Min CC 07/19/1988 c �= CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 19, 1988 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1988 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL. OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING AGENDA WAS FOLLOWED: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Council Member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Mayor called the roll . Members present were Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Tino Delgado and Sill.ie Little. Staff present : David Walker, Ann Smith and Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizen requested to address the Council . 5. CONCENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 21, 1988. B. CHECK REGISTER. Tino Delgado (Billie Little seconded) motioned to approve, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. REQUEST FROM MIGUEL TRONCOSO, CITIZEN, TO PRESENT A PETITION CONCERNING A STUDY OF THE CIBOLO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. Mr. Troncoso presented a petition ( included in the minutes) requesting the city to have a study done of the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department. Mayor Bauder accepted the petition and told Mr. Troncoso that his efforts were appreciated and that he agreed that the fire department 'needed many areas of improvement, fire house, equipment, certification and operations. Mr. Troncoso said he would be submitting more signatures at the next meeting . 7. REVIEW BUDGET RECAP OF MAY 31, 1988. The Council reviewed the Budget Recap. Discussion centered around the costs verses revenues in the animal control funds. 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE ' AUDIT FIRM ENGAGEMENT FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SELECTION COMMITTEE. Billie Little (Jeff Miller seconded) recommended that the firm of Melick, Thorpe, and Armstrong be retained for the City of Cibolo for a three year period to assist with the financial needs and the annual audit requirements. All approved. Motion carried. The cost for the 87-88 audit will be $4, 500-$5, 000. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) JULY 19, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. 91. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH TDCA ENDORSING PARTICIPATION IN THE STATEWIDE HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENT PROGRAM. Billie Little (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the resolution authorizing the Schertz Housing Authority to administer the funds allocated for the City of Cibolo: All approved. Motion carried. 10. SET DATE(S) FOR BUDGET WORKSHOP. It was the concensus of the Council to set the first Budget Workshop for Tuesday, August 9, 1988 at 7 :00 P.M. 11. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Billie Little, referring to the recent articles about area cities warrant fee policies, ask if the city has ever appointed a warrant officer officially? Also; she ask that a policy for warrant fee ' s be placed on the agenda for August 2nd. Tino Delgado ask about appointing a committee for "Fire Department Goals" . Mr. Delgado recommended a citizens group along with the fire department with the the city as a liasion. Also, Mr. Delgado ask what the cost of a "professional study" , ask requested in Mr. Troncoso ' s petition would be. Jeff Miller expressed appreciation to the citizens and council for allowing him to attend the TML Conference in Austin. Mr. Miller ask why the appointed council representatives to the Fire Dept. Agreement Committee had not given a progress report back to the full council . Mr. Miller requested that this be done at the next regular meeting . 12. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker announced to the council that a request for rezoning of an 85 acres tract (formerly Cibolo Valley) from residential/commercial to mobile home subdivsion had been presented to the P & Z Committee at their meeting on June 28th. The joint public hearing has been set for 6:00 P.M. , August 2nd, 6:30. August 2nd for a special P & Z meeting and 7 :OOP.M. for consideration by the City Council. Mr. Walker announced that the agreement with Crow Development had been executed by both parties, with , no changes. Also, Mr. Walker stated that funds were available in the budget to do some "seal coating" on several streets in., the city and ' that proposals were in the process for the project. It was Mr. Walker ' s recommendation that a six-seven year street maintenance plan be established. Mr. Walker commented that grass cutting of right-of-ways was a little behind due to being one man short in the maintenance department. 13. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. None MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) JULY 19th, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. �4. ADJOURNMENT. Billie Little (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to adjourn. All Approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 2ND DAY OF AUGUST, 1988. 9 ,at, 76 SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY ri PETITION .