Min CC 12/19/1989 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1989 _ THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.- 2. ROLL CALL. Council Members present: Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Tino Delgado and Mayor Bauder. Absent, due to business, Tex Farnsworth and Mark Buell. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith and Wes Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Council member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No one requested to address the council,. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON NOV. 21, 1989. B. CHECK REGISTER FOR NOVEMBER, 1989. Bob Glisar (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. PRESENTATION/ACCEPTANCE 188-89 AUDIT AND FINANCIAL REPORT - GORDON ARMSTRONG, AUDITOR. In the absence of Gordon Armstrong, City Auditor, Mayor Sam Bauder briefed the Council on the "audit firm exit meeting" with the audit committee. In the management letter, it was noted that seven areas of concern from 'the 1988 audit had been corrected and that basically all areas showed good management and strong initiative. Three areas were recommended for implementation: 1. Bonding increases for City Secretary/Tax Assessor-Collector and two clerks to 100,000 and $50,000 respectively. 2. Annual performance reviews on all personnel. 3. Recommendation of placing part-time utility clerk to full-time. • MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (con'td) Financially the city is sound with no areas of discrepancy. Both the General Fund and Proprietory Funds ended the year in the black. Funds show that the city has $679, 394 of deposit as of Sept. 30, 1989 and reserves in the amount of 472,484. Tino Delgado (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to accept the '88-89 Audit and Financial Report. All approved. Motion carried. 7. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #1117 EXCLUDING THE FREEPORT EXEMPTION FAR PERSONAL PROPERTY. Tino Delgado (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to open for discussion. After discussion on HB 2959, Section 11.251 of the Property Tax Code, it was determined that only one taxing unit in Cibolo would qualify for the freeport exemption. The Council concurred that passing the resolution #1117 for 1990 but to look at the exemption when it was advantageous to Cibolo. Jeff Miller (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve the resolution. All approved. Motion carried. 8. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL EMPLOYMENT CONFIRMATION OF PATROL OFFICERS FOR THE RECORD. Tino Delgado (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to formalize the hiring of Richard Gonzales, Patrol Officer, effective December 4, 1989. A telephone concensious was conducted prior to hiring. All approved. Motion carried. 9. COMMENTS & AWARDS BY THE MAYOR. Mayor Bauder presented Debbie Cielencki , Patrol Officer, with a plaque of "appreciation" for service to the city during the interim period that she served as Chief-of-Police. 10. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. No comments were made. 11. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker briefed the Council on the efforts of re-cycling trash. Also, Mr. Walker expressed thank you' s to the staff for their assistance and management of financial requirements in operating the city funds last year and working with the audit firm. Ann Smith briefed the council on the group health insurance status and the Council concurred that the staff should continue to persevere the insurance bidders for a better rate. Humana, the third low bidder, had indicated that they would cover all employees. The staff was directed to do the enrollment application and if accepted, the Council would formally award at its next meeting. 