Min CC 01/19/1988 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING C I T Y O F C I B O L 0 JANUARY 19, 1988 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 , 1988 @ 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN CIBOLO, TEXAS . THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 1 3. ROLL CALL. Present : Billie Little, T.J . Harris, Mayor BauderT&-f- Tino Delgado. Absent due to business - Tex Farnsworth. (Mr. Farnsworth arrived at 7 :55 P.M. ) 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. None 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, DEC. 15,1987 @7:00 P(.-M. B. CHECK REGISTER. Charles Jupe (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approved consensus items, as presented . All approved. Motion carried. 6. REVIEW BUDGET RECAP. Council reviewed line items of the December 31 , 1987 Budget summary. 7. APPOINTMENT OF CITY ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. T.J. Harris (Charles Jupe seconded) motioned to appoint Keith Gilbreath, Animal Control Officer for the city. All approved. Motion carried. 8. APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL RESERVE POLICE OFFICER. Chief Tullgren recommended appointment 'of Armando Jimenez as a reserve officer for the Cibolo Police Department. T.J. Harris (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to accept Chief Tullgren' s recommendation. All Approved. Motion carried. 9. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION IN REGARDS TO WASTE MANAGEMENT'S HOLIDAY PICK-UP SCHEDULE AND PROCEDURES UTILIZED WITH ROLLAWAY CONTAINERS. T.J. Harris Mr. T.J. Harris briefed the Council on areas of concern, with possible traffic hazards with the empty containers on narrow streets such as Main Street. Also, Mr. Harris expressed concerns with the problems of the holiday pick-up service. Henry Gutierrez and David Valles, representing Waste Management, expressed apology for the poor service of the Christmas/New Year holiday pick-up. Mr. Gutierrez stated the Waste Management made additional trips to Cibolo the week after each holiday to pick-up garbage, due to their mix-up. Mr. Gutierrez said that in the future Waste Management would handle the scheduling problem properly. Also, they agreed to place empty containers 6 ' back from the street, after pick-up,to prevent problems with blocking mail boxes and the MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Page -2- January 19, 1988 possible traffic hazard. 10. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF CITY FIRE MARSHALL. Charles Jupe (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to accept the resignation of Bill Little as City Fire Marshall . Mr. Little served as fire marshall from 1982 until the present. Mr. Jupe requested that a plaque be presented to Mr. Little at the next meeting. All approved. Motion carried. 11 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE APPOINTMENT OF CITY FIRE MARSHALL. Mayor Bauder recommended appointing Mr. Clyde Rutherford as City Fire Marshall . T.J . Harris (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to accept the Mayor' s recommendation. All approved. Motion carried. 12. DISCIISS16t4/ACTION--OaN71PAYMENT OF '86-87 AUDIT. Tino Delgado (T.J. Harris seconded) motioned to pay the firm of Cage, Neuhoff & Kalkwarf for the 1986-87 audit. The amount was $4, 158.00. All approved. Motion carried. It was the consensus of the council to take proposals for the audit for 1987-88. 13. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CHANGING CITY UTILITY BILLING DUE DATE. Billie Little (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to change the -due date on -the_ _utility billing from the 10th to the- 15th-,,of each month., All approved. Motion carried. 14. DESIGNATING POSITION FOR BY-PASS RIGHT-OF-WAY PURCHASE. Tino Delgado (T.J . Harris seconded) motioned to designate, as recommended, the following positions: Appraiser Mr. Albert Menn Appraisal Review Board City Council * Negotiator David Walker Paying Agent Mayor Bauder * It was the consensus, at a later date to appoint a citizen(s) to assist with the negotiations. All approved. Motion carried. 15. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE TELEPHONIC PAYROLL FUND TRANSFERS. Billie Little (Tex Farnsworth seconded) to approve telephone transfers from the General Fund and the Water & Sewer Fund to the Payroll Fund account and authorized that David Walker, Ann Smith or Mayor Bauder be the parties to make such transfers. All approved. Motion carried. 16. