Min CC 09/20/2016 - Joint Workshop o cit
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-City of Choice"
City Council/Planning and Zoning Commission/
Economic Development Corporation/Master Plan Committee Joint Workshop
200 S. MAIN
September 20, 2016
3:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order: City Council was called to order by Mayor Dunn at 3:10 pm.
Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Ms. Hale at 3:10 pm.
Economic Development Corporation was called to order by Mr. Moody at 3:10 pm.
Master Plan Committee was called to order by Mr. Buell at 3:10 pm.
2. Roll Call: There was a quorum of each group present at the Workshop;
Council Members Present: Mayor Dunn, Councilman Hogue, Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman
Garrett, Councilman Russell, Councilman Weber and Councilman Gibbs.
Planning & Zoning Members Present: Ms. Hale, Mr. M. Hicks, Mr. J. Hicks, Mr. Carlton and Mr.
Economic Development Members Present: Mr. Moody, Mr. Buell, Mr. Hetzel, Ms. Williams, Mr. Byrd
and Mr. Byrd.
Master Plan Members Present: Mr. Buell, Mr. M. Hicks, Mr. Vlk, Ms. Cunningham, Ms. Walker, Ms.
Meadows, Ms. Jackson, Mr. Moody, Mr. Bird and Ms. Ellard.
Staff Present: Mr. Herrera, Ms. Cimics, Mr. Klein, Ms. Gonzalez, Ms. Valdez, Ms. Rogers, Mr. Dale,
Mr. Luft,Mr.Niemietz and Ms. McVey.
3. Invocation—Invocation was given by Mr. VIk.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—All those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Presentation/Discussion on the Comprehensive Master Plan.
Mr. Matt Bucchin from Halff Associates, Inc. gave a briefing to all those in attendance covering the
following items: Plan Introduction, Demographics & Vision; Land Use & Character; Transportation;
Housing &Neighborhoods; Parks, Recreation, & Open Space; Community Facilities & Public Services;
Economic Development and Implementation of the Plan.
6. Prioritization exercise of all actions listed within Chapter 8 of the Comprehensive Master Plan.
All the members were provided several Policy Action Recommendation Sheets where they were asked
to rank the five items that were most important to them. The number system would be number 1 being
the most important. Upon completion of this exercise all members were given an opportunity to get
food that was provided for them before going on to the next item.
7. Presentation/Discussion on the FM 78 Corridor Plan.
Mr. Matt Bucchin continued with his presentation and moved on to the FM 78 Corridor Plan. Mr.
Bucchin went over the Plan Context which included Project Description, Organization, Citizens
Engagement, Online Survey, Open House and several meetings with different groups. Also discussed
was Corridor Context & Conditions which included: Transportation Routes & Connectively, Traffic
Counts, Accidents & Congestion, Bike & Pedestrian Accommodation's, Infrastructure and Economic &
Market Conditions. Corridor Analysis consisting of existing and future Transportation Conditions,
Zoning, Water Resources and Environmental Study and other information was also discussed. Vision,
Concept Plan & Recommendations was briefed to include what the vision was, goals and
recommendations, Land Use & Community Image, Historical, Cultural and Environmental
8. Prioritization exercise of all actions listed within Chapter 4 of the FM 78 Corridor Plan.
The group again completed several exercises where they indicated their priorities from 1 to 5. Mr.
Bucchin took any questions from the group. Mr. Herrera and Mayor Dunn both address the group prior
to closing the meeting.
9. Adjournment—All groups made motions to adjourn the Workshop at 6:27 pm.
Allen Dunn
Peggy Cimics, TRMC
City Secretary
City of Cibolo