Min CC 06/21/1988 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1988 AT' 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING AGENDA WAS FOLLOWED: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :05 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Councilmember Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present : Mayor Bauder, Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar and Tino Delgado. Billie Little was absent due to illness. Tex Farnsworth was also absent. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith & Skipp Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. ' (Limit 3 Minutes Each) No citizen requested to speak. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ON JUNE 7, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. B. CHECK REGISTER. Jeff Miller (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve minutes and check register, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE PROPOSED 188-89 BUDGET CALENDAR. Tino Delgado (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the calendar as presented. Budget Workshops will be scheduled at a later meeting. All approved. Motion carried. 7. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FOR $230,000. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTY FOR LOOP 539 AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FIRE HOUSE OR PURCHASE FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE INTENT TO ISSUE. Tino Delgado (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the Resolution giving Notice of Intent to issue certificates of obligation for $230, 000 for - the purpose " of purchasing right-of-way property for the the Loop 539 project, construction of a fire station and/or purchasing fire fighting equipment and for the legal expenses incurred. The resolution was corrected to read " (2) the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, and machinery for authorized needs for fire fighting protection purposes" . All approved. Motion carried. The vote was: Tino Delgado "Yes" Jeff Miller "Yes" Bob Glisar "Yes" Mayor Bauder "Yes" Absent: Billie Little & Tex Farnsworth MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Con't)' June 21, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. . Page -2- 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CIBOLO AND CROW , DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO CONSTRUCT WATER TRANSMIZSIOW- LINE AND FUNDING PAY-BACK. Jeff Miller (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve the agreement between City of Cibolo and Crow Development. The agreement, drafted by David Walker and reviewed by Mr. Hardy, ,City Attorney, will now be forwarded to Crow Development for approval. All approved. Motion carried. The summary of the agreement concludes that the water transmission line between the city' s water tank and the Thistle Creek Subdivision, at the city' s option, will be upsized from 8" line to a 16" line from the Thistle Creek property line to the tank thus enhancing fire fighting capability and looping the city system. The agreement further states that Thistle Creek will re-imburse the City the cost of surveying engineering, inspection and contruction at the time Unit Three or Four is started or by January 1, 1991, whichever comes sooner. The Trammell Crow Development_ Corp. will re_-imburse the City for the -construction - of the 8"' line __ ffom Thistle Creek- Drive " to the City' s water tank with the city paying the difference to upsize the line. 9. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Mr. Jeff Miller briefed the Council and Staff on the recent A.C.C.O.G. Seminar for Newly Elected Officials and the on the Edwards Underground Aquifer Seminar on Water Conservation. Mr. Miller outlined a few of the highlights presented' at ACCOG on the duties of the Council Member, rolls that the City Staff and the Mayor perform. Mr. Miller briefed the group on the Edwards Aquifer Seminar and distributed packets with various conservation ideas enclosed. 10. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Mr. Walker gave a short summation of the recent Texas City " Man�agers.'Annual Conference in_Amarillo, Texas. 11. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder reminded the Council of the 4th of July Parade in Schertz on Saturday; July 2nd and also of the, TML Annual Conference in Austin on the 24th - 26th of June. 12. ADJOURNMENT. Bob Glisar '(Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 19TH DAY OF JULY, 1988. MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTEST: ANN_SMITH, CITY SECRETARY CHECK REGI STER PAYROLL TRANSFER Payroll for period from 6/15-6/30/88 $5, 736. 13 U.S. POST OFFICE Postage - for Water Bills 65. 80 CIBOLO STATE BANK Playground Time Warrant (Final Pmt) 1,055.00 FROST NATL BANK Revenue Bond, Series 75 1, 130.00 FIFTH SEASONS INN Hotel - David Walker City Mgmt. Annual Conf Amarillo, Texas 152. 55 TML Registration - T. Delgado Annual Conf. in Austin 135.00 • TML Registration - J. Miller Annual Conf. - Austin 135.00 TEXAS NOTARY PUBLIC ASSOC. Registration for A. Smith June 23rd Conf. - San Antonio 65.00 LARRY MOXLEY Allowance for safety shoes 30.00 PATRICK FITZGERALD " it If 30.00 TML Workers Compensation 452. 33 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL Monthly Statement for animal euthanasia '49.00 'GVEC Electricity: Warehosue $ 18. 