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Billie Little ask that she be notified of any meeting cancellations. Tex Farnsworth ask about setting a budget review workshop in the near future. It was agreed that after the computer • accounting was all entered that we would have a workshop. Mr. Harris mentioned that in the planning for next year (88-89) that the Council might consider a discount for early payment of taxes . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Page -3- January 19, 1988 17. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker briefed the Council on the meetings with the Volunteer Fire Department/City Council Committee on the Joint Agreement. 18. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. The mayor read a notice from the Randolph Rotary requesting names of "outstanding citizen of the year" and advised the council if they would like to nominate someone they could pick-up the form from the city secretary. 19. ADJOURNMENT. T.J. Harris (Charles Jupe seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. l� MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTEST: Ann Smith, - City Secretary CHECK REGI STER JANUARY ,15, 1988 CITY OF SCHERTZ Shelter Rental 95 .00 GUADALUPE CO. APPRAISAL 1st Qtr. Cost Allocation 918.09 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS Annual Membership 50.00 S & P COMMUNICATIONS Maintenance Contract (Monthly) Police 79.00 Maint,, .-_ - 35.00 114.00 ICM MORTGAGE CORP. Refund taxes already paid 275 .49 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Police Dept. Dec. Phone Bill 36.01 GREEN VALLEY WATER CORP. Water Consumption 10/30-11/30 5 ,304.04 HARDY, SCHWARTZMAN, BAHAN, & JACOBSON January Legal Retainer 500.00 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY- 188 Copies of Vernon' s Texas Statutes Annotated 12.00 CITY OF CIBOLO Water Bills: Park 72.58 City Hall 18.86 91 .44 ARMADILLO COUNTRY WATER ASSOCIATION 188 Membership Dues 39.00 CIBOLO STATE BANK Interest - Playground Warrant 27.50 CHINA GROVE FENCE Gate & parts for Maint. Yard 37.03 TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION. 4th Qtr. Unemployment Tax 103 .77 HILL COUNTRY WATER Drinking Water (Pass Thru) 30.50 XEROX CORP. Supplies for Copier 222.00 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Printer stand for computer, forms and office supplies 163.35 SOUTHWEST PUBLIC SAFETY Police Dept.- Amber Light, Red Filter, Halogen Light 66.30 RANDOLPH METROCOM 188 Promotional Fee 150.00 STEELMAN OFFICE PRODUCTS Office Supplies 4.50 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS ASS. Registration for Election Law Seminar - Austin (Jan 21 & 22) 115.10 ACE PLUMBING Statement - Maint. Supplies City Hall 15.37 Park 19.99 Animal Con.13.32 48.57 HELPING HAND HDWE Statement - Maintenance Air Compressor 35.00 Truck'-;Parts 18.50 • Supplies 20.94 water & Sewer 49.69 124.13 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Gasoline 114.45 RANDOLPH METROCOM Chamber Luncheon (2) 20.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Dec. City Hall Phone Bill 87.49 CHECK REGISTER (Cont'd) January 15, 1988 KEITH GILBREATH Re-imbursement - meals & mileage (Drought Seminar & Bldg. Insp. Seminar) 27.89 ALAMO IRON WORKS Flaring Tool , Pliers, Pipe Wrench 80.25 DICKIE WORK CLOTHES Statement - Uniform Rental 78.00 G.V.E .C. Water-Tower Electricity 35.99 THOMAS SOFTWARE Delinquent Notices (Water) 47.60 ARMADILLO COUNTRY WATER Registration - K. Gilbreath Utilities Seminar (Jan. 20th) 36.00 AQUA UTILITIES Clamps & Water Meters 296. 25 GUADALUPE BLANCO RIVER Water Samples Testing 15.00 BOB BULLOCK, COMPTROLLER Garbage Sales Tax (10/1-12/31) 1 ,049.42 G.V..E,.C. Electricity: City Hall 71 .45 Park 33.27 Whse 18.30 Comm. Bldg. 29.53 152.55 CIBOLO PAYROLL FUND Transfer for payroll 12/31 61293.95 WASTE MANAGEMENT Dec. Garbage Collection 4, 575.53 COUNCIL Attendance Payments (4/21-12/15/87) 412.00 CITY OF UNIVERSAL CITY Jan. 188 Dispatch. Service 300.00 ROY W. RICHARD, JR. Jan. 188 Municipal Judge 150.00 RON FLAKE, ATTY Jan. 188 Municipal Prosecutor 150.00 ROBERT TULLGREN Uniform Allowance 30.00 -` JOHN BOSCH Uniform Allowance 30.00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ Uniform Allowance 30.00 TEXAS STATE BOARD OF PLBG. Renewal Inspection License 50.00 Keith Gilbreath SOUTHWESTERN BELL Dec. 3 , 1987 Phone Bill "(,City Hall) 8.51 SOUTHERN BLDG. CODE Annual Membership Due 40.00 CENTEX COMMUNICATIONS Voice Pagers 30.00 TEXAS DEPT. OF HEALTH Animal Control Certif - Keith gilbreath 10.00 FROST NATIONAL BANK Bonds & Coupons _- Series 1975 6, 264.75 C.C.M.A. Dec. Sewer Charges 3,957.06 • T..M.L . RISK INS. Property & Liability 980.41 T.M.L . RISK INS. Workers Comp. Prem. 452.33 ROBERT G. TULLGREN Warrant Fees (3) 75.00 U.S. POSTMASTER Postage - Water bills 70.00