Min CC 05/17/1988 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 17, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1988 AT 7 :•00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING AGENDA WAS FOLLOWED. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder -called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Mayor Bauder ask Mr. T.J. Harris, past council member to give the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present : Jeff Miller; Bob Glisar, Tino Delgado Billie Little and Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth arrived at 7 :55 P.M. during Item # 9. Staff present : David Walker, Ann Smith, Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens requested to speak at the time of this - item. 5. CONCENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 3, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. B. MINUTES OF SPECIAL CANVASSING BOARD, MAY 3, 1988 @ 7:30 P.M. C. CHECK REGISTER. Tino Delgado (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve concensus items, with corrections noted by City Secretary. All approved. Motion carried. 6. NOMINATE/APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TEM FOR TIME PERIOD MAY, 1988 TO MAY, 1989. Nominations from the floor for Mayor Pro Tem were brought by Mrs. Little nominating Tex Farnsworth and Jeff Miller nominating Tino Delgado. Mayor called for a vote: For Tex Farnsworth One (1 ) Vote For Tino Delgado Three (3) Votes Tino Delgado was nominated and elected Mayor Pro Tem for the term from May 1988 to May, 1989. 7. RECOGNITION OF FORMER COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR THEIR SERVICE TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO. Mayor Bauder presented T.J. Harris, Past Council Member, Place 4, with a certificate and plaque for his service to the city. Charles Jupe was not able to attend. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) May 17, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. 8. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF INCLUDING COST OF FIRE STATION CONSTRUCTION IN THE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1988 FOR LOOP 539 OR PURSUING OTHER FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS. Tino Delgado (Billie Little) motioned to open for discussion. Pros and cons were discussed as to the phasing of the construction of a new fire station on the proposed location. Mrs. Little expressed concern over the building of the fire station by the City unless the C.V.F.D. deeded over their current assets. Mr. Miller expressed that not enough information was available for him to feel comfortable in a decision. Tino Delgado explained that the Joint Committees (City Committee and C.V. F.D. Committee) had met several times and had agreed to jointly built the new fire station. Mayor Bauder explained that the issue on the agenda was only to decide if the Council wanted to add a dollar figure to the Certificate of Obligation that is currently being worked up for the Right-of-Way Land Purchase for Loop 539 for the construction of the new fire station. By combining the two items in one Certificate of Obligation, _ the City would save approximately $4, 500. in filing and agent fees. Mrs. Billie Little motioned to issue the certificate for only the Loop 539 requirement. The motion died for a lack of a second. Mr. Tino Delgado (Mr. Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to approve including the Fire Station Construction in the Certificate of Obligation for the Loop 539 Project. Vote: Jeff Miller Abstained Billie Little "No" Tino Delgado "Yes" Bob Glisar "Yes" Vote carried 2-1 . 9. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Billie Little ask if the "Main Street" clean up project had been dropped. Also, Mrs. Little ask if the Council could send a letter asking to clean up and set a deadline. Tino Delgado ask if the water leak had been found and if Mr. Walker had checked the cost of "I.D. Decals" for the vehicles in the city. Jeff Miller ask about the study of our water source and if funds were available to research the possibility of our own system. • Tex Farnsworth ask about drainage ditch barricade being removed. If the city maintained both sides of Dietz Road, reference to trash. Also, if the staff had resourced the question of a shed ordinance. Mr. Walker stated- that no ordinance on shed/portable buildings was in effect at this time. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) May 17, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. I. (Addendum) APPROVE/DISAPPROVE ORDINANCE FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY VERNON D. MCKASKLE AND HARRY E. CUNNINGHAM TO ACQUIRE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR PROPOSED LOOP 539. Billie Little (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve the ordinance for condemnation of the McKaskle and Cunningham property for the purpose of acquiring right-of-way easement on Loop 539. Motion carried. All approved. 10. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker briefed the Council on the study that was • researched--on'=the use of I.D. decals by other cites. Ann Smith announced that taxes would become delinquent July 1, 1988 and that the Council had passed an ordinance to add the additional 15% fee for collection along with the penalty and interested approved by law. Citizens who had , not paid the 1987 taxes should do so before June 30, 1988. 11. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder announced that the Alamo Area Council of Governments would be hosting the annual session for new council members and staff on June 8, 1988 and that it would be beneficial for anyone that could to attend. 12. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Billie Little seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTEST: ' ANN SMITH CITY SECRETARY PAGEI CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK. REGISTER PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACE PLUMBING 8 HARDWARE MAINT SUPPLIES FOR PARK, 7.02 AQUA UTILITY 'SUPPLY WATER DEPT SUPPLIES 140.00 SAM BAUDER LUNCH .WITH CROW DEVELOP 10.78 BEXAR ELECTRIC CO MATERIAL FOR PARK, 265.00 CCMA WASTE WATER TREATMENT 41641.64 CENTEX- COMMUNICATIGN PAGER SERVICE-POLICE 15.00 CENTEX COMMUNICATION PAGER SERVICE-MAINT. 15.00 CENTEX COMMUNICATION PAGER SERVICE-POLICE 15.00- CENTEX 5.00CENTEX COMMUNICATION PAGER SERVICE-MAINT. 15.00 CENTRAL FREIGHT LINES FRT ON WATER METERS 21.15 CITY OF CIBOLO 4-15 PAYROLL TRANSFER 61562.50 CITY OF CIBOLO 4-29 PAYROLL TRANSFER 61339.05 CITY OF CIBOLO SOCIAL SECURITY TRANSFER 689.79 CIBOLO POLICE DEPT. WARRANTS SERVED 200.00 CIBOLO POLICE DEPT. UNIFORM ALLOWANCES 120.00 CITY OF CIBOLO REIMB PETTY CASH 40.43 CITY OF CIBOLO REIMB PETTY CASH 40.99 CITY OF CIBOLO-WATER CITY PARK 21.04 CITY OF CIBOLO-WATER CITY HALL 29.50 CITY OF CIBOLO-WATER CITY PARK. 20.40 CITY OF CIBOLO-WATER CITY HALL 29.50 CITY OF LEON VALLEY TML REGION 7 MEETING-COUNCIL 30.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ ANIMAL SHELTER RENT 30.