< TO: The Cibolo City Council - FROM: The Residents of Cibolo In recent council meetings, there has been some discussion about the City of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept mergi,ng . and building a $90,000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept. We the Residents of . Cibolo feel, that- there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept before a Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any moneys to - the Volunteer Fire Dept. PRINTED NAME S URE ADDRESS DATE P0/0/-) oc - a rea Po -/o 1"Alwaa-z— -7 Ld v lylt) 0 RE J 1. i -7Z6'1 6 CU C) rD 13 d'l Ste /3.- � LX, PETITION TO: The Cibolo City Council FROM: The Residents of Cibolo In recent council meetings , there has been some discussion about the City of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept merg,inj- and building a $90, 000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept . We the -Residents of Cibolo feel that there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept before a Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any moneys to the Volunteer Fire Dept . PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE ice-- A61, wa rt SIC&f� A a � .� � zgy �J 12U d Ul e nS i/ ).e-0 V. k// dsc. PETITION TO: The Cibolo City Council FROM: The Residents of Cibolo In recent council meetings , there has been some discussion about the City of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept merging and building a $90,000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept. We the Residents of Cibolo feel that there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept before a Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any moneys to the Volunteer Fire Dept. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE �--------- PETITION TO: The Cibolo City Council - FROM: The Residents of Cibolo l 1 In recent council meetings , there has been some discussion about the city of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept mergiing and building a $90, 000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept. We the Residents of Cibolo feel that there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept before a Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any moneys to the Volunteer Fire Dept. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE N A M. wS1�,1 �,�ot,M � _12 Nlq U�tA✓,o -Q I- -- 3 V v/ r r,_ Lap, - fforw 13 6 c �- at4i� �-� PETITION TO: The Cibolo City Council FROM: The 'Residents of Cibolo In recent council meetings , there has been some discussion about the City of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept merg,;ng -- and building a $90, 000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept. We the Residents of Cibolo feel that there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept before a Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any moneys to the Volunteer Fire Dept. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE Igg 60 /C. zz 71VZ6� 30.5 �v PETITION -TO: The Cibolo City Council FROM: The Residents of Cibolo In recent council meetings , there has been some discussion about the City of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept merg�t,n ;,, and building a $90,000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept. We the Residents of Cibolo feel that there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept before a Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any moneys to the Volunteer Fire Dept. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE .04- IV& �c4 LK w 44 -- 711 3f Nv — �- ---= x-14 �' �� --- s� �{ �✓ - -�9j PETITION TO: The Cibolo City Council FROM: The Residents of Cibolo l` In recent council meetings, there has been some discussion about the City of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept and building a $90,000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept. We the Residents of Cibolo feel that there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept beforea Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any" moneys to the Volunteer Fire Dept. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE 4-A Lj Fa Re,elt—t C, ��)e-JtAJ� ., i g --.-d sly M) O A so 7y� r _ PETITION TO: The Cibolo City Council FROM: The Residents of Cibolo In recent council meetings , there has been some discussion about the City of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept m � �;_ _ and building a $90, 000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept . We the Residents of Cibolo feel that there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept before a Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any moneys to the Volunteer Fire Dept. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE AL I 9 PETITION TO: The Cibolo City Council FROM: The Residents of Cibolo In recent council meetings , there has been some discussion about the City of Cibolo and Volunteer Fire Dept merging- sand building a $90, 000 Fire Station. The question that is being discussed is where and how should the City assist the Fire Dept. We the Residents of Cibolo feel that there should be a complete study of the Volunteer Fire Dept before a Public Hearing can be held, and before allocating any moneys to the Volunteer Fire Dept. PRINTED NAME 'SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE _- - CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS Check Register as of July 31, 1988 Payee: Description: Amount : Ace Plumbing Water Dept . supplies 10 . 