Min CC 01/16/1990 • MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1990 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1990 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present: Mayor Bauder, Tex Farnsworth, Jeff _ Miller, Bob Glisar and Mark Buell . Mr. Delgado was absent due to business. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith and Wes Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Councilmember Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. A. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) No citizen requested to address the Council. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1989. B. CHECK REGISTER FOR DECEMBER, 1989. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller second) motioned to approve the consensus items as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. PRESENTATION BY MR. ED THORPE, RANDOLPH OPPORTUNITY ASSOCIATION FOR DISABLED FOUNDATION (R.O.A.D. ) 'QUTLINING THE PROGRAMS NEW LOCATION IN CIBOLO AND A DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. Mr. Ed Thorpe introduced Sharon Graham, Director of the ROAD Center, newly formed and located in the east wing of the old SRC building on FM 78 in Cibolo. ROAD Foundation was formed as a training center for the mentally retarded, teaching the students job training and personal management skills. 7. BRIEFING FROM MR. GORDON ARMSTRONG, CPA, ARMSTRONG, MELICK & VAUGHAN ON THE 188-89 AUDIT AND FINANCIAL REPORT. Gordon Armstrong briefed the Council on the financial statement and audit report ending Sept. 30, 1989. Mr. Armstrong stated that the financial reports of the city were in good shape. Also, that the city has reserves for approximately nine months of operation and that this was within good financial management accord. • MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL (Cont'd) Tuesday. January 16, 1990 8. PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON RATE INCREASE REQUEST FROM MOORE INDUSTRIAL DISPOSAL, INC. Mr. Henry Gutierrez, representing Moore Industrial Disposal , explained the rationale for the requested rate increase, as per his letter dated December 27, 1989. Moore requested an 8.6% increase on residential and a 11 .1% increase in commercial rate. Mr. Gutierrez explained that of the 8.6% request for residential, 4.9% of the increase was for increased disposal cost and that of the commercial percent of increase, 7 .4% went to increased di'sposal fees. After the discussion, it was the consensus of the City Council that the CPI was out of line and that the increase to commercial should not exceed the residential percent of increase. Mr. Gutierrez was ask to do further study and come back to r the Council with a more in-line proposal . Tex Farnsworth ( Jeff Miller second) motioned to table any action on the item. All approved. Motion carried. 9. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM CHANGE TO HUMANA FOR EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFIT. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller second) motioned to approve, effective January 1, 1990, the group health insurance program to Humana, Inc. thru the agent, Bob Feike. All approved. Motion carried. 10. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON ACCEPTANCE OF CITY OF CIBOLO-CIBOLO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLANS AND SIGNED AGREEMENT. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth second) motioned to accept the floor plans, as presented by the VFD, for the expansion of the existing firehouse. Also, the joint venture agreement between the city and VFD was approved with two areas recommended for clarification -- the joint checking account for the construction fund and clarification to item #6 of the agreement having to do with disbursement of assets in case the VFD ceases to exist. David Walker, City Administrator was to make the agreed changes and present for signing. All approved. Motion carried. 11. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF CITY FIRE MARSHALL AND CONFIRM APPOINTMENT OF NEW FIRE MARSHALL FOR CITY OF CIBOLO. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller second) motioned to accept the resignation of Trudy Raines and approved the appointment of Norman Fetterman. All approved. Motion carried. 12. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL REQUEST FROM CHIEF-OF-POLICE TO CHANGE POLICY ON BUDGET ITEM "UNIFORM ALLOWANCE" . Tex .Farnsworth (Mark Buell second) motioned to accept the chief-of-police 's recommendation to do away with the monthly allocation ( $35 .00 per/officer) for uniform cleaning and replacement and to retain the funds for replacement only. The chief had made arrangements with Best Cleaners in Schertz to have one uniform per day/per officer cleaned at no charge. All approved. Motion carried. • MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (contd) Tuesday, January 16, 1990 @ 7:00 p.m. 13. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth expressed pleasure with the operation of the police department. 14. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Chief Suiter notified the council that the reserve force was down to one member and that he would be studying the requirements/regulations on maintaining a reserve force and report back to the council at a later date. David Walker briefed the council on the upcoming meeting at CCMA with the Texas Dept. of Highways on the widening of Jack Hayes Blvd and the relocation of utilities. Also, Mr. Walker stated that the move date for the post office was scheduled for January 23rd and that as soon as the trailer was moved from the side of the old location that the city would have an engineer look at the structure and advise if it is feasible to repair and consider purchasing. Ann Smith informed the Council that the City had received an donate from Custom Systems in Austin of a Burrough B-21 workstation. Custom Systems currently has the maintenance on the city' s computer systems. 15. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder had no comments for this meeting . 16. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar second) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1990. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: ANN MITH, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CHECK REGISTER • JANUARY 1990 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOK American Mobilphone pager service-police & maint $ 32.00 Bob Bullock quarterly state court costs 5,061.60 Bob Bullock quarterly sales tax payment 1,193.18 CEI airless jackhammer 165.53 City of Cibolo 1-15 payroll-general fund 4,975.34 0-- Victoria water & sewer 1,599.57 Bank & Trust 1-15 payroll taxes deposit 1,838.36 City of Cibolo 1-31 payroll general fund 6,007.77 water & sewer 323.35 Victoria Bank & Trust 1-31 payroll taxes deposit 1,813.60 City of Cibolo ad valorem tax transfer to debtserce 38,466.01 City of Cibolo reimburse petty cash 37.40 City of Cibolo-Police Dept carrier for preventive vest-Debbie 42.10 Donnie Strickland December warrants 375.00 Colonial Life & Accident Ins Employee's supplemental insurance 219.50 Custom Systems annual main on workstation 290.00 • Dickies Industrial uniform rental service 152.90 Electronics Unlimited radar repair 158.40 Enchanted Cottage Flowers for Louis Schilling funeral 33.00 Ron Flake, Attorney Feb court, Feb retainer 500.00 Frost National Bank Principal & InterestSeries 1988 14,382.50 GVEC City Hall 189.35 Rec Center 26.91 Park 66.39 Warehouse 19.57 Water tower 27.47 Gazette Enterprise 1 year renewal 34.00 Green Valley Water 4,840,000 gallons 4,356.58 repairs to main break 12/26/89 317.20 1JML GBRA 2 water samples analysis 10.00 Hoppy's Tire Service repair tractor tire 9.50 repair tires & remount-Dodge truck 9.00 J & M Printing print & fold 600 newsletters 43.74 Lone Star Printing Office supplies 113.14 MCI Long distance service 23.96 McAllen Pipe & Supply repair clamps 378.25 Michael G'S radiator hose Unit 282 40.05 Battery cables Unit 283 43.25 Headlight-Unit 284 20.95 Pronto Printing Key cards 69.25 Randolph Tire SErvice 1 tire, 2 shocks-Dodge truck 97.30 Roy Richard, Jr. Feb court 150.00 S & P Monthly radio maintcontract 166.00 S & P change out & install base station to Unit 280 120.00 ST Paul Stamp Works dog & cat 1990 tags & receipt books 99.17 City of SChertz shelter rent 36.50 Sears 1 screwdriver set for maint 19.88 Shadrock 'Petroleum gasoline 662.07 gasoline 352.48 Simmangs 4 tie clasps-police dept 41.90 Sippels 2 gallons paint for the park 6.90 plumbing supplies 15.97 plumbing supplies 9.98 PVC fittings, teflon tape 6.51 JA tar for maint roof 7.05 4 brackets, bolts, hardware 13.34 Surge protector for computer 7.66 water faucet, pipe seal, PVC primer 7.33 plumbing supplies 24.76 glue for PVC 5.89 plumbing supplies-rec center 30.80 Ann Smith T' CA seminar expenses 89.40 Phyllis Smith Municipal Court ClerkSeminar expenses 36.61 Southwestern Bell 658-9900 82.41 659-1999 95.10 Donnie Strickland Jan warrants 500.00 TMCA memebrship-Phyllis Smith 25.00 TMRS January contributions 1,193.88 JANUARY CHECK REGISTER Continued PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT •TML Risk INsurance quarterly workman's compensation 3,071.50 quarterly liability insurance 4,361.75 Texas City Management membership-David Walker 82.50 Texas Employment Commission quarterly unemployment taxes 59.25 Thomas Software water bill cards, phone support 116.60 water bill cards & late notices 132.00 Tri County office equip rubber stamps, calculator ribbons 41.14 City of Universal City dispatch service 300.00 Uniforms of Texas 4 neckties-Police Dept 20.00 Victoria Bank & Trust Interest payment-1977 revenue bonds 1,200.00 W. W. Grainger 1 10 gallon hot water heater 126.30 U. S. Post office postage for tax notices & court 75.00 David Walker car allowance 100.00 neent�Mhishing Company 1990 =nottated VTSC 25:88 car a ow Angela Gilbreath child support 1-15 137.50 1-31 137.50 Trudy Moxley child support 1-15 100.00 1-31 100.00 • MaryAnn Fitzgerald child support 1-15 87.50 1-31 87.50 r