Min CC 04/19/1988 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING' OF APRIL 19, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1988 A^1 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :02 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present : T.J. Harris, Billie Little, Tino Delgado and Mayor Bauder. Absent due to being out of town - Charlie Jupe. Tex Farnsworth arrived after roll call during item # 9. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith, Robert Tullgren & Keith Gilbreath. 4, CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens requested to speak. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING. B. CHECK REGISTER OF MARCH 31, 1988. Billier Little (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to approved consensus items, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. FIRST READING/DISCUSSION OF WATER ORDINANCE. David Walker instructed the Council that in an attempt to consolidate several ordinances pertaining to the water department and its operation, we have combined- and re-written them into one ordinance, including an addendum for rates. Mr. Walker stated that the draft had been sent to the City Attorney to review and that it would be available for Council approval in the near future. Mr. Walker pointed out several "word" changes and that Section 9 needed the second paragraph deleted. Keith Gilbreath, Maintenance Supervisor, suggested that a fee be included for meter tests. The Council agreed that a fee of : $30. 00 for second request (per/year) be assessed if the meter was not faulty. 7. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION TO ADD AN ADDITIONAL PENALTY TO DEFRAY THE COST OF COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES. Billie Little (T.J. Harris seconded) to adopt a resolution to add an additional 15% to tax bills owed July lst, 1988. All approved. Motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (APRIL 19, 1988) PAGE -2- 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE DISPOSITION OF BICYCLES, COOKBOOKS, BELT BUCKLES. Tino Delgado (T.J. Harris seconded) motioned to "sell" three unclaimed bicycles to the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department, to be auctioned off at the annual fund raising, for a token price of $1.00 each and two Sesquicentennial Belt Buckles for $1 . 00 each. Also, to donate 25/50 Cibolo Cookbooks (outdated) to the V. F.D. Ladies Auxilliary. The procee-..s the donation:_will- go toward firefighting equip- menteeand needs of the C.V.F.D. All approv-ed. Motion carried. 9. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17, V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2(e) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION, SECTION 2(f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS, AND 2(g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. TOPICS TO BE DISCUSSED: b A. REPORT FROM NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE CONCERNING THE RIGHT OF WAY PURCHASE FOR LOOP 539. B. ANNUAL EVALUATION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S JOB PERFORMANCE AND CONTRACT. 10. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION. The Council reconvened in open session at 8: 25 p.m. with the following motions : Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris seconded) motioned to approve negotiating committee ' s recommendation regarding the purchase price agreements. Voting "yes" : T.J. Harris, Tex Farnsworth and Billie Little. Voting "no" : Tino Delgado . Vote carried 3-1 . T.J. Harris (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to extend Mr . -� David Walker ' s contract until October 1, 1988 so that the new council could plan in the budget for negotiating and so that the contract would coincide with the fiscal year. All approved. Motion carried. 11. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth commended the Chief of Police for making training courses available to patrol officers and stated that the three patrol officers along with himself had completed/passed a course at Universal City on narcotics. Also; -,thanked the city for the "quick response" to the oil spill on FM 1103. Billie Little commended the Police Department of the April 16th "Bike Rodeo" at Weiderstein Elementary. 12. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder reminded the Council that they needed to R. S.V. P. reservations for several functions : The Opening Tour/Luncheon of the Guadalupe County Jail on April 29th, the Grand Opening on May 1st and the TML, Region 7 meeting on April 22nd in Boerne. PAGE -3- MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Con'td) April 19, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. 13. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker announced that the "spring, clean-up" was a success and extended his "thanks" to Henry Gutierrez with Waste Management for furnishing the containers. 14. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Billie Little seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTEST: ANN SMITHS CITY SECRETARY CHECK REGISTER AS OF MARCH 31, 1988 ACE PLBG. CO. Maint . Supplies/Park 9.04 AQUA UTILITY Water Dept. Supplies 130.00 TOMMY BROWN PRINTING Office Supplies 9. 38 SKIPP TULLGREN Warrant Fees 150.00 JOHN BOSCH Warrant Fees 200.00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ Warrant Fee 25.00 FRANK GOMEZ Warrant Fees 50.00 ROBERT G. TULLGREN Uniform Allowance 30.00 JOHN BOSCH 30.00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ 30.00 JOHN KOCH 30.00 C.C.M.A. March Wastewater Chg. 4, 405. 35 CIBOLO STATE BANK Int. C.O. Series 175 630.00 COCA-COLA Soft Drinks (Pass Thru) 33. 29 ARVID F. DARNELL Overpayment 187 Taxes 70. 17 DICKIE WORK CLOTHES Uniform Rental 78.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN Employee Health/Dental Ins. 914. 70 M.A. FITZGERALD Child Support (Payroll Ded. ) 87. 50 M.A. FITZGERALD If 87. 50 ATTY RON FLAKE Court Prosecutor 150.00 FROST NAT' L BANK C.O. Series 187 P & I 13, 106.93 GILLMAN HONDA Repair #282 131 . 15 G.B.R.A. Water Sample Test 10.00 GREEN VALLEY WATER Water Chg. 1/29-2/29 4, 664.94 G.V.E.C. Electricity: City Hall 99. 35 Warehouse 17.'22 Rec. Bldg. 33. 14 City Park 28. 16 Tower 12. 99 190..86 GUADALUPE CO. APPRAISAL 2nd Qtr. Payment 918.09 HARVEY HARDY Retainer 500.00 HELPING HAND HDWE Maint. Supplies 108.47 CHECK REGISTER (Cont 'd) Page -2- PETTY CASH Re-imbursement 44.05 LONE STAR LUB. Oil Change #282 21 . 95 MCI Long Distance Service 7.92 MARTIN UNIFORMS Uniforms/J. Koch 117 . 10 PRONTO PRINTING Emergency Phone Stickers 60.00 QUILL CORP. Data Proc. Supplies 49. 72 RANDOLPH TIRE Flats Fixed/alignment 42.00 RANDOLPH TIRE =Brake Work/2 Tires #285 Mount & Bal/Maint . Trk 317 . 19 ROY RICHARD, JR. Court Judge 150.00 ROSS EXCAVATING Ref. bal. Fire Hydrant 129. 95 S & P Battery/Walkie 43.00 S & P Maintenance Cont. Police 79. 00 Maint. 35.00 114.00 SCHULER & WOHLT Drive Thru Sign 95.00 MINNIE SEILER Refund Overpmt. Taxes 15. 66 SIPPEL HDWE Supplies 77. 12 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSP. Statement 42. 50 ANN SMITH Re-imburse Office Supplies 33. 30 CITY OF SCHERTZ Shelter Rental _ 55.00 ' S CITY OF SCHERTZ 2nd Qtr'. - Ambulance 695. 13 SHADROCK PET. Gasoline 636. 10 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Office Supplies 6. 50 SOUTHWESTERN BELL City Hall Phone 86. 10 SOUTHWESTERN BELL - Police Phone 52. 73 TML Property & Liability 980.41 TML Workers Comp. Ins. 452. 33 TEXAS CITY MANAGERS Annual Dues 67. 20 TX. DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY Ford LTD (Police ) 3, 750.00 TEXAS EMPLOYMENT; COM. Unemployment Tax 445. 33 T.M.R. S. March Payment : Employee ' s Deduction 669.00 City Contribution 419. 57 1, 078. 56 CHECK REGISTER (Cont'd) Page March 31, 1988 THOMAS EQUIPMENT Filters/Tractor 31. 51 TRI COUNTY OFFICE Office Supplies 96. 15 BARBARA LOGAN Overpayment of Fine 1 .00 JANET HOWARD Overpayment of Fine 4. 50 MARY ANN BREWER Overpayment of Fine 49. 50 UTOPIA WATER Pass Thru 8. 50 CITY OF U.C. Dispatch Service 300.00 U. S. POSTMASTER Postage (Water Bills) 91. 24 Box Rent 13.00 Court & Adm. 126. 50 130. 74 U.C. AUTO PARTS Muffler/Chevy P/U 22.43 VILLAGE LOCKSMITH Pad Locks/Maint . 91.09 DAVID WALKER Auto Allowance 50.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT Garbage Collection 4, 508.61 ZEP MANUFACTURING Degreaser/Maint. 66. 10 ZEP MANUFACTURING Supplies/Police Dept. 44. 50 PAYROLL TRANSFER Gen. Fund 5, 285.00 Water 1, 517.03 6, 802.03