36 Park 181.70 Comm. Bldg. 44.01 -City Hall 130. 38 374.45 TML Property & Liability Ins. 980.41 CITY OF CIBOLO Water: Park $ 52. 25 City Hall 30.93 83. 18 ROBERT TULLGREN Warrant Fees 525.00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ 1/2 Warrant Fee 12.50 JOHN BOSCH 12.50 GREEN VALLEY Water Consumption 4/29-5/31 6, 777. 18 MARY A. FITZGERALD Payroll deduction - child support 87.50 TOMMY BROWN PRINTING Office Supplies 7.00 } ACE PLUMBING Maintenance Supplies 22. 23 EXXON COMPANY, Gasoline Ticket/Police Dept. 12.17 HILBERT IMPLEMENT Parts for Mower 87. 25 MCI Long Distance Service 10.00 CHECK REGISTER (Cont'd) SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Office supplies 45.00 SHADROCK PET. Gasoline 211.00 SEGUIN GAZETTE Ad - Audit Firm 9. 35 T & F CONT. Repair Shredder 32. 70 ROBERT TULLGREN Uniform Allowance 30.00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ if30.00 JOHN BOSCH if30.00 JOHN KOCH " 30.00 DAVID WALKER Car Allowance 50.00 ' ROY RICHARDS, JR. Court Judge 150.00 • RON FLAKE Court Prosecutor 150.00 T.M.R. S. June Contributions: City $ 367. 98 Emp. 585.97 953. 83 CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CHECK REGISTER AS OF JUNE 17 , 1988 Payee: Description Amount A to Z rental rent coffee pot, punch bowl 33 . 00 Acme lumber lumber for shelves in vault 89 . 81 Bracken Rifle Range shooting practice-police 12 . 00 CCMA May sewer service 4, 934 . 72 Centex Communications pager service-police 15 . 00 pager service-maint 15 . 00 China Grove Fence Co. repair fence @ maint shed 20 . 00 Cibolo State Bank federal tax deposit 1,.643 . 22 Cibolo State Bank interest payment 1982 Series 9 , 625 . 00 City of Cibolo-Police uniforms allowance 120 . 00 City of Cibolo-Water City park 52 . 09 City hall 34 . 29 City of Schertz rent animal shelter-April 155 . 00 City of Schertz 3rd qrt fiscal year payment SAFES ambulance service 695 . 13 rent animal shelter-May 120 . 00 City of Universal City June dispatch service 300 . 00 Coca Cola Bottling Co. pass through funds 29 . 29 pass through funds 33 . 29 Creative Trophies, INc trophies-outgoing council & desk plates-incoming council 75 . 00 Dickies Work clothes April uniform rental-maint 78 . 00 May uniform rental-maint 78 . 00 Mary A. Fitzgerald payroll deduct child care 87 .50 payroll deduct child care 87 . 50 Ron Flake, attorney June court 150 . 00 GBRA water sample analysis-April 10 . 00 water sample analysis-May 10 . 00 G-O' S garage Unit 283-idler arm 64 . 22 inspect 78 Chevy, 1 bulb 8 . 80 Unit 283 u-joint 68 . 96 GVEC-electricity City park 150 . 18 Rec bldg 30 . 97 City hall 85 . 65 Maint shed 18 . 65 Water tower 28 . 53 Gillman Honda Unit 282-minor tune up 140 . 87 Gilson National Life Ins Employees health ins 1, 039 . 82 Karen Graham refund fine overpayment 1. 50 Green Valley Water April water usage 6, 231. 18 Guadalupe Cnty Appraisal 3rd qrt fiscal year payment 918 . 09 Hardy, Schwartzman, Bahan June retainer 500 . 00 Helping Hand Hardware parts for shredder, timer trippers40 . 69 Helping Hand Hardware 2 bags gypsum 7 . 98 Jiffy Lube Unit 282-oil change 17 . 95 Unit 283-oil change, power steering fluid 25 . 56 K-Mart film & freon for police dept . 52 . 76 MCI long distance service 17 . 68 Payroll transfer 5-13-88 6,471. 25 5-31-88 6, 572 . 81 6-15-88 5 , 828 . 09 Petty cash fund 5-16-88 reimbursement 46 . 01 5-24-88 reimbursement 46 . 79 6-14-88 reimbursement 41. 39 Pronto Printing 200 napkins 21. 90 Quality Aluminum refund water bill overpayment 9 . 36 Judge Roy Richard, Jr. June court 150 . 00 S & P Communications install radio & siren Unit 280 344 .00 radio maint contract-police .7.9 . 00 radio maint contract-maint 35 . 00 parts & repairs-Unit 280 185 . 00 S. W. Airlines ticket to Amarillo-D Walker Texas City Management seminar 118 . 00 Sam' s Wholesale admn office supplies 63. 98 maint vehicle supplies 17 . 58 Park supplies 60 . 49 council refreshments 17 . 17 Shadrock Petroleum gasoline 469 . 80 gasoline & diesel 394 . 03 Sippel Hardware May supplies 181. 39 South Texas printing print wheel for Olympia 29 . 30 SW Public Safety Blue insert-Unit 283 4 . 00 SW Bell 658-9900 85 . 29 659-1999 41. 52 658-9900 85 . 11 TML Risk & Ins . general liab. 201.58 Auto-police 93 . 51 maint trucks 48 . 16 Law enforcement 304 . 58 Errors & omission 208. 33 Police auto physical damage 19 . 75 Personal property 92 . 50 Maint mobile equip 12 . 00 Workman' s comp. 452 . 33 TMRS contribution for May 1, 064 . 01 Texas Dept Public Safety federal siren Unit 280 20 . 00 Texas Meter & Sewer copper tubing 152 . 40 Misc fittings 198 . 24 insecticide. 88 . 26 Thomas Equipment Tractor & lawn mower parts 52 . 48 Thomas Software WBIL update & phone support 32 .00 Tri County Office equip Maintcontract-typewriters 237 . 00 repairs to cash register 49 . 50 Ut of San Antonio Police academy course-officers 75 . 00 Universal City Auto Parts for Chevy truck 15 . 54 fuel pump for Chevy truck 17 . 23 fuel pump for Chevy truck 17 . 23 tune up kit & wiper blades-Chevy 39 . 06 U S Postmaster water bills postage 108. 37 postage stamps 100 . 00 David Walker reimburse for TCMA luncheon 20 . 50 David Walker car allowance-5-31-88 50 . 00 car allowance 6-15-88 50 . 00 Waste Management garbage service-May 4, 320 . 10 Warrants Cibolo police dept . 250 . 00 Wuest ' s Grocery dedication ceremony refreshments 17 . 37 Xerox Corp. dry ink for copier 84 . 00 Maint contract for copier 475 . 00