Min CC 11/21/1989 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAYS NOVEMBER 21, 1989 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAYS NOVEMBER 21, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES 109 SOUTH MAIN STREETS CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present at roll call: Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Tino Delgado, Mark Buell and Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth arrived late due to business. Staff Present: David Walker, Ann Smith and Chief Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Council Member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) No citizens requested to speak. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, OCT. 17, 1989. B. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING ON MONDAY, NOV. 6, 1989. C. CHECK REGISTER FOR, OCTOBER, 1989. Bob Glisar (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve as presented. All approved. Motion carried. MAYOR MOVED ORDER OF BUSINESS: 7. SWEARING IN OF CHIEF-OF-POLICE WES SUITER. Mayor Bauder officially swore in Warren E. "Wes" Suiter as the Chief-of-Police of Cibolo. 6. PRESENTATION BY MAYOR TO THE CIBOLO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. OF THE FIRST QUARTERLY ALLOCATED FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE OPERATION OF THE C.V.F.D. Mayor Bauder presented Andrew Tolle, President and Ed Higginson, Fire Chief of the C.V.F.D. the first quarterly allocation of the $2,000 budgeted for FY 89-90 to the support of the fire department operation. B. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION OF HOLIDAY COMPENSATION FOR ON DUTY POLICE OFFICERS. Jeff Miller (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to amend personnel policy and compensate police officers at the rate of 12 times hourly rate for on-duty official holidays. All approved. Motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY-COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) November 21, 1989 16. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON "ARREST FEES" CHANGES. Jeff Miller (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve increasing court cost by $5.0.0 for administration fee and increasing warrant fee from $25.00 to $35.00, retaining the $10.00 increase in General Fund. Both actions are in concurrence with the state legislation effective ' September, 1989. All Approved. Motion carried. 9. APPOINTMENT OF A RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER. Bob Glisar (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to appoint Ann Smith, Records Management Officer for the city. All approved. Motion carried. 10. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF FINAL 188-89 BUDGET AMENDMENTS. Jeff Miller (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approval of the 88-89 Budget Amendments presented in the 9-30-89 Budget Change Requests. All approved. Motion carried. All amendments were within the fund, no changes in the total dollar amounts were reflected. 11. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF FINAL AMENDED 188-89 BUDGET. Tino Delgado ( Mark Buell seconded) motioned to approve the final amended 188-89 Budget. All approved. Motion carried. 12. APPOINTMENT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Discussion and a briefing by David Walker and the requirements for the use of impact fees, as regulated in Texas Senate Bill 336. The Bill calls for complicated and costly procedures to implement. Mr. Walker 's recommendation was that the Council appoint the Planning & Zoning Committe as an advisory committee and an ad hoc member to represent industries to determine the City of Cibolo ' s course of action. Tino Delgado (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to approve Mr. Walker 's recommendation. All approved. Motion carried. 13. APPOINTMENT OF AUDIT REVIEW COMMITTEE. On Mayor Sam Bauder 's recommendation, Tino Delgado (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to nominate Mark Buell to fill the vacancy on the Audit Review Committee. All approved. Motion carried. 14. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE INVESTMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Tino Delgado (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to open for discussion. Mr. Walker explained that the ordinance was simply putting in writing that procedures we currently followed. Tino Delgado (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to approve the ordinance. All approved. Motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) November 21, 1989 15. CASTING OF ALLOCATED VOTES FOR GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL 'BOARD OF--DIRECTORS NOMINEES.- Tino Delgado made the motion that the the Council cast all 36 votes for Jeff Miller. The motion died for a second. Mark Buell (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to cast the 36 votes for Bill Little. Jeff Miller abstained. Vote was then cast with the vote being 3-1. Motion carried. 17. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON FUNDING A HEALTH CARE STUDY. Bob Glisar (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to authorize the staff to enter into a study group with several local municipalities, not to exceed $80 in expenditures, on the feasibility of a co-op health insurance group. All approved. Motion carried. 18. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.S.C. FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: A. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF PATROL OFFICER. The Council opted to not go into executive session and to make a motion without discussion. 19. RECONVENE AND TARE NECESSARY ACTION. With the waiver of executive session, Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to accept the resignation of David Alford, Patrolman. All approved. Motion carried. 20. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth ask if the contract and bond was in order on the company awarded the tank demolition r contract, why the Council had not been receiving Monthly Municipal Court Reports, and invited everyone to the 4-H Feeders Association fundraiser on Nov. 22nd at the Bluebonnet Palace. Tino Delgado ask for the status on the Worker' s Comp Reform, ask if a trust group for worker' s comp was feasible and along with Mr. Farnsworth expressed the need for full daytime coverage by the Police Dept. on the streets. Jeff Miller related an incident that he was involved with concerning a speeding vehicle on the Dietz Creek Bridge that ran a car off the road. Mr. Miller did make contact with the driver and spoke with him about his driving and did identify himself as a Council Member. 21. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker briefed the Council on information that the staff had received on the Job Training Parnership Program thru the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City I .S.D. , and the ACCOG Criminal Justice Program. Also, Mr. Walker stated that the tank demolition would be completed before the first of the year and that the State Highway Dept. had stated that the Loop 539 project was delayed two more months from scheduled. 22. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder read several invitations that the Council had received for open house and/or holiday socials. 23. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. All approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED THE 19TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1989. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary 1 CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CHECK REGISTER NOVEMBER 1989 vAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A & P Water Supply Parts to seal off after demolition of water tower 31 .06 Alamo Title Co. Overpayment of ad avalorem taxes-Refund 22.80 American Mobilphone Pager Service 32.00 CCMA November Sewer Service 4,657.43 Beck's Concrete 12 Yard Concrete-Water Dept. 68.70 _. City of Cibolo Petty Cash 30.65 i` 11-30 Payroll Taxes 1 ,659.28 11-30 Payroll Transfer 5,987.35 11-15 Payroll Taxes 1 ,801 .76 11-15 Payroll Transfer 6,640.24 City of Cibolo City Hall water 22.68 City Park water 78.77 City of Cibolo-Police Wes Suiter-Reimbursement for uniform pants 58.30 Uniform allowances - 3 @35.00 105.00 Debbie Cielenski-Family Violence School 122.04 Custom Systems Licensed Name for 3rd Company (Debt Service) 75.00 Detco Refund on Park Deposit 35.00 ",ckies Industrial Sery Uniform Rental Service 4 - @19.50 78.00 _ n Flake Monthly Retainer: Municipal Prosecutor 150.00 City Attorney 350.00 GBRA Water Sample Analysis 2 - @5.00 10.00 GVEC Water Tower Electricity 26.72 Gardenridge Pottery Tree Decorations 62.78 Gifford Hill & Co. Street Maintenance 170.04 Guad. County Sheriff 1 Day Room & Board 20.00 GVEC; November Community Bldg. 33.97 Park 52.34 Warehouse 17.26 City Hall 117.50 Herald Newspaper Notice to "bidders" 21 .18 Ins. of Criminal Registration -Debbie Cielencki 40.00 istice Studies & R Hauling 2 Loads Asphalt 36.00 MCI Long Distance Phone Bill 20.06 Melick, Armstrong & Completion of 88-89 Annual Audit 2,100.00 Vaughan, PC Michael G's Headlight Out - Unit 283 20.90 Heater Hose for Dodge Truck - Maint. Truck 20.00 Wiper Blade Motor - Unit 283 96.00 Replace Bulbs - Public Safety 21 .65 Moore Disposal November Service 4,813.78 Ozarka Drinking Water Pass Thru Funds 30.90 Pronto Printing Co. Business Cards - Wes Suiter 34.95 Judge Roy Richards Monthly Retainer - Municipal Judge 150.00 S & P Communications Pass Thru Funds 216.00 San Antonio Light Ad for "Patrolman" 11/12/89 27.84 Ad 11/5/89 27.84 Schertz Animal Shelter November Service 25.50 Schertz Animal Hosp. October Vet Service 76.50 Schertz Animal Shelter Shelter Rental for October 55.00 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 204.38 Gasoline 202.13 Sippels Hardware Sack Concrete 9.16 Rubber Boots (2) 31 .76 Hose Repair Clamps 6.45 4nn Smith November Car Allowance 25.00 - buthwestern Bell 659-1999 33.29 658-9900 77.41 uonnie Strickland 24 Warrants 700.00 TML Group Benefit November Premium 1 ,643.64 T RS November Contributions 1 ,084.04 e's Sharpening Sery Sharpening Blades 33.50 omas Software Monthly Telephone Support - Water Billing 5.00 tri City Insurance Bond - Filing Fee (Sue Whitaker) 71 .00 U.C. Auto Parts Ford Ranger Oil Filters (2) 9.40 U.C. Dispatch Monthly Dispatch (Dec) 300.00 U.S. Post Office Water Dept. 110.09 Admn 75.00 Victoria Bank-Cibolo 1982 Series 28,800.00 David Walker November Car Allowance 100.00