12. ADJOURNMENT. Bob Glisar (Jeff Miller- seconded) motioned to adjourn at 7:35 p.m - Sam Bauder, Mayor -- - - - -- -ATTEST: Ann Smith, Cit Secretary Y CITY OF C I B O L O ' i C H E C K R E G I S T E R DECEMBER, 1989 A & P Water & Sewer Supplies Fittings 31.06 Ace Plumbing PC to repair main 12. 19 Alamo Area Council of Govt. Annual Membership Fee 133.00 American Mobilphone Pagers • 32.00 Armadillo Country Water Assoc. Dues - L . Moxley 17.00 Board of Professional Examiners Renewal - Tax A/C License 35.00 Bradley W. Boeger -& Assoc- Bid- Demolition of Water Tower 6,000.00 C.C.M.A. Tap Fee - Post Office 500.00 C.C.M.A. Dec. Sewer Charges 4, 287.75 City of Cibolo Water Billing: Park 31.29 City Hall 22.68 53.97 Creative Trophies Plaque - D. Cielencki 27.80 Dickies Industrial Uniform Rental - Maint. 78.00 Doubletree Hotel/Austin Lodging - Ann Smith - 6 TMCA Election Law 62.15 Fire King of S.A. Recharge extinguishers 17.50 Atty 'Ron Flake Monthly Retainer 500.00 Frost National Bank Bond Payment G.B.R.A. Water samples test 10.00 G.V.E.C. Electricity: City Hall 79.86 Maint 17.75 Rec. Bldg 28.76 Park 52.31 178.68 Richard Gonzales Re-imburse-Uniform purchase 58.30 Green Valley Water Supply Water Comsumption 9/28- 10/30 - 6,840,000 gal 6, 76.58 Repair Main 11/15 342.62 Green Valley Water It if 12/13 353.57 Green Valley Water Consumption 10/30-11/29 11 4, 820,000 gal 4, 338.38 Guadalupe Co. Appraisal District 1st Qtr Allocation 1, 133.28 Guadalupe Co. Sheriff Dept. Jail detention 40.00 G.V.E.C. Electricity - Water Towerl9.76 Herald Newspaper Advertisment-Patrol Officer 13.00 Helping Hands Bolts/backhoe 11 .10 M.C.I. Long Distance _Service 29.85 McAllen Pipe Supplies - water 283.98 Martin' s' Tampa Shirts - R. Gonzales 60.00 Micheal G' s Repair #284 - Fuel Pump 56.95 Moore Disposal December collections 4, 952.50 Ozarka Drinking Water Pass Thru 56.45 The Pit Pros Oil Changes #280 & 282 33.90 Quill Christmas Cards 75.32 Randolph Tire 4 tires - #280 261.60 Recorder Times Advertisments 13.00 Ronnie' s Tire Repair - Ford P/U 6.50 Roy Richard, Jr. January - Court 150.00 _ Schertz Animal Hospital Dec. Vet. Service 50.00 City of Schertz Shelter Rental 125.00 S & P contract - P/S 47.50 Maint. 118.50 166.00 Sam's Supplies 176.46 City of Schertz 1st Qtr. EMS 735.08 Seiler Fire recharge fire ext-- -, c .9.00 CHECK REGISTER ( Cont'd) Shadrock Pet. gasoline 218.04 Sippels -_ Maint Supplies 51.41 Shadrock Pet. Gasoline 237.07 Diesel 70.01 307 .08 Ann Smith , Dec. car Allowance 25.00 Southwestern Bell Telephone Statement - 659-1999 52.08 Southwestern bell Telephone it658-9900 83.90 Stubblefield, Brister & Schoolcraft Oct. & Nov. Collections Delinquent taxes 383.31 TMRS Dec. Contributions: Emp. 67-8.79 City 426.27 1, 105.06 TML Dec. - Health Ins. City 1, 139. 20 Emp. 362.04 1, 501.24 Texas Dept. of Health Annual permit Fee 400.00 Texas State Board of Plumbing License Renewal - K. Gilbreath 50.00 Texas Municipal clerks Assoc. Texas Municipal Law- Manual update 37 .50 Tri County_ Office equipment Office supplies 262.24 Thomas Software Monthly phone support 5 .00 U.S. Post Office Water bills 106.82 Postage - Court 25 .00 " Tax/Adm 50.00 if - water 25.00 Water-Annual Bulk Fee - 50.00 256.82 City of U.C. January dispatch 300.00 David Walker Car.-Allowance 100.00 Xerox Corp. Maint. Agreement 499.00 Payroll Transfers: 12/15 Gen. Fund 4, 794.94 W/S Fund 1 , 551.77 Victoria Bank & trust Form 941: 1, 741.94 Payroll transfers: 12/31/89 Gen Fund 6, 276.46 W/S Fund 269 .08 Victoris bank & trust Form 941 1, 801.06