Min CC 06/27/1989 - Workshop CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP OF TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1989 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A WORKSHOP MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN -CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE WORKSHOP WAS HELD FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: 1. CALL TO .ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the workshop to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Council Member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present: Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Mark Buell, Tex Farnsworth and Mayor Bauder. Tino Delgado was absent. Staff present : David Walker, Ann Smith, and Chief Tullgren. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens requested to speak. 5. DISCUSSION/PRESENTATION FROM MR. HENRY GUTIERREZ, MOORE INDUSTRIAL DISPOSAL, INC. ON THE STATUS OF THE BUFFALO VALLEY LANDFILL PROJECT. Mr. Henry Gutierrez, owner of the proposed Buffalo Valley Landfill, addressed the Council on the application for the landfill and the changes in the location. Mr. Gutierrez stated that a public hearing would be scheduled for August/September, 1989- Mr. Gutierrez stated that most concern had been on. the effect to shallow wells in the area and how toxic the leachate water would be that will be hauled away for disposal. Mr. Gutierrez stated that with Randolph Air Force Base concerns over, the increasing. of fowls/sea gulls flying in the path of landing field, that an authority had been hired to do a study. Discussion over highwaysand routes was discussed. 6. DISCUSSION/PLANNING OF A FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND THE 89-90 BUDGET PLANNING., In accordance with the recommendation in the 1987-88 audit report, the workshop was for the -purpose of beginning a Capital. Improvement Plan for the. city. The staff prepared Capital Improvement lists by fund catagory for a base to begin the plan. Discussion, by departments, centered around ideas for replacement or improvements. The staff will put financial figures to these items and come back to the Council for further planning. 7., ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) otioned to adj urn at 9:30 �.m. ATTEST: am Bauder, Mayor gyp , CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CHECK REGISTER JUNE 1989 YEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A&P Water & Sewer Supplies Inc. Water Repair Supplies $ 274.13 Ace Plumbing Meter Installation Supplies $ 76.88 Robin Addison Reimbursement Court Fine Overpayment $ 10.00 American Mobilphone Pager Service (Police & Main't) $ 32.00 American Mobilphone Pager Service (Police & main't) $ 32.00 CCMA-Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Sewer $ 4890.48 Petty Cash Fund Reimbursement $ 46.03 Cibolo Police Dept. Clothing Allowance $ 120.00 Payroll Transfer 6-15 to 6-30 from 900-079 to 900-869 $ 5205.29 from 900-036 to 900-869 $ 1362.24 Cibolo State Bank Payroll Taxes Deposit $ 1770.28 Payroll Transfer 6-1-89 to 6-15-89 From 900-079 to 900-869 $ 5753.20 From 900-036 to 900-869 $ 814.33 Cibolo State Bank Payroll Taxes Deposit $ 1821 .28 Cibolo State Bank Jr. Lein 1977 Interest $ 1200.00 City of Universal City Dispatch Service - July $ 300.00 Coca Cola Bottling Co. Pass Thru $ 41 .75 "-vid F. Darnell Purchase of 0.150 Acres of land $ 4302.00 -kies Industrial Uniform Rental Service $ 52.00 `Du Good Upholstery Repair/Install Upholstery Unit # 284 $ 75.00 Ernies Automotive Front End Alignment Unit # 284 $ 29.50 Factory Uniforms 4 Marksmanship Badges $ 15.00 Mary Ann Fitzgerald Child Support -Pat Fitzgerald 6/30/89 $ 87.50 Mary Ann Fitzgerald Child. Support -Pat Fitzgerald 6/15/89 87.50 Ron Flake Municipal Court Prosecutor-July 1 150.00 Frost Nat' l Bank Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds-Series 1975 $ 996.25 Guadalupe Blanco River Authority Water Samples Analysis $ 10.00 G-0's Garage Battery Cable Ends Unitr284 $ 10.00 GVEC Water Tower Meter $ 15.28 GVEC City Hall $ 147.57 City Park $ 157.90 Warehouse $ 17.10 Rec. Bldg. $ 54.12 Gifford Hill Co. Ins. Flexible Base (Indian Circle & Tomahawk) $ 806.92 Keith Gilbreath Per Diem-5 Meals @ $ 5.00 per $ 25.00 Angela Gilbreath Child Support - 6/14/89 (Keith Gilbreath) $ 137.50 Angela Gilbreath Child Support - 6/30/89 (Keith Gilbreath) $ 137.50 green Valley Water 7,864,000 Gallons $ 7996.58 een Valley Water Water Line Repairs. $ 320.00 __adalupe Co. Appraisal Dist. 3rd Qtr. Allocation Payment $ 1142.89 Guadalupe Co. Sheriff's Office Mark Stehle - 1 day - 5/11-12 $ 20.00 Hollie Whetstone - 1 day - 5/22=23 $ 20.00 Harvey Hardy July Retainer 500.00 Hillert Implement Parts for John Deere Mower 26.55 Trudy Moxley Child Support - Larry Moxley 6/30/89 100.00 Trudy Moxley Child Support - Larry Moxley 6/14/89 $ 100.00 Ozarka Water Pass Thru $ 37.66 Quill Corp. Mailing Labels $ 44.47 MCI Long Distance Service $ 21 .41 Michael G's Repairs to Unit # 280 $ 64.32 (Directional Signal Switch & full Auto Inspection) Moore Industrial June Collections $ 5078.79 Randolph Metrocom Ann Smith Luncheon 5/3 $ 10.00 David Walker - 6/7 $ 10.00 Roy Richard Municipal Court Judge-July $ 150.00 S & P Communiciation Parts for Repso-Syn 2100 $ 11 .00 S & P`Communication Police Contract $ 118.50 Main't Contract $ 47.50 Southwestern Bell 658-9900 $ 88.50 35.19, SAFES 3rd Qt99Pro Rata $ 695.13 Sam's Wholesale Supplies $ 162.62 City of Schertz Animal Control May Shelter Rental $ 80.00 Schertz Animal Hospital May Vet Service $ 93.50 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline $ 460.00 Shadrock Patroleum Gasoline $ 562.12 Sippel 's Water/Sewer Supplies $ 44.92 CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CHECK-REGISTER June 1989 Cont'd PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Sippel 's Supplies $ 14.50 Sippel 's Line for Flag Pole $ 15.00 Sippel 's Weedeater Cord $ 9.29 Sippel 's Bolts for Backhoe $ 4.68 Donnie Strickland Warrant Service U 285) $ 500.00 June 1989 Stubblefteld;' Brister & Schoolcraft Attorney Fees on Delinquent Taxes $ 149.90 TML Liability Insurance $ 1194.76 TML Workers Compensation $ 657.75 TML Medical Insurance $ 1170.70 TMRS Water / Sewer - City Portion $ 78.40 Employee Contr. $ 124.85 General Fund - City Portion $ 348.18 Employee Contr. $ 554.47 Thomas Software Telephone Support $ 5.00 Delinquent Notice Forms $ 17.00 omas Software Media Distribution $ 25.00 Coltec Construction Refund Bal. of Deposit $ 83.12 (Water Fund) Tri-City Insurance Notary Bond Ins. for Phyllis Smith $ 71 .00 U.C. Auto Parts Battery Terminals for # 282 $ 39.32 U.C. Auto Parts Voltage Regulator - Unit # 284 $ 20.13 U.S. Postmaster Postage & water Bill Postage $ 210.92 David Walker Car Allowance $ 100.00 Water & Wastewater Training Division Training-Greenville Tx. - Registration $ 60.00 Xerox Corp. Main't Charge 6/1/89 thru 11/30/89 $ 499.00