Min CC 03/20/1990 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1990 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1990 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :OOP.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present: Jeff Miller, Tino Delgado, Mark Buell , Tex Farnsworth and Mayor Sam Bauder. Absent: Bob Glisar. Staff present : David Walker, Ann Smith and Chief Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Council member Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) Miss Shealyn Bauder, student from Corbert Junior High, addressed the Council on a project that the students were supporting on recycling for Earth Day, April 27th. Miss Bauder requested the city's participation in a drive to collect cans and newspapers for recycling. It was the consensus of the city council to assist in placing of containers at a point in the city for citizens to place the requested items. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 6, 1990. i Tex Farnsworth motioned to approve the minutes as Mark Buell seconded. All approved. Motion carried. 6. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 1 1118, LOCAL i PARTICIPATION IN ESTABLISHING CABLE TELEVISION RATES. i Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to approve the resolution expressing dissatisfaction with the excessive rate hike by Paragon Cable also stating that the FCC amend its rules to provide for local participation in setting cable television rates. All approved. Motion carried. 7. ACTION ON REQUEST BY SCHERTZ, CIBOLO, UNIVERSAL CITY I.S.D. TO USE CITY HALL AS POLLING PLACE ON MAY 5, 1990. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to approve the request. All approved. Motion carried. 8. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON REQUEST FOR WATER RATE INCREASE FROM GREEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY CORP. Jeff Miller , (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to open for discussion. Mr. David Davenport, Mgr. , Green Valley Water Corp. , stated to the council that it had ,been two years since any increases had been imposed: Green Valley will be increasing the city' s price, effective for May consumption, by 4% ( $ .91 to $0.93) . Mr. MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1990 Davenport stated that cost of operation was the rationale for the increase. David Walker addressed the issue and informed the council that possible further increase was necessary due to projected debt service increase, city increase in operation costs ( insurance, etc) and that only a small profit was realized in 1988-89 ($4,688) which is used for improvement of water mains and capital improvements . Mr. Walker had prepared several possible rate structures that the council considered. Mr. Miller was in favor of a rate table showing 8� increase with inverted increases above 10,000 gallons; however, the issue was not supported by a second. Tex Farnsworth (Tina Delgado seconded) motioned to approve a rate increase of $0.06 per/thousand, effective with the June 1st billing . It was also stated that this item would need monitoring in another year. Voting "Aye" : Tex Farnsworth, Tina Delgado and Mark Buell . Voting "Nay" Jeff Miller. Motion carried 3-1. 9. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.S.C. FOR THE FOLLOWING I CONSIDERATIONS: A. HEAR EMPLOYEE APPEAL REGARDING REQUEST FOR R REINSTATEMENT OF PREVIOUS PAYRATE. B. CONSULT WITH CITY ATTORNEY IN RESPECT TO PENDING LITIGATIONS. C. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF PERSONNEL - POLICE DEPARTMENT. 10. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ACTION, IF NECESSARY, ON EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS 9A, 9B or 9C. The Council reconvened in open session at 8:20 p.m. The following action was taken: 9A. Jeff Miller (Tino-Delgado- ` -seconded) motioned to • deny the request of Walter Keith Gilbreath to reinstate previous payrate. All approved. Motion carried. 9B. No action. 9C. Tex Farnsworth (Tina. Delgado..seconded) motioned to accept the resignation of Richard Gonzales, Patrolman, effective March 31, 1990, with regrets. All approved. Motion carried. 11. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth ask if possibly we still a leak at FM 1103 and Main Street due to water standing there for long periods. Also, expressed appreciation to those attending the SAFES fund raiser on Sunday at the Schertz VFW. Mark Buell ask if the city staff was able to keep up witht the rapid growth of grass and weeds due to the recent rains. i Tina Delgado ask if the city could assist residents in Thistle Creek with the developers to keep the entrane and vacant lots mowed. Jeff Miller stated that the Kardy "Fly In" was a success and express gratitude for the airport in our area. MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (cont'd) Tuesday, March 20, 1990 12. