Min CC 09/05/1989 MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING AGENDA IS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS : 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :03 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. y Council Member Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present: Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Mark Buell, Tex Farnsworth and Mayor Bauder. Absent: Tino Delgado. Staff present : David Walker & Ann Smith. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizen requested to address the Council . 5. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. B. MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. C. CHECK REGISTER FOR AUGUST, 1989. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. PROCLAMATION DECLARING SEPTEMBER 17TH AS "CITIZENSHIP DAY" AND SEPT. 17-23 AS "CONSTITUTION WEEK". Mayor Bauder signed and read the proclamation designating Sept. 17th as Citizenship Day and the week of Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week. 7. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL. OF ADOPTION OF 189-90 PROPOSED BUDGET. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to approve Ordinance #48, establishing the 89-90 Budget. The proposed balanced budget is 709, 335 . Vote was unanimous. Motion carried. m, 8. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE # 419 LEVYING THE TAX RATE AND ALLOWING FOR EXEMPTIONS. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Con't) SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 @ 7:00 P.M. r approve Ordinance #419, with a Maintenance and Operation rate of $ .144104 and a Debt Service rate of $ . 214016 for a total adoption tax rate of $ .358120. Mayor Bauder called for a roll call vote: Jeff Miller Yes Tex Farnsworth Yes Bob Glisar Yes Mayor Bauder Present/No Vote Mark Buell Yes Tino Delgado Absent 9. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF AMENDING ORDINANCE # 384, SCHEDULE OF FINES - DELETING THE COURT COST FROM THE SCHEDULE. Jeff Miller (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to amend the Ordinance #384, Schedule of Fines to delete the amount of State Tax from the fines schedule. The ordinance will show only the city fine and state fees will be added to the amount of collection. All approved. Motion carried. 10. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT 1990 PROPOSED BUDGET. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to adopt the G.C.A.D. 1990 Budget. Chuck Sharpe, Chairman of the Board of Directors was present for any questions . Voting "Yes" - Bob Glisar, Tex Farnsworth and Mark Buell . Voting "No" : Jeff Miller. Motion carried 3-1 vote. 11. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF A REQUEST FROM BRACKEN METHODIST CHURCH TO PURCHASE/LEASE PROPERTY LOCATED ON FM 2252 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A PARKING LOT. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve a lease agreement, not to exceed 10 years, - with the Bracken Methodist Church for use of city property for a parking lot. It was also stipulated that the lease agreement would be drawn up at the church ' s expense and that requirements, as suggested by the Texas Dept. of Health lettter of 8/21/89 , would be met. Draft of the lease will come back to the Council, as well as the city attorney, for final approval . All approved. Motion carried. 12. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON INCREASING SEWER RATES# _EFFECTIVE'APRIL 1-, 1990. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to authorize the staff to draft an ordinance revision on the sewer rates, effective April 1, 1990, to increase the rates gradually over a four year period due to the anticipated 25% increase planned by Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. The recommendation was a 6% each year for three years and 3.8 the effective year. All approved. Motion carried. The staff will revise and bring the ordinance back to Council for final approval. MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd)/ Sept. 5, 1989 @ 7:00 P.M. 13. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE PROPOSED LANDFILL. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to adopt a resolution, revoking all others, in support of the Buffalo Valley Landfill and its proposed site, continguent upon the Department of Health approval. All approved. Motion carried. 14. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL REQUEST FOR BIDDING DEMOLITION OF THE CITY'S 50,000 GALLON ELEVATED WATER TANK. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to authorize the staff to bid the demolition of the city' s 50,000 gallon elevated water storage tank. All approved. Motion carried. 21. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF 188 FORD RANGER TRUCK FOR THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the purchase of an 188 Ford Ranger Truck from North Central Ford Autoplex for the amount of $5 ,595.00 and to be paid from water/sewer and general fund capital improvements fund. All approved. Motion carried. 15. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.S.C. : SECTION 2(g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL: A. INTERIM POLICE CHIEF APPOINTMENT ADJUSTMENT. B. RE-ASSIGNMENT OF BOOKEEPER TO BOOKKEEPER/MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK. C. DISCUSSION OF APPLICATIONS FOR CHIEF-OF-POLICE_ The Council went into executive session at 8:35 P.M. 16. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to appoint Debbie Cielencki as interim chief and to compensate her with $150 extra during this period. All approved. Motion carried. Bob Glisar (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to re-assign Phyllis A. Smith to fulltime Bookkeeper/Municipal Court Clerk for a salary of $1,069.00 per month. All approved. Motion carried. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to continue to receive applications for chief of police. All approved. Motion carried. 17. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth commended Debbie Cielencki on filling in the vacancy of Chief-of-Police. MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) Tuesday, September 5, 1989 @ 7:00 P.M. 18. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker briefed the Council on the three water line breaks, the seal coating project is finished and the meeting on the economical development with the Lower Colorado River Development. 19. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder had no comments. 20. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) moitoned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: ae"'Z,4� ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY-