniform rental 78 .00 TML RISK INS. Workers Comp . rerate adjustment 321.25 G.V.E .C . Electricity: City Hall 89 .52 Park 27 .60 Comm. Bldg,.. - 27 ..99 Whse 19 .91 165 .02 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS CERTIFICATION Revised Texas Municipal Law & Procedure Manual for Cities 30 .00 HILL COUNTY WATER Pass Thru 14 .00 "OCA COLA Pass Thru 20 .35 STEELMAN OFFICE Office Supplies 120 .56 2 Secretary Chairs 227 .00 347 .56 S & P COMMUNICATIONS Monthly Service Contract 67 .00 SHERIFF' S DEPT. 1 Day Boarding Fee 10 .00 CITY OF SCHERTZ lst Qtr SAFES Payment 695 .13 SCHULER & WOHLT Install & Lettering for City Hall 605 .00 CENTEX COMM. Monthly Voice Service: Police Dept . 15 .00 Public Works 15 .00 30 .00 R & M MATERIALS Hauling waste materials 10 .00 G.C .A.D. Printing 1987 Tax Statements 166 .61 10 PALMER CHEMICAL Tranquilizer Gun & Supplies 430 .60 SCHERTZ ANIMAL CLINIC Statement 51.00 SEGUIN GAZETTE Notice of Public Hearing 14 .50 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Office Supplies- 51.42 CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER (Cont 'd) TAMARAC.=OFFICE Office Supplies 19 .24 THOMAS SOFTWARE Data Processing Supplies; Water Billing Cards, diskette, etc . 196 .02 AQUA UTILITY Bulge Pump & Speed Wrench 53 .48 TEXAS DEPT. OF HEALTH Public Water system Annual Fee 250 .00 G.B.R.A. Water Samples Test 15 .00 G.V.E .C . Water Tower Electricity 18 .67 40