78 Barriere Perma Instant Fill 25 bags asphalt maint product 200 .00 Guadalupe County District Clerk-James Behrendt 3 commissioners -condemnation 900 .00 Brackin Rifle Range rifle practice-police dept . 20 . 00 CCMA June sewer charges 4, 808. 97 CCMA July sewer charges 4 , 459 . 31 Centex Communications : Pager service-police-Aug. 15 .-00 Pager service-maint . -Aug. 15 . 00 Annual contract-police 24 . 00 Annual contract-maint. 24 . 00 Pager service-police-July 15 . 00 Pager service-maint . -July 15 . 00 Cibolo State Bank: Certf. of Oblig. Series 1975 1, 260 . 00 Jr. Lein-1977 Series 1, 200 . 00 Cibolo State Bank Social security & withholding taxes ( Form 941) 1, 426. 20 City of Cibolo Police Dept . Warrant fees paid to: R. Tullgren 375 . 00 John Bosch 50 . 00 City of Cibolo Police Dept. Uniform allowances 4 officers @ 30 . 00 120 . 00 City of Cibolo Water Dept . City Hall water 30 . 13 Park water 33 . 69 City of Schertz Animal shelter rentals 55 . 00 City of Universal City Contracted building inspections from City of Universal City 160 . 00 City of Universal City August dispatch service 300 . 00 Dickies Work Clothes June uniform rental service 78 . 00 Elbel, Roland 1 load top soil 50 . 00 haul away 1/2 load dirt 10 . 00 Farm Plan(Hilbert Imp. ) repairs to mower deck 87 . 25 Maryann Fitzgerald Payroll deduct child support 7-15 87 .50 Payroll deduct child support 7-29 87 . 50 Ron Flake, Prosecutor August court 150 . 00 GBRA Water samples analysis 10 . 00 GVEC: Water tower electricity 30 . 65 City hall electricity 161 . 24- Rec. 61 . 24Rec. Bldg. 19 . 15 Park 104 . 28 Maintenance shed 16 . 84 G-O' s Garage: Unit 282-U-Joints 67 . 55 Unit 282-R & R Stud 24 . 39 Unit 283-Radiator hose 32 . 09 Gibson Nat' l Life Ins . August premium 1, 020 . 68 Green Valley Water 5/31-6/30 8, 650, 000 gals . 7, 823 ..72 . _ Guad County Sheriff Room & board for prisoners 120 . 00 Hardy, Schwartzman, Bahan & Jacobson July retainer 500 . 00 August retainer 500 . 00 Hillert A/C Repairs to City hall unit 484 . 02 K-Mart 2 cases anti-freeze 35 . 82 MCI Telecommunications Long distance service 5 . 31 Albert 0. Menn & Assoc. Research & development of eminent domain hearing approach, inspection of property & commissioner' s • hearing 450 . 00 Miller, Jeff Mileage to & from Austin-TML annual meeting-3 days 84 . 41 Morton Southwest Refund overpayment of ad valorem taxes 43. 24 Payee: Desription: Amount : Payroll Transfer: 7-15 5, 694 . 43 7-29 5, 768. 34 Petty cash reimbursements : Police dept 7. 58 Maint . dept 19 . 08 Police dept 4 . 56 Legal fee 7. 00 Misc supplies 4 . 47 Petty cash reimbursements : Water & sewer dept . 3. 50 Police dept 9 . 28 Court 2 . 00 Maint dept . 11. 13 Price "Barricade & Signal" Street signs & posts 961. 18 Randolph Metrocom Chamber Wednesday lunch-City manager 10 . 00 Wednesday lunch-Mayor 10 . 00 Randolph Radiator shop Unit 283-radiator flush & repair 96 . 75 Randolph Tire Unit 282-2 tires 117 . 72 Richards, Judge Roy August court 150. 00 Ronnie' s Tire service March/July repairs 78. 00 Repair tire for Chevy truck 5 . 50 S & P Communications : Monthly contract-Maint 35 . 00 Monthly contract-police 79 .00 Contract addition-police 23 . 50 Parts & labor-police 55 . 75 S & P Communications : August contract-police 110 .50 August contract-Maint 35 . 00 Schertz Animal Hospital July vet services 76. 50 Seguin Gazette "Notice of Intention" 64 . 86 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 630 . 21 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 396 . 80 Sippel' s Hardware Maint shed-screen & staples 15 . 95 Smith, Ann Mileage to & from Austin-TML insurance conference 42 . 82 South Texas Printing Office supplies, ribbons, printing 101. 67 State Treasurer: Criminal Justice Planning Fund 1, 246 . 50 Operators & Chauffeurs Fund 445 . 50 Compensations to Victims 756. 90 Judicial & Court Personnel Training Fund 249 . 30 Officer Standards & Education 363 . 15 Southwestern Bell Telephone 658-9900 87 . 24 659-1999 44 . 00 TML General Liability 201. 58 Police cars liability 93. 51 Maint trucks liability 48. 16 Law Enforcement 304 . 58 Errors & Omissions 208. 33 Police cars physical damage 19 . 75 Real & personal property 92 . 50 Mobile equipment 12. 00 TML Workmans ' Comp premium 452 . 33 TMRS July contributions-City' s share 364 . 00 Employees share 579 . 65 Texas Employment Commission Qrt ended 6-30 payment 400 . 80 Texas Notary Public Assoc. 2 notary record log books 35 . 48 Thomas Software WBIL update & phone support 10 . 00 Tri County Office equip Print purchase orders 165 . 00 Universal City Auto Parts Unit 285-parts 3 . 26 U. S. Postmaster Postage-Admn, Court, Water 125 . 00 U. S. Postmaster Postage-8/1 water bills 65 . 68 David Walker Car allowance 7-15 50 . 00 Car allowance 7-29 50 . 00 Waste Management of S. A. July garbage service 4 , 397 . 44 Yocham, Debra D. Refund traffic citation overpayment 20 . 50 •