Min CC 06/20/1989 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1989 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A ,REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING ACTION WAS TAKEN: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Council Member Bob Glisar presented the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present : Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, .lino Delgado, Mark Buell and Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth was absent. Staff present : David Walker, Ann Smith & Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) Due to the number of persons signed up to speak, Mayor Bauder changed the order of business to item #6 to allow Mr. Armstrong to complete his business and leave for another meeting. 6. PRESENTATION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON ENGAGEMENT WITH THE FIRM OF MELICK, ARMSTRONG AND VAUGHAN TO EXAMINE THE ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES AND FINANCIAL RECORDS OF SPECIFIC FRANCHISE TAX PAYERS IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO. Jeff Miller (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to approve signing an engagement agreement with Melick, Armstrong & Vaughan to audit the street franchise taxpayers (GVEC, Entex, Rogers Cable and Southwestern Bell) for any possible errors in the gross receipts. The agreement fee is contingent on the amount of recovery and is 30% of the recovery. Mr. Armstrong answered any questions that the Council had. Mayor Bauder called for a vote, which was unanimous. Motion carrieCt.- 4. ` CITIZENS TO BE HEARD.. Mr. Steve Liparato, Thistle Creek Subdivision, ask several questions invoked by a petition drive. Mr. Liparato ask about the number of hours that the city was manned with a police officer on duty, the job responsibilities of the Chief and the rumors of a "speed trap" at Dobie School . Mr. William Bush, representing the Cibolo Grange Hall , invited the public to the July lst auction and dance at the Grange Hall . Mr. Bob Gray, Thistle Creek resident, presented the Mayor with a petition signed by some thirty-three residents of Thistle Creek and Dobie Heights Subdivision. - Mr. Gray MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (cont'd) Tuesday, June 20, 1989 stated that the petition is to request "24-Hour Police Protection" . The petition, which is - a part of these minutes, states that the availability would be possible by eliminating the police chief ' s position and making the responsibilities that of the city administrator. Also, requested stopping all "speed traps" and to, not allow the officers to drive city- vehicles to and from work. Gerald Garrison, Thistle Creek Subdivision, responded in opposition to the petition. Mr. Garrison stated that the police department was above average for a city of comparison size and that we had a well trained staff under the leadership of Chief Tullgren. Mr. Garrison felt that the department had grown and improved during the - last two years and that the management was handling the responsibilities in an excellent manner. Mr. Garrison related "response time" on a recent 911 call and stated that the police was there, with back-up, in approximately three minutes and that he was sure that even in San Antonio that you would. not get that reaction time. Mr. Ernest Schlather, Justice of the Peace, spoke in support of the police department management. Also, voicing support was Mr. Harry Chance, Cathy Armbrister and Barbara Carr of Thistle Creek. At the conclusion of the comment session, Mayor Bauder stated that he would take the petition in consideration. Mayor Bauder` stated that in response to the petition that the city administrator would , not be able to assume the role of a "peace officer" and that the cities liability was just as great if the officer ' s on call were reponding to a call in the city in their personal vehicle or the city vehicle. However, by providing them a patrol car to come-and-go for on call duty, it gave protection (marked car & lights, siren, etc) to the officer and allowed them to arrive in the city quicker. Also, Mayor Bauder stated that the citizens of Cibolo had elected him to his position and that he would represent the "whole city" to the best of his ability and personally he was very proud of the staff and the accomplishments that he had seen in the past two years. The police department has grown from two to four fulltime officers, with 4-6 reserve officers and when the city could afford it, he looked forward to adding to the police staff. 7. APPOINTMENT OF CITY LIAISON TO THE CIBOLO VALLEY ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE COUNCIL. Mayor Bauder stated that Tex Farnsworth had expressed interest in .serving on the CVADAC. Tino Delgado (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to nominate Mr. Farnsworth. No other nominations were voiced. , Motioned carried. 8. NOMINATION TO THE GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO FILL THE VACANCY CREATED BY JIM FROST. Jeff Miller (Tino Delgado seconded) nominated Mr. Fritz Schlather as the City of Ci.bolo nominee. All approved. Motion carried. 9. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Mark Buell stated that he felt the police protection was good and professionally handled for a small community. Mr. Buell added that all citizens should help by driving safely and slower. MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBILO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) Tuesday, June 20, 1989 r Mr. Delgado stated that citizens in the area were concerned about the curve on Dietz Road. He ask if it is possible to research the cost of st.raighting it. Also, Mr. Delgado stated that residents in Thistle Creek were having problems with trash cans being moved or stolen. Mr. Glisar expressed support of the police protection and the department personnel . Mr. Miller ask if we were planning for a fireman in the 1989-90 budget and when the fire department would be presenting some plans and requests for the budget. 10. COMMENTS BY THE STAFF. David Walker stated that - the police personnel was well trained, that equipment - had been upgraded, good relations have been established with our area departments and that the department had good management. Other areas of briefing were: 1 ) Old wells in the wooded area of Thistle Creek have been filled in. 2) Staff has received phone quotes on seal coating several streets. 3) Latest reports show Worker ' s Comp could increase by 80%. 11. ' COMMENTS BY THE MAYOR. Mayor Bauder commented on the professionalism and accomplishments of current city staff. Mayor Bauder thanked_ the citizens present and invited their -attendance`-at future city council meetings. 12. ADJOURNMENT. Bob Glisar (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to adjourn. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 18th DAY OF JULY, 1989. Mayor Sam Bauder ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary PETITION THIS PETITION IS FOR 24 HOUR POLICE PROTECTION . THIS PROTECTION WOULD BE AVAILABLE BY DOING AWAY WITH THE POLICE CHIEF ' S POSITION AND MAKING THE CHIEF ' S RESPONSIBILITIES A PART OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR. STOP ALL SPEED TRAPS , MAKE ALL POLICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM WORK . NAME ADDRESS 2 . 3 . TO 4 5 l� -t ca 6 . s . Q.l 1 10 . 12 . 13 14 . A5 V,-�q 4a 15 9 r� 16 Jas 17 18 . 32-2 1 9 . 20 `� 3J 21 2 26 o 317 23 . 24 2 25 . 26 PETITION THIS PETITION IS FOR 24 HOUR POLICE PROTECTION . THIS PROTECTION WOULD BE AVAILABLE BY DOING AWAY WITH THE POLICE CHIEF ' S POSITION AND MAKING THE CHIEF ' S RESPONSIBILITIES .A PART -OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR. STOP ALL SPEED TRAPS , MAKE ALL POLICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM WORK , NAME ADDRESS L 1 . � • 2 . / 3 . 4 5 . 6 -- 7 �. 8 . 9 12Ld 13 . 14 . t 15 . 16 . - ' r 17 . 18 , 19 . 20 . T 21 . 22 . -. . 23 . 24 25 .__ 26 .