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker stated that meetings continued with the highway department, C.C.M.A. and City of Schertz on the Dietz Creek project and utility relocates for Loop 539. Ann Smith informed the Council that the Guadalupe County Appraisal District had recently purchased a fax machine and that individuals could obtain tax information (exemptions) by fax. Also, the Council was reminded of the public hearing for the Buffalo Valley Landfill on. Tuesday, March 27th at 9 :00 a.m. in Schertz Council Chambers. 13. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. I ` Mayor Bauder had no comment. 14. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth moved to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED THE 3rd of APRIL, 1990. ::5� --,, '4 Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Ann Smi h, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CHECK REGISTER MARCH 1990 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT American Mobilphone paging service 32.00 City of Cibolo 3-15 payroll 5,788.72 3-15 payroll taxes 1,639.02 3-30- payroll 5,918.05 3-30 payroll taxes 1,675.30 Cibolo Vol. Fire Dept. 2nd & 3rd quarterly pmnts 1,000.00 Dept of Public Safety new publications for traffic laws 53.00 Dickies Industrial uniform rental service 78.00 Guadalupe Sheriff 1 day room & board 20.00 GO'S Garage Inspect 1982 Dodge 8.50 GCAP quarterly allocation 1,133.28 J & R Hauling base, asphalt 110.00 King, George M. refund fine overpayment 3.00 Life RE Corp Dental INsurance premium 86.00 Michael G'S Garage Weld shredder 10.00 repair steering wheel unit 284 54.16 0 Distributor cap, rotor unit 284 32.99 Ozarka drinking water Pass thru funds 14.85 Pronto printing Business cards for new fire mashall 36.95 POstmaster Box 88 annual rent 10.00 Chamber of Commerce annual dues 130.00 Recorder Times ad 3-8-90 21.50 Schertz Animal Hospital Vet Service 39.50 S W Bell 658-9900 80.16 659-1999 59.48 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 493.13 Sippel's Hardware roofing nails 3.98 glue, saw blade 23.18 commode repairs - Park 9.67 4 sacks concrete mix 18.86 City of Schertz quarterly payment 735.08 City of SChertz animal shelter rent 155.00 Simmons Gun Specialties 12 guage Remington-Police Dept 274.84 Universal Air, INc. Heat pump service 28.00 Petty cash Reimburse 32.78 GVEC Water Tower Electricity 28.04 GBRA Water samples analysis 10.00 Mary Ann Fitzgerald Payroll deduct child support3-15 87.50 Angela Gilbreath Payroll deduct child support 3-15 137.50 Postmaster stamps-water dept. 25.00 Sam's Wholesale Club supplies 417.57 L. E. Ellis New Texas flag for City HA11 20.00 San Antonio Light ad 3-11-90 36.56 Donnie Strickland warrants 425.00 Phyllis Smith court mileage expense 6 months 23.46 Postmaster water bills postage 60.88 Ron Flake April court, April retainer 500.00 Mary Ann Fitzgerald Payroll deduct child support 3-30 87.50 Angela Gilbreath Payroll deduct child support 137.50 Roy Richard, Jr. April court 150.00 City of Universal City April dispatch 300.00 David WAlker Car allowance 100.00 'Ann Smith Car allowance 25.00 3 & P Communications Monthly radio contract 166.00 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 306.29 Randolph Tire Center 2 tires Unit 283 131.80 Michael G'S Garage Rear tail light assembly-Dodge truck 65.15 Battery for riding mower 51.95 Light bulb for Ford Ranger truck 2.10 Heater hose Unit 282 19.00 MCI Long Distance service 4.34 GVEC City hall 114.64 City park 25.31 rec bldg 27.49 Maint shed 17.69 AmericanBankers LIfe Insurance Life insurance premium 50.00 Pat ADame refund fine overpayment 2.50 Frost National Bank 1987 Series P 10,000.00, I 3,325.00 13,325.00 March 1990 check register continued, PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 55.00 Inter. Inst of Mun. Clerks annual dues 5,509.33 Moore Industrial garbage service 3,846.98 Green Valley Water water service4,280,000 gallons 23,93 City of Cibolo City hall water 22,65 City park water 4,280.83 COMA Sewer service Workers Comp Ins-quarterly payment 3,071.50 TML Liability insurance 3,973.00 _ TML1,364.21 - mmana Health care plans Health insurance lonial Life & Accident Employee supplemental Ins Pass thru 157.25 9.02 Gerald Thurman refund overpayment on water bill