Min CC 11/01/1988 C I T Y O F -, C I B 0 L 0 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Council Member Bolo Glisar gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. All members were present. 4: CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) No citizens requested - to address the Council . Mayor Bauder took a few minutes to introduce Cibolo ' s Webelo Troop # 512 to the Council . The troop arrived at City Hall at 6 :30 p.m. for a tour and visit with David Walker, City Administrator and Mayor Bauder. The troop is working on their "Community Awareness Award" . Mayor Bauder thanked the den leader and the troop for coming to City Hall . 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING,, OCTOBER 18, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. Tex Farnsworth (lino Delgado seconded) to approve as read. All approved. Motion carried. 6. , APPROVE/DISAPPROVAL OF REVISION OF ORDINANCE # 415., GRANTING WASTE MANAGEMENT A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE A GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE IN THE CITY, CONDITIONS, OBLIGATIONS AND LIMITATIONS. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to open for discussion. It was explained by the staff that this was a "clean-up" of the old ordinances that were out of date. No provisions of the amendments to this ordinance changed. Tex Farnsworth (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve with the addition of the term "bulk pick-up to the introduction paragraph. All approved. Motion carried. 7. DISCUSSION ON REQUEST TO ANNEX PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN 'AS 1C0UNTRM LAlNE -MQBIDE. ESTATES. A request from Mr. Coy Simmons, land owner, to annex the unplatted subdivision called Country Lane Mobile Estates was discussion by the Council. Concern for capabilities. of supplying water, waste treatment and police protection was a concern of the Council . The consensus of the Council was to delay Mr. Simmons request for a future look at other areas to annex with closer boundaries. 8. VOTE ON BALLOT TO ELECT BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE RANDOLPH METROCOM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to nominate Ron Johnson, Rufus Hoefer, and David Sippel for Two-Year Terms and Christi Gibbs, Harriett Higgs and John McVey for Three-Year Terms. All approved. Motion carried. • MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING (cont'd) November 1, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. 9. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2 (g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. THE COUNCIL WILL CONVENE TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: A. RESIGNATION OF PERSONNEL. The Council decided that there was no need for any discussion on the matter and choose to notgo into ,executive session. 10. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION. Billie Little ( Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to accept the resignation off John Bosch, Patrol Officer, with regrets. All approved. Motion carried. 11. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth � ask about "old" mattresses on Town Creek Road (or other trash) being picked up by maintenance employees when the need arises. Also, Mr. Farnsworth ask if it was necessary to advertise for the vacancy in the police department since we had licensed reserve officers that might be interested in the position. Mr. Walker stated that we would advertise the position but that interested reserve officers were encouraged to apply. No other comments. 12. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker brought the Council up todate on the construction of the water transmission line. Also, expressed regrets on Officer Bosch ' s resignation but wished him well and stated that he had been a valued asset to the City during his eighteen months of employment. 13. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder also extended appreciation to Officer Bosch and wished him success in his new employment. The Mayor announced that there will be a Joint Community Council Meeting on Dec. 7th at 7 :00 P.M. at Judson High School concerning a joint .land use study initiative for communities adjacent to Randolph A.F.B. The Mayor encouraged attendance. 14. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. Mayor Sam Bauder • Attest: Ann Smith, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS Check Register • October 1988 Payee Description Amount Ace Plumbing Supplies for repairs to water line at 124 Buffalo Trail 13.38 American Mobilphone Pager service contract-Police & Maim Nov. 32 .00 American Mobilphone Pager service contract-October 12.40 CCMA October sewer charges 4,950.09 CCMA Sewer tap fee-346 Scotchrose 500.00 CVFD Donations from the public received at City Hall 11.00 Robert Tullgren Warrant fees 200.00 Cibolo Police DEpt Uniform allowances for October 120.00 Cibolo State Bank Pirncipal & interest payment-Series 1975 7,630.00 Cibolo Water Dept . City Hall 130..13 City park 41.37 Cibolo Water Dept. City Hall-Sept 30.13 City Park-Sept 94 .01 Cibolo State Bank Payroll Transfer 10-14-88 6,549.61 OCibolo State BAnk Payroll taxes deposit (Form 941) 1,757 .80 City of Cibolo Reimburse petty cash fund 44.59 Coca Cola Bottling Co. Coke fund (pass thru funds) 33.29 Custom -Systems. Annual maint . contract for computer system 1,140.00 Donegan Abstract Certificate of title-Joe Amacker 100.00 Shadrock Petroelum. Gasoline 229 .06 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 309 .20 Mary Ann Fitzgerald Payroll deduct child=:support 10-14 87.50 Mary Ann Fitzgerald Payroll deduct child support 10-31 87.50 Ron Flake, Attorney November court 150.00 Ron Flake, Attorney October court 150.00 G-O's Garage Install rebuilt alternator-Unit 283 60.00 G-O'S Garage Replace fuel pump-old 283 27.00 G-O'S Garage Rebuild carburetor on Chevy maint truck 60.00 G-O'S Garage Inspect Unit 280 7 .75 GBRA 2 water samples analysis 10.00 GVEC Electricity: City Hall 168.63 Rec Bldg 25.92 Park 23.17 Maint facility 17.26 Gibson Nat'l Life Ins. October premium less deductions(382 .08) 1,089.42 Gibson Nat'l Life Ins November premium less deductions (382 .06) 1,142.98 4Gifford-Hill 9.27 ton crushed rock 355 .30 Gifford-Hill 9.03 crushed rock 176.09 Green Valley Water 8,000,000 gallons water 7,232.18 Guad. County Appraisal Tax roll, statements, binder, receipts 151.99 Hardy, Schwartzman Condemnation legal expenses 3,114 .00 Hardy, Schwartzman November retainer 500.00 Hardy, Schwartzman October retainer 500.00 Randy Jenkins Repair radar-Unit 285 18.00 K-Mart 2 pkgs film-Police dept . 61.88 Lone Star Lube Oil change-Unit 285 23.31 Oil change-Unit 283 17.95 Oil change-Unit 282 17 .95 MCI Long distance service 8.77 Trudy R. Moxley Payroll deduct child support 10-14 100.00 Trudy R. Moxley Payroll deduct child support 10-31 100.00 W. H. Mullins, Inc. Inspect streets seal coating 75.00 Price "BarricEade" Signs 137.40 Pronto Printing Key cards-Police dept . 107 .50 Judge Roy Richard November court 150.00 Judge Roy Richard October court 150.00 S & P Communications System Maintenance Contract-October 166.00 & P Communications System Maintenance Contract-Novemer 166.00 am's Wholesale Club Annual memebership fee 35.00 Schertz Animal Hospital October charges 42.50 City of Schertz September expenses 125.00 Stubblefield, Schoolcraft Delinquent taxes attorney fees collected 774 .05 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 222 .90 • Sippel's Hardware Shovels for maintenance dept 40.36 South Texas Printing Data binders, calculator ribbons 42 .96 Southwestern Bell 658-9900 80.38 Southwestern Bell 659-1999 38.63 State Treasurer Judicial & Court Personnel Training Rind 277 .20 Law Enforcement-Officers Standards 409.50 Criminal Justice Planning Fund 1,309-.50 Operator's & Chauffeur's Fund 980.55 Compensation to Victim's of Crime 837.45 Tamarac Office Supplies Brief covers, index cards 8.64 Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Annual membership-City Secretary 50.00 Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Secretary's handbook 35.00 Thomas Software Telephone support service 10.00 Thomas Software Meter cards , 5 .06 THL Workman's Comp Ins November 657.75 TML TML Conference registration-Walker 190.00 TNM Liability ins premium October 980.41 Workman's Comp Ins October 657.75 6ffi Liability ins premium-November 1,409 .10 TMRS October contributions-Employee 678.86 City 426.30 Tri County Office Envelopes 64 .50 Tri County Office 2 rubber stamps-"postage" 33.60 Cibolo POst Office Postage for water bills 111.30 Cibolo Post Office Postage-Admn & Water 100.00 Universal City November dispatch service 300.00 Universal City October dispatch service 300.00 Universal City Auto Parts Fuel pump old 283 30.35 Universal City Auto Parts Alternator for Dodge pick-up 61.35 Universal City Auto Parts Alternator & belts-Unit 283 142 .95 David WAlker October car allowance 100 .00 Waste Management October garbage collections 4,774 .70 Wuest's Grocery Misc supplies for city hall 24 .23 •