Min CC 11/15/1988 C IT Y O F C I B O L 0 r MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 , 1988 @ 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING AGENDA WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order @ 7:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar, Council Member, gave the invocation. Ir� 3. ROLL CALL. d• All council members were present. Staff present David Walker, Ann Smith and Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (limit 3 minutes each) No citizens requested to address the council . 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ON 11/1/88 @ 7:00 P.M. B. OCTOBER CHECK. REGISTER. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to approved the consensus items as presented. All approved. Motion carried. NOTE: MAYOR BAUDER CHANGED THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 7. FIRST READING OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS OF THE SOUTHWEST, INC. �f TO RBL CABLE, INC. AND KBLCOM INCORPORATED. Mr. Guerra, representing Rogers Cablesystem, addressed the Council and summarized the resolution concerning the sell of Rogers to KBLCOM, Inc. of Houston. The Council will discuss and consider the resolution at a second reading at the December 6th meeting . 8. REQUEST FROM CITIZEN TO ADOPT PAYMENT PLAN FOR COLLECTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth seconded) opened for discussion. Mrs. Grace Voigt, citizen, requested that the Council adopt a "payment plan" for ad valorem taxes, specifically her 1988 tax bill of $93.46 . The Council expressed understanding and compassion for Mrs. Voigt ' s situation. Tino Delgado recommended that in the future that possibly the Council could adopt a larger amount of exemption for senior citizens and disabled. Tex Farnsworth and Bob Glisar offered alternate suggestions to Mrs. Voigt so that she might open a "savings or escrow account" . City Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Smith recommended that the Council take no action on this matter, at this time. Under the current tax rate and tax base, the city' s tax monies are obligated to pay the debt service. By approving a payment plan, all taxpayers would be eligible to apply for payments thus possibly putting the City in a financial bind. Billie Little made a motion to adopt a payment plan but later withdrew her motion. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) q MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING (Con't) November 15, 1988 . motioned to table any action. All approved. Motion carried. 8. DISCUSSION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to open for discussion. David Walker briefed the Council on the status of the "Joint Agreement" . The fire department directors had approved the agreement, with a few minor changes. Mr. Walker stated that the agreement had been reviewed by TML and the City Attorney, Mr. Harvey Hardy. Council Delgado recommended that a "city appointed panel" serve on the Fire Department Board of Directors . Discussion continued as to the location of the fire station, replacement of equipment, training of volunteers and ownership of current fire department property. Mayor Bauder stated that the fire department had requested several of the local fire chiefs assist' with a study of the present fire department . Mayor Bauder stated that the briefing would be Saturday morning at the Fire Station. 9. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth had no comments. Billie Little ask if we had a "no thru truck" sign on Main Street . Mrs . Little commented that several big trucks had been going down Main Street. Tino Delgado ask if• the staff had completed the "striped-walkway from Dobie to Thistle Creek. Mr. Walker stated that after looking at the width of the street that the project was not workable . Over areas would be researched. Also, Mr. Delgado ask if different type plumbing fixtures for the park could be installed to prevent vandalism. Also, Mr. Delgado ask the Chief about solitor ' s coming through the sub.divison without permits . Chief ask that residents call the "dispatch" and report anyone going door-to-door without permission. Bob Glisar had no comments. Jeff. Millerask6dif the vegetable stand on IH - 35 was in our jurisdiction for health permits. Also, Mr. Miller stated that he would like to attend the ACCOG semi-annual luncheon on December 14th. 10. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Ann Smith, City Secretary, stated that a representative from Bexar E-9-1-1 would be at the next Council meeting to update the Council and citizens on the progress of the emergency dispatch completion. 11. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder announced that Cibolo had been saluted by the Metrocom as a charter member since July, 1976. Also, the mayor announced that "Operation Identification" would be held in Cibolo on March 2, 1989 . 12. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. ATTEST: Mayor Sam Bauder Ann Smith, City- Secre ary CITY OF CIBOLO Check Register November 1988 • PAYEE: DESCRIPTION: AMOUNT: Ace Plumbing 2 locks for water tank 29 . 18 Acme Lumber paint & supplies for the fire hydrants 163 . 62 Bach, Albert refund overpayment of ad valorem taxes for 1987 11. 00 CCMA November sewer charges 4, 618. 00 Payroll transfer 11-30-88 6, 061. 59 Cibolo State Bank Fica & w/h taxes ( Form 941 ) 1, 662 . 28 Payroll transfer 11-15-88 6, 868. 58 Cibolo State Bank Fica & w/h taxes ( Form 941 ) 1, 858. 48 Payroll transfer 10-31-88 6, 629 . 16 Cibolo State Bank Fica & w/h taxes ( Form 941 ) 1, 785 . 42 Cibolo State Bank 1982 Series Principal due 12-1-88 15, 000 . 00 1982 Series Interest due 12-1-88 9, 625 . 00 City of Cibolo-Police Dept . Uniform allowances 90 . 00 City of Cibolo-Police Dept . Warrants : Tullgren 200 . 00 Strickland 25 . 00 0ty of Cibolo-Petty cash Reimbursements-11-15 49 . 96 ty of Cibolo-Petty cash Reimbursements-11-30 37 . 28 City of Cibolo-Water Dept . City Park 43. 93 City Hall 30 . 13 City of Cibolo-Water Dept . Closeout customer deposits account per auditor-credit to 900-036 1, 781. 97 Dickies Work Clothes Uniform rental service for maint dept . 39 . 00 Donegan Abstract Co. Certificates of Title 401. 00 Ewald Tractor Oil filters for backhoe 12 . 39 Flake, Ron December court 150 . 00 G-O' S Garage install distributor on 285 79 . 00 spark plugs for 283 21 . 00 install intake manifold & radiator cap for unit 280 129 . 00 repair & install starter unit 282 31. 00 ,repair heater unit 285 18. 00 GBRA October water samples 10 . 00 GVEC Maint shed 17 . 31 City hall 106. 54 City park 73. 07 Rec bldg. 22 . 38 Gibson National Life Ins. Health & life ins for employees 686 . 31 A'reen Valley Water 7, 020, 000 gallons 6, 340 . 38 uadalupe County Sheriff Room & board 40 . 00 Hardy, Schwartzman, etc. December retainer 500. 00 Helping Hand Paint supplies , brass fittings 24 . 80 GVEC Water tower electricity 12 . 24 Hernandez , Tony Repair driveway @ 115 Indian Blanket 850 . 00 J-Lube, Inc. Oil changes, Unit 283, 285 41. 26 MCI Long distance service 5 . 85 McAllen Pipe & Supply Gaskets, slip rings 20 . 00 Repair kit , couplings 238. 30 Melick, Armstrong, Vaughan Interim billing for audit service 3, 000 . 00 Module Banking 4 old file cabinets @ 10 . 00 40 . 00 Moxley, Trudy P/r deduct child support 200 . 00 W. H. Mullins , Inc. Inspect water transmission line 922. 00 Puralator Courier "Test" materials for police dept . 11. 85 Quest Utility Corp 1st due on water line construction 85, 124 . 27 Bal due on water line construction 11, 014 . 28 Recorder Times Ad for new police officer 18. 75 Judge Roy Richard, Jr. December court 150 . 00 Rohan Company Rockwell gaskets , gland 79. 44 10 & P Communications System maint contract 166 . 00 .,chertz, City of Animal shelter rental-October 125 . 00 Seguin Gazette Ad for police officer 8. 50 Shadrock Petroleum gasoline 266. 00 gasoline 257. 73 Sippel' s water dept . supplies 48 . 91 police dept . supplies 23. 96 Smith, Ann Mileage reimbursement for Sept, Oct . , Nov. 28 . 34 CITY OF CIBOLO Check Register November 1988 PAYEE: DESCRIPTION: AMOUNT: South Texas Printing Ticket jackets for court 251. 95 Southwestern Bell 658-9900 82 . 84 659-1999 37. 78 Stubblefield, Brister November fees collected for delinq taxes 310 . 62 T & F Construction Vibratory roller rental-3 1/2 days 175 . 00 TML Worker' s comp insurance 657. 75 Liability insurance 1, 194 . 76 TMRS Retirement contribtuions : City 417 . 63 Employees 665 . 07 Thomas Software disks, water bills, labels, ribbon 194 . 40 telephone support 20 . 00 Tommy Brown Printing calendar refills 26. 15 True Performance Oil & air filters for police cars 87 . 10 Tullgren, Robert reimburse for name tags 17 . 50 U. S. Postmaster Postage 216. 72 UTSA-Law Enforcement Felony Stop Survival Class 30 . 00 IDE niversal City December dispatch service 300 . 00 Universal City Auto Parts Heater control valve-unit 283 32. 53 Carburator parts for brown truck 28 . 31 Starter-Unit 282 70 . 90 Rebuilt distributor Unit 285 153. 48 Intake manifold, radiator cap unit 280 11. 52 Walker, David Car allowance 100 . 00 Reimburse for expenses incurred in Dallas at TML convention-November 49 . 94 Waste Management of S.A. November service 5, 103 . 90 Wuest ' s Grocery Janitorial supplies for the park 16 . 54 Fitzgerald, Mary A. P/r deduct child support 175 . 00