Min CC 03/15/1988 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING C I T Y O F C I B 0 L O MARCH 15, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :10 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris presented the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Present at roll call : T.J. Harris, Billie Little, Tino Delgado and Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth came in late, due to business. Charlie Jupe was absent . 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 minutes) None 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF MARCH 1, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING. B. CHECK REGISTER. Billie Little (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve consensus items, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RECOMMENDATIN FROM PLANNING & ZONING ON GRANTING VARIANCE TO MR, STEPHEN DYKES TO CONSTRUCT A CEDAR SHAKE ROOF ON A NEW RESIDENCE AT 108 INDIAN BLANKET. Request withdrawn by Mr. Dykes. No action necessary. 7. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE WRITING OFF ACCOUNTS IN THE GENERAL LEDGER. Billie Little (T.J. Harris seconded) motioned to approve charging off four accounts in the General Fund: Deposit or unknown origin $ 10.00, Receivables of unknown origin $9.00, Impounded Auto $205.00 and donation to SAFES from C.V.F.D. Ladies Auxiliary (check will be sent to SAFES) . All approved. Motion carried. 8. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17, V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2 (e) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION: SECTION 2(f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS, AND SECTION 2 (g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. TOPICS TO BE BE DISCUSSED: A. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION OF PURCHASE OF LOOP 539 RIGHT-OF-WAY. Council convened in executive session at 7 :25 P.M. - MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) MARCH 15, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. PAGE -2- 9. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TARE NECESSARY ACTION. The Council reconvened at 8:03 P.M. in open session after discussion with Mr. Tom Anderlitch, City Financial Advisor. T.J. Harris (Billie Little seconded) motioned to continue with the -procedures for acquiring right-of-way for the State Highway By-pass, known as Loop 539. All Approved. Motion carried. 10,. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth questioned the number of alarms reported on the monthly police report. Also, Mr. Farnsworth was concerned of the city' s liability with maintenance vehicles following fire trucks, with overhead lights on. Billie Little ask Chief Tullgren if officers were doubling up on shifts. Chief responsed that there is some doubling on weekends and that usually a reserve rides with officers on the weekend. 11. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker announced that tickets for the raffle at the annual volunteer fire department sausage supper are Also, Mr. Walker stated that a "Main Street Luncheon" was being hosted by Fritz Schlather on Friday, March 18th. Alsor that the city spring clean-up would be announced in the newsletter. Mr. Walker ask the media to help get the word out about the Pet Vaccination Clinic, sponsored by the Grange Hall, on March 19th. 12. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. None 13. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. C JUA MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTEST: TNN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY CHECK REGI STER AS OF MARCH 11, 1988 CITY OF CIBOLO Re-imburse petty cash 47 . 50 U. S . POSTMASTER Postage 110 . 00 ALBERT 0. MENN Property Appraisal 3 , 500 . 00 CIBOLO STATE BANK Withholding Tax 1 , 473 . 62 PAYROLL TRANSFER 2/16-29/88 Payroll : Gen . Fund 4 , 525 . 22 W/S Fund 1 , 292 . 99 5 , 818 . 21 WASTE MANAGEMENT Garbage Collection 4 , 754 . 65 C . C .M.A. Wastewater Treatment 4 , 270 . 94 U. S . POSTMASTER Postage water bill/ annual bulk rate fee ( 50 . 00 ) 110 . 12 MARY ANN FITZGā€¢ERALD Payroll deduction - Child Support 87 . 50 THOMAS SOFTWARE Water billing license 125 . 00 G/L Annual license 89 . 50 214 . 50 GREEN VALLEY WATER Consumption 12/29/87-1/29/88 4 , 424 . 24 CITY OF CIBOLO Water : Park 21 . 68 City Hall 29 . 50 51 . 18 A.A. C . O .G. Registration semi-annual meeting 30 . 00 U. T . S .A Registration for child abuse seminar : Niemeitz & Bosch 50 . 00 l CENTEX COMM. Monthly contract/pagers 30 . 00 CONTRERAS FLOWER Flowers - Funeral Mrs . Little ' s Mother 47 . 08 THE FLAG CENTER American & Texas Flags/City Hall 43 . 00 GUADALUPE VALLEY ELECTRIC Electricity: City Hall 134 . 97 Park 30 . 80 Rec . Bldg . 37 . 10 Maint . Whse 23 . 05 225 . 92 GILLMAN HONDA Repairs # 283 80 . 02 LONE STAR LUB . Oil Change & Lub - Police Dept . Units # 280 , 283 , 285 123 . 51 LUSTRE CAL Property I .D. Tags for tagging city property 188 . 20 W.H . MULLINS "Pass thru" - Insp. Post Office Subdivision 227 . 50 M. C. I . Long distance service 11 . 49 CHECK REGISTER (Cont 'd) March 11, 1988 ROBERT TULLGREN Uniform Allowance 30 . 00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ Uniform Allowance 30 . 00 JOHN BOSCH Uniform Allowance 90 . 00 SARGENT-SOWELL Pet tags/receipts/repellent 186 . 94 RANDOLPH TIRE 2 tires repaired/alignment Police # 285 42 .00 SEILER FIRE EQUIP . Inspect fire extinguisher 4 . 00 SOUTHWEST PUB. SAFETY transistor/light bar #280 12 . 90 CITY OF U. C . March dispatch service 30'0 . 00 DAVID WALKER Car Allowance 50 . 00 ROY RICHARD Court Judge 150 . 00 RON FLAKE Court Prosecutor 150 . 00 ROBERT TULLGREN 10 warrants @ - 25 . 00 ea . 250 . 00 JOHN BOSCH 1 warrant @ 25 . 00 25 . 00