Min CC 05/15/1990 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1990 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED • CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1990 @ 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WILL BE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1 . CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Members Present: Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Tino Delgado, Mark Buell and Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth was late, due to business, arrived during Item #9. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith, and Chief Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizen requested to speak. 5 . ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TO NEWLY ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBERS. Mayor Bauder administered the Oath of Office to newly re-elected Council Members Jeff Miller and Bob Glisar. Oaths were properly notarized by the city secretary. 6. NOMINATIONS FOR MAYOR PRO TEM FOR PERIOD FROM MAY, 1990 TO MAY,1991. Mayor Bauder opened the floor for nominations. After several nominations and withdrawals, Mark Buell (Tino Delgado seconded) nominated Tex Farnsworth as Mayor Pro tem. Vote was unanimous. 7. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 17, 1990. B. CHECK REGISTER ENDING APRIL 30, 1990 Jeff Miller (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve as present. All approved. Motion carried. 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE ORDINANCE # 422 AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $180,000 COMBINATION TAX & LIMITED PLEDGE REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1990. Tino Delgado (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to approve Ordinance #422. Tom Anderlitch, financial advisor, stated that the bonds had been sold privately and presented the Council with the maturity schedule of the debt showing an eleven year pay off at a rate of eight (8%) percent. All approved. Motion carried. ADDENDUM: (item was added to the agenda at 4:00 p.m. 5/11/90) MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) May 15, 1990 APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RECOMMENDATION FROM THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE ON REQUEST FOR C.P. VAUGHAN TO PLAT LOTS C,D, & E, BLK 5 , CIBOLO NORTH. • Mark Buell (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve the P & Z 's recommendation to grant Mr. Vaughans ' request, contingent signing off by W.H. Mullins, City Engineer. Voting "Yes" : M. Buell , T. Delgado, Jeff Miller. Abstaining : Bob Glisar. Motion carried. 11