Min CC 01/17/1989 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1989 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 , 1989 AT 7 :00 P. M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :08 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Council member Bob Gilsar gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present: Billie Little, Bob Glisar, Jeff Miller and Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth arrived at 7:35 p.m. (at the end of item #10 on the agenda) . Tino Delgado was absent due to illness. Staff present : David Walker, Ann Smith and Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) Mayor Bauder introduced the Samuel Clemens J.Y. Cheerleaders and their sponsor. The group had won the Regional Cheerleading Championship and will be going to Orlando, Florida to compete in the nationals during February. The group needs $7,000 to pay expenses for the trip. Mayor Bauder and the Council congratulated the group and wished them good luck. Although the City has no funds budgeted for this, individual council members contributed funds toward sponsoring the group. 5_ APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. 'MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ON DEC. 20, 1988. B. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING ON JANUARY 9, 1989. C. CHECK REGISTER OF DECEMBER, 1988. Bob Glisar (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve, as presented. All approved. Motion carded. 6. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR CIBOLO HERMAN AND SONS LODGE #147 TO WAIVE THE USUAL FEE FOR THE RENTAL OF THE CITYJPARK FOR THE JUNE 18TH ANNUAL PICNIC_ Billie Little (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to waive ' usual fees and for the staff to charge only for estimated utilities. All approved. Motion carried. 7. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON THE PURCHASE OF CONTRACTS AND ASSETS OF WASTE MANAGEMENT OF S.A. BY MOORE INDUSTRIAL DISPOSAL, INC. Bob Glisar (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the contract title change on garbage collection service from Waste Management of S.A. to Moore . Industrial Disposal. All approved. Motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) Tuesday, January 17, 1989 @ 7:00 P.M. 8. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL POLICE OFFICER RESERVES. Billie Little (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the appointment of William O. Alford and Micheal A. Harris as reserve officers for the Cibolo Police Department. All approved. Motion carried. 9. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF DISPOSAL OF 1977 DODGE TRUCK. Jeff Miller (Bob Glisar second) motioned to allow the staff to salvage, the old 1977 Dodge Maintenance Truck, as seen fit'. All approved. Motion carried. 10. FORMALIZE APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF 1985 DODGE PICKUP FOR 'THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT. Jeff Miller (Bob Glisar second) motioned- to formalize the purchase of a 1985 Dodge Pick-up. Total cost of $3, 850 plus $94.50 for installation of radio equipment approved will be paid from - the water and sewer reserve fund. All approved. Motion carried. ADDENDUM - DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON GROUP HEALTH. INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES. Bob Glisar (Tex Farnsworth second) motioned to approve Plan 1 ($100 deductible/$2, 500 co-insurance, dental and $10, 000 Life) of the Texas Municipal League Trust fund by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company, effective February 1, 1989 for the employees benefit program. All approved. Motion carried. 11. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2(f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS: A. DISCUSSION OF LAND RIGHT-OF-WAY PAYMENTS TO SELLERS FOR LOOP 539. Council agreed that no discussion was necessary on Item '11C; therefore, no need for executive session for discussion. 12. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar second) motioned to approve adding an additional $500 to the price set at the condemnation hearing by the special commissioners board in the amount of $31, 270.03 for the purchase of right-of-way for Loop 539 to the Vernon McKaskle property. All approved the additional amount. Motion carried. 13. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth ask about the TABC reported on the Monthly Police Activity Report. Also ask Jeff_ Miller about comments in the minutes of December 20th referring the CVFD clause in the audit report and ask about the city' s water pressure. Mr. Farnsworth ask about the prevention of lime deposits in water heaters, lines, appliances, etc. Also, ask the orgin of the bill from W.H. Mullins on locating water lines MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd)' Tuesday, January 17, 1989 @ 7:00 P.M. in the city park. Mrs. Little mentioned to the staff that possibly the street rental useage fee paid by G.V.E.C. on Dobie Intermediate School may be going to the City of Schertz. 14. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker briefed the Council on the following items: 1 ) Staff had put bid specifications out for the demolition of elevated water storage tank and bid opening will be February 1, 1989 @ 2 :00 P.M. 2) Ask for okay from the Council to get quotes to remove tank in the City Park. 3) Briefed the Council on the GGS Joint Venture request and public hearing requesting re-zoning of a parcel . 