Min CC 02/16/1988 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING C I T Y O F C I B 0 L 0 FEBRUARY 16, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY,' FEBRUARY 16, 1988 @ 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL , 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS : 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :08 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Councilmember T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present : Billie Little, Tino Delgado, T.J . Harris, Charlie Jupe and Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth was absent at roll call but came in at 7 :45 P.M. 4, CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes each) No one ask to address the council . 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEB. 2, 1988. B. CHECK REGISTER. ter, Charlie Jupe (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve consensus . All approved. Motion carried. 6. DISCUSSION/APPOINTMENT- TWO - MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING ZONING COMMITTEE. Charlie Jupe (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to appoint Claude Smith and Trudy Raines to fill the vacancies on the P & Z Committee. Voting "Yes" : T.J. Harris, Tino Delgado & Charlie Jupe. Voting "no" : Billie Little. Vote carried 3-1 . 7. APPROVED/DSIAPPROVE ORDINANCE REPEALING THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS EXEMPTION FROM LOCAL SALES TAX. Charlie Jupe (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve the ordinance repealing exemption from local sales tax on telecommunications. David Walker, City Administrator, explained the authorization that cities could enact the one percent sales tax due-- - to the 69th Legislature. The budget also reflects a small revenue from this tax ; however, due to threats of litigation by Southwestern Bell , we had waited until the present to pursue this tax. Mr. Walker explained the effects of this tax on intra-state long distance and special features such as call waiting and MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Con't) Page -2- February 16, 1988 call forwarding. Mayor Bauder called for a vote. All voted "yes" . Motion carried. 8. APPROVE ORDINANCE CALLING THE MAY 7, 1988 CIBOLO GENERAL ELECTION. T.J Harris (Billie Little.) motioned to approve the ordinance ,as read. All approved. Motion carried. 9. APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGE, ALTERNATE JUDGE & CLERK. Ann Smith, City Secretary, recommended appointment of Ms. Modesta Flores as Election Judge, Mrs. Velma Schulz as - Alternate Judge and Mrs. Ed Higginson as clerk. _ T.J. Harris (Charlie Jupe seconded) motioned to appoint election judges and clerks , as recommended. All approved. Motion carried. 10. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON INCREASE IN CITY WATER RATES. T.J. Harris (Tino Delgado) motioned to open for discussion. Due to the recent increase to the city ( $ .08 per/thousand) from Green Valley Water Supply, David Walker presented several rate tables for the Councils consideration. It was discussed whether to just pass the increase amount onto the citizens of Cibolo or if it was necessary to increase rates enough to increase the capital improvement fund for future needs. It was the consensus of the council that even with future needs, due to the economy, that Table #4 would handle the needed increase to cover the city' s cost of water. Charlie Jupe (T.J. Harris seconded) motioned to increase the residential water rate from the present to $9 .80 ( first 3,000 gallons) and 3001 plus at $1 .60 per 1000 gallons. , Also, to adjust the commercial rate by the same percentage. All increase effective billing period April 15, 1988 thru May 15 , 1988 . Citizens will see the increase on the June 1st bill . All approved. Motion carried . 11. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17, V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2 (e) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION, SECTION 2(f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS, AND SECTION 2(g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. TOPICS TO BE DISCUSSED: A. HIRING OF POLICE OFFICER. B. DISCUSSION OF APPRAISAL VALUE OF PROPERTY TO BE PURCHASED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR LOOP 539. Council convened in executive session at 8:10 p.m. 12. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION ON ITEMS #11-A & #11-B. Council re-convened in open session at 8 :52 P.M. and took the following action. ITEM 11-A. Billie Little (T.J. Harris seconded) motioned to hire John Koch as a fulltime police officer. Voting "yes" : T.J. Harris, Tex Farnsworth, Charlie Jupe, Billie Little. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (con i) Page -3- February 16, 1988 Voting "no" : Tino Delgado. Motion carried. 4-1 Vote. 13. ` COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Mrs. Little thanked the council and staff for their thoughts of sympathy and flowers in the death of her Mother. Mrs. Little ask Mr. - Walker if letters had been sent to the business owners regarding the Main Street Improvement Meeting . Mr. Jupe ask if the city had a response from the fire department on the proposed joint agreement . - 14. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker announced that a copy of the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority-'-s fanrivai ,audit -was available to: anyone that might want to look at it. Ann Smith briefed the council on a recent letter received from Employer' s Insurance stating that an increase amounting to $289 per/month would go into effect March 1st. Ms . Smith advised the council that due to the short amount of time that a bid had been prepared and advertised for a bid opening on Friday, February 26th, for council presentation on March 1 , 1988. 15. COMMENTS' BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder briefed the council on the Friday, February 12th incident of the power outage due to the ninety foot tower falling on Buffalo Trail at Main Street . Mayor Bauder stated that G.V.E.C. had engineers in assessing the area and that a cause had not been determined. Mayor Bauder praised G.V.E.C. crews, city police and maintenance personnel and the neighborhood for handling the situation with a united "task force" . 16. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Charlie Jupe seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried . EL SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER AS OF FEBRUARY 12, 1988 TML RISK & INS. Property & Liability - Feb, . ' 88 $ 980.41 TML RISK & INS. Feb. Workers Comp. Premium 452.33 TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Jei£Y888 C2n�55i ?g4pn 977.43 par M.C. I . Long distance J 6.18 PAYROLL TRANSFER 1/16-1/31 Payroll : Water/Sewer $1 , 220.58 General Fund 4,515 .02 5 , 735 .60 EMPLOYERS HEALTH INS. Health/Life Ins . Premium 848 .00 GREEN VALLEY WATER Jan. 188 Water Chg. 4, 515.54 U.S. POST OFFICE Water Bill postage 132.00 ANN SMITH Re-imburse expenses TMCA - Election Law Seminar 120.97 JOHN BOSCH Uniform Allowance 30.00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ If " 30.00 SKIPP TULLGREN " If 30.00 JOHN BOSCH Warrant Fee (1 ) 25 .00 ROBERT TULLGREN Warrant Fee ( 2) 50.00 DAVID WALKER Car Allowance 50.00 GAZETTE NEWSPAPER Annual Subcription 34.00 THOMAS SOFTWARE Computer supplies 80.00 CENTEX COM. Voice Pagers 30.00 S & P COMMUNICATIONS Maintenance Contract 126.00 SEGUIN NEWSPAPER Ad/Police Officer 25 .66 EWALD TRACTOR Opertors Manual 10.00 1 EXXON COMPANY Gasoline (Police) 13 .61 EXECUTIVE SERVICE CENTER Typewriter Supplies 206.88 C.C.M.A. Jan.88 Wastewater Chg. 4,004.91 WASTE MANAGEMENT Jan. 188 Garbage Collection 4, 503. 25 U.S. POST OFFICE Postage (Adm) 44.00 MARY ANN FITZGERALD Child Support (Payroll deduct ) 87.50 R & M MATERIALS Hauling/Materials Road to Tank 617 .07 CAGE, NEUHOFF, & KALKWARF 187 Annual Audit 4, 158.00 MISSISSIPPI TOOL Maintenance Supplies 212.40 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Gasoline 232.80-- PRONTO PRINTING Key Cards (Police) 54.00 G.V.E.C. Electricity: City Hall 65 .58 Park 25.19 Comm. Bldg. 28.07 Warehouse 22.31 141 . 75 CITY OF CIBOLO Water: City Hall $ 26.32 Park 18 .80 45.1=2 CHECK REGISTER (Con't) February 12, 1988 CITY OF U.C. Feb. 188 Dispatch Service 300.00 RON FLAKE Court Prosecutor 150.00 ROY RICHARD, JR. Court Judge 150.00 PAYROLL TRANSFERS 2/1-2/15/88 Payroll Water/Sewer $ 837 .84 General Fund 5, 129.26 5 ,967.10