Min CC 12/20/1988 I • CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1988 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1988 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Council Member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present: Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Tino Delgado, Billie Little and Mayor Bauder. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith, and Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) No. citizen requested to address the council . 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A.I MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1988. Jeff Miller (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approved as written. All approved. Motion carried. Mayor Bauder changed the order of business: 7. PRESENTATION OF "CERTIFICATIONS OF APPRECIATION" TO THE SEGUIN GAZETTE, HERALD LIFE AND RECORDER TIMES NEWSPAPERS. Mayor Bauder presented certificates of appreciation to the three newspaper that cover the council meetings. Receiving certificates were : Paul - Davis, Vice President of the Herald Life, Leanna Lake, Recorder Times and Sandra Cole, Seguin Gazette. 6. PRESENTATION & REPORT BY GORDON ARMSTRONG, C.P.A. , OF ARMSTRONG, MELICK AND VAUGHAN ON THE CITY'S 1987-88 FISCAL YEAR AUDIT AND FINANCIAL REPORT. Mayor Bauder introduced Mr. Armstrong and ask that he make his presentation. Mr. Armstrong presented the Council with copies of the Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988. Mr. Armstrong advised the Council that the audit report had been reviewed with the staff and the audit committee, line-by-line, and that he would , touch on the fine points at this time. Mr. Armstrong briefed the Council on his management letter and suggestions to streamline operations and increase productivity. Mr . Armstrong noted that • the city was in ' good financial status and had approximately one year ' s budget fund in reserves . Also, Mr. Armstrong suggested that the Council adopt a "long range equipment replacement plan" and designate some of the reserve funds for that purpose . Tino Delgado (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to accept the financial report, as presented. All approved . Motion carried. 8. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Each council member present expressed "thank you ' s" to Gordon Armstrong for the presentation of the annual audit report and for his assistance to the staff. Also, each member expressed appreciation to the staff for the "good job" they were doing in managing the city' s operation. Jeff Miller stated that he had reservations with the paragraph on pp. 17 of the Audit Report , refering the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Board. Mr. Armstrong stated that it was a formality to state that the city has no authority, responsibility or obligation and that all funds obtained by the CVFB were to be used as the board saw fit, at this time . The reason for the statement in the audit report is due to the Certificate of Obligation, Series 1988 stating that a portion of the fund was for construction of a fire station or equipment. 9. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker made a request on behalf of the U.S. Postal System for permission to place temporary buildings on the land recently purchased on FM 1103 for the construction of a new post office building . Due to the safety of the present structure, the post office must be relocated as quickly as possible . Construction of the permanent building is scheduled in 2-3 years . The Council voiced consensus that they would permit the temporary buildings , upon presentation of plans and specifications from the Postal Service Engineers. 10. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder also expressed appreciation to the staff for a "great" - -job_ and stated that it had been a good year. Mayor Bauder invited everyone to stay for refreshments and wished everyone a "Merry Christmas" . 11. ADJOURNMENT. Billie Little (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary r CITY OF CIBOLO Check Register December 1988 • PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Ace Hardware Chain saw bar $ 32. 48 Ace Plumbing Pipe, T' s, 90"s 126 . 24 ACe Plumbing Paint thinner 2 . 99 American Mobilphone Pager service 32 . 00 Armadillo Country Membership dues : Larry, Keith 34 . 00 Board of Tax Professional Examiners Renewal fee for A. Smith 35 . 00 CCMA December sewer charges 4, 446 . 71 Cibolo State Bank Jr. Lein interest 1, 200 . 00 Cibolo Police Dept . December uniform allowances 4 @ 30 . 00 120 . 00 Cibolo State Bank 12-15 payroll transfer 6, 353 . 99 12-15 Form 941 payment 1, 743 . 12 12-30 payroll transfer 6, 651. 02 12-30 Form 941 payment 1, 824 . 54 Creative Trophies, Inc Council name tags 13. 75 City of Cibolo reimburse petty cash 12-28 46. 17 reimburse petty cash 12-15 45 . 58 Cibolo Police Dept . Warrants : Tullgren 125 . 00 Strickland 350 . 00 Cibolo Water Dept . City hall water 30 . 13 City park water 29 . 21 Coca Cola Pass thru funds 26. 09 Dickies Work clothes November uniforms rental service 65 . 00 Donegan Abstract Co . ED Ling title Certf. & fee 109 .50 Roland Elbel 3 loads asphalt, 3 loads hauled off 90 . 00 MaryA. Fitzgerald 12-28 child support 87 . 50 12-15 child support 87 . 50 Ron Flake, Attorney January Court 150 . 00 Frost National Bank Waterwork & Sewer Bonds 1975 series 6, 131. 00 G-O' S Garage Replace heater hose Unit 283 30 . 00 GBRA Water samples analysis 20 . 00 GVEC City hall 101. 22 Maint shed 17 . 16 Park 43 . 70 Rec bldg 16. 67 Water tower 12 . 24 Gibson National Life Ins January insurance premium 877 . 35 Green Valley Water 5, 970, 000 gallons 5 , 384 . 88 Guad. County Appraisal District 1st qtr fiscal year 1988-89 1, 142 . 89 Guad. County Sheriff ' s Office Room & board 40 . 00 Harvey Hary January retainer 500 . 00 Hillert A/C Repairs to heat pump 90 . 25 Hoffman Floors Carpet-City hall clerks area 325 . 00 Life Newspaper Ads for police officer 20 . 00 Edward H. Ling Land Purchase 12, 152 . 00 MCI Long distance service 7 . 91 Melick, Armstrong& Vaughan Completion of 1987-88 audit 1, 000 . 00 Trudy Moxley 12-28 child support 100 . 00 12-15 child support 100 . 00 Judge Roy Richard January court 150 . 0.0 SBCCI 300 bldg permits forms 90 . 00 SBCCI Annual dues 40 . 00 S & P Battery-Unit 280 36 . 25 S & P Monthly contract 166. 00 City of Schertz Animal shelter rental for Nov 30 . 00 City of Schertz SAFES-lst qtr payment 695 . 13 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 296. 80 Diesel 57 . 17 Gasoline 195 . 80 Sippels Misc supplies for sewer repair 10 . 95 South Texas Printing 2 column pads 33 . 21 Southwestern Bell 659-1999 33. 23 658-9900 87 . 58 TML Workman' s Comp Ins 657 . 75 Liability Ins 1, 194 . 76 TMRS December contributions : City 418 . 05 Employees 665 . 73 continued CITY OF CIBOLO Check Register • December 1988 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission 2 copies of beverage codes & rules 28. 00 Texas Dept . of Health Public water supply system annual fee 400. 00 Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners License renewal for Keith 50. 00 Thomas Software Telephone support 7 . 50 Tri County Office red paper, rolodex cards 15 . 20 U C Auto parts Battery for Unit 283 69 . 95 Wiper blades Unit 283 4. 65 Battery for Dodge pick-up 49 . 95 Heater hose for Unit 283 5 . 25 Universal City January dispatch service 300 . 00 U S Postmaster Postage & annualpermit 221. 43 Postage 100 . 00 W H Mullins Locate existing water line-FM78 240 . 00 David WAlker December car allowance 100 . 00 Waste Management December garbage 5, 067 . 27 _ West Publishing Co. Vernon' s Texas Statutes 12 . 00 Xerox Corp. Maint agreement on copier 475 . 00 1