4) Mentioned two police cars had been in the shop with bad water pumps and a rear seal out. Maintenance on the police vehicles is average $100 per/month per/vehicle. 5 ) Update on proposed move of the post office. 6) Update on fire department communication system installation. Ann Smith ask the media to make mention that taxpayers only had until January 31st to pay the base amount. 15. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. r' Mayor Bauder mentioned a letter that he received from the City of Converse in reference to a YMCA located in northeast Bexar County and inviting interested parties to attend a decision concerning the matter. 16. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar second) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. fln TaXA_ SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST.: 9�� J.)�_* 4 ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO Check Register January 1989 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Law Enforcement Academy Class for Armando Jimenez, Jr. 20.00 American Mobilphone Paging Pager service 16.00 Acme Lumber Co. Repairs to picnic tables 104.79 City of Cibolo 1-13-89 payroll transfer 6,565.76 City of Cibolo 1-31-89 payroll transfer 6,717.80 City of Cibolo reimburse petty cash 29.15 City of Cibolo Transfer ad valorem taxes to I&S 20,182.88 City of Cibolo Transfer from Water & Sewer in lieu of taxes 8,303.74 City of Cibolo Transfer for Dodge truck & light 3,994.50 City of Cibolo Police Dept. Warrants : Donnie Strickland 1,100.00 -- Chief Tullgren 250.00 City of Cibolo Police Dept. Uniforms allowance 120.00 Cibolo Volunteer Fire Dept. Oct. , Nov., Dec. donations 26.53 CCMA January 4,491.14 Coleman, Wesley, Jr. Refund overpayment of final water bill 2.76 Dickies Work Clothes- Uniform rental service-Maint 65.00 s"SC Company 5 gal crack seal for streets 38.42 Ewald Ford Tractor Filters for tractor 12.73 Fitzgerald, MaryAnn Payroll deduct child support 1-13 87.50 Payroll dedcut child support 1-31 87.50 Flake, Ron February court 150.00 G-O'S Garage install water pumps 282, 285 136.00 Repair main seal, replace valve cover gasket, oil pan gasket 1986 Chevy 258.00 Oil change 283, 285, 282 27.00 Repair center link idler arm on steering 283 66.00 GBRA Water samples analysis 15.00 GVEC Water Tower Electricity 31.24 Warehouse 17.93 City Hall 94.98 Park 32.93 Rec Bldg 14.83 Gazette Enterprise 12 months renewal- 34.00 Gifford Hill Flexible base 14.07 Gilbreath, Keith Shoes allowance 30.00 Green Valley Water 5,340,000 gallons 4,811.58 County Sheriff's Dept. Room & board 20.00 H. P. Printing Co. Alarm permit forms 62.17 Harvey Hardy February retainer 500.00 = Helping Hand 4 sacks concrete mix 11.80 Supplies for Hwy 78 water line break 52.60 MCI Long distance service 19.21 MPH Industries, Inc Moving radar/antenna-Police dept. 1,250.00 Martins Uniforms, S.A. Police shirts for Armando Jimenez, Jr. 62.06 Moore Industrial Disposal January garbage collections 5,120.01 Moxley, Trudy Payroll dedcut child support 1-13 100.00 Payroll deduct child support 1-31 100.00 Randolph Metro Chamber January luncheon-City Manager 10.00 Promotional fee 1989 150.00 Richard, Roy February court 150.00 St. Paul Stamps Works Dog & cat tags 81.07 S & P Communications Monthly contracts 166.00 Install GE radio & emergency light in Dodge Truck 94.50 Sam's Wholesale Club Office & Maint supplies 338.75 Schertz Animal Hospital January statement 8.50 December statement 17.00 City of Schertz-SAFES First aid supplies & equip- Police Dept. 45.15 City of Schertz Animal shelter rental 25.00 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline, diesel 801.53 Sippel's Supplies 46.28 Slimp OIl Co. 1 55 gal RC-2, 1 5gal pourable crack seal 103.09 SW Bell 658-9900 100.81 659-1999 33.97 South Texas Auto Brokers 1985 Dodge PIck-up 3,850.00 State Treasurer Annual sales tax report 5,041.60 State Treasurer Fees due to State Court 3,570.75 Stubblefield, Brister, Schoolcraft Attorney fess collected 94.10 CITY OF CIBOLO Check Register January 1989 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Tax Refunds Jeffrey Large 2.82 Rose Lee Pfeil 16.14 Texas City Management Assoc Annual dues-City Manager 109.50 Texas Employment Commission 4th quarter unemployment tax 33.02 Texas Municipal Clerks 1988 supplement to Texas Municipal Election Law Manual 25.00 TML Insurance Trust Find Health insurance 1,028.75 Workman's Comp Ins 657.75 Liability insurance 1,194.76 TMRS January contributions 1,100.43 Thomas Software Phone support 5.00 Title USA Refund 1985, 86 overpayment of taxes 207.43 Tri County Office Office supplies 20.63 Tullgren, R. Reimburse for pants for Armando Jimenez 20.00 City of Universal City February dispatch service 300.00 Universal City Auto Parts _ 2 water pumps, 282, 285 91.93 part for,unit..282 16.77 Rear mainseal, valve cover gaskets-Chevy 25.70 U-Joints, oil filter-85 Dodge truck 20.67 Idler Arms & rear oil stem-283 98.46 Halogen light for 285 14.79 Wolverine Enterprises Refund overpayment of 1986 taxes-Gutierrez 4.94 U. S. Postmaster Postage-Admn, Water 192.01 Law Enforcement Academy 1 traffic code, 1 penal code 10.00 Walker, David car allowance 100.00