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ CVFD LADIES AUX DONATION 15.00 CITY OF UNIVERSAL CITY MAY DISPATCH SERVICE 300.00 CUSTOM SYSTEMS COMPUTER MAINT CONTRACT 672.50 DPS GENERAL SERVICES TRAFFIC CODES 50.00 DICKIES WORK CLOTHES MARCH UNIFORM RENTAL 07.50 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SYSTEMS HEALTH INSURANCE 914.70 FACTORY SALES UNIFORMS REIMBURSABLE-UNIFORM 70.70 MARY A. FITZGERALD CHILD CARE-PAT FITZGERALD 87.50 RON FLAKE COURT PROSECUTOR-MAY 150.00 GBRA WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 10.00 GVEC WATER TOWER ELECTRICITY 28.00 GVEC WATER TOWER ELECTRICITY 27.32 GVEC ELECTRICITY-PARK 27.32 GVEC ELECTRICITY-PARK, BLDG. 28.73 GVEC ELECTRICITY-CITY HALL 66..91 GVEC ELECTRICITY-MAINT SHED 17.42 RICHARD GARCIA RENT TENT FOR MARKER PRESENTATION 65.00 GILLMAN HONDA REPAIR UNIT 283 191.58 1-011 GARAGE REPAIR UNIT 283 51.93 G-0'S GARAGE INSPECT DODGE PICKUP 7.75 G-O'S GARAGE REPAIR UNIT 283 36.00 G-0'S GARAGE REPAIR UNIT 282 120.00 GREEN VALLEY WATER MONTHLY BILL 51129.74 HISTORICAL SOCIETY MARKER 375.00 • GUAD. CNTY SHERIFF JAIL BOARD BILL 40.00 HARDY; SCHWARTZMAN RETAINER 500.00 HARDY, SCHWARTZMAN RETAINER 500.00 i PAGE2 CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK, REGISTER NARTSGRAPHIC, INC 500 PAPER BALLOTS 102.03 K-MART COFFEE POT FOR CITY HALL 17.96 LONE STAR LUB' OIL CHANGES-POLICE CARS 64.6.1 MCI LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 16.39 MALTER INTERNAT'L INSECTICIDE 170.84 PRONTO PRINTING INVITATIONS & PROGRAMS 93.00 RANDOLPH METRO CHAMBER LUNCH-BAUDER-WALKER. 20.00 ROY RICHARD, JR. MAY COURT-JUDGE 150.00 ROCKWELL INTERNAT'L REPAIR WATER METERS 356.15 S & P COMMUNICATIONS RADIO BATTERY 43.00 S & P COMMUNICATIONS MAINT CONTRACT-POLICE 79.00 S & P COMMUNICATIONS MAINT CONTRACT-MAINT. 35.00 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL MARCH STATEMENT 32.00 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL APRIL STATEMENT 62.00 SCHROEDER BEVERAGES PASS THRU FUNDS 2.90 SEGUIN GAZETTE AD FOR GENERAL ELECTION 39.84 SHADROCK, PETROLEUM GASOLINE 361.93 SHADROCK PETROLEUM GASOLINE 420.17 SHADROCK PETROLEUM GASOLINE 344.86 SIPPEL'S HARDWARE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 129.20 SIPPEL'S HARDWARE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES f 52.17 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES 110.76 SOUTHWEST PUBLIC SAFETY EMERGENCY LIGHT FLASHER 14.95 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 658-9900 85.58 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 659-1999 MARCH BILLING 39.92 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 659-1999 APRIL BILLING 41.82 STATE TREASURER CRIMINAL JUSTICE FEES 51539.50 TX MUNICIPAL LEAGUE LEAGUE SERVICES FOR COUNCIL & DEPT HEADS 348.00 TX MUNICIPAL LEAGUE REVENUE MANUAL 25.00 TX MUNICIPAL LEAGUE TCMA NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPT. '25.00 TX MUNICIPAL LEAGUE: GENERAL LIABILITY INS 201.58 AUTO LIABILITY 141.61 _ LAW ENFORCEMENT 304.58 ERRORS & OMISSION 208.33 AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE 19.75 REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY 92.50 MOBILE EAUIPMENT 12.00 TX MUNICIPAL LEAGUE WORKMAN'S COMP INS-MAY 452.33 TX MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT APRIL CONTRIBUTIONS 11056.44 TX SURPLUS AGENCY MAINT SUPPLIES 34.25 THOMAS SOFTWARE PRINTER RIBBON 19.00 THOMAS SOFTWARE COMPUTER WATER BILLS 104.40 THOMAS SOFTWARE WBIL ANNUAL LICENSE 300.00 TOMMY BROWN PRINTING ENVELOPES 64.00 TRI COUNTY OFFICE EQUIP PRINTING 35.00 U S POST OFFICE WATER BILLS POSTAGE 65.86 UNIVERSAL CITY AUTO CARBURETOR FOR #1283 274.65 DAVID WALKER TML REGION 7 MEETING EXPENSES 30.00 DAVID WALKER EXPENSES TRANSPORTING NEW POLICE CAR 65.92 • DAVID WALKER CAR ALLOWANCE 50.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT APRIL GARBAGE COLLECTIONS 41518.10 f PAGE3 CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK, REGISTER WUEST'S CLEANING SUPPLIES-PARK 17.72 VELMA R SCHULZ ELECTION WORKER 13 HRS 55.00 DORLENE HIGGINSON ELECTION WORKER 13 HRS 55.00 MODESTA FLORES ELECTION WORKER 13 HRS + ADMN FEE OF $10.00 75.00 PUBLIC REFUND FINE OVERPAYMENT 12.50 PUBLIC REFUND FINE OVERPAYMENT 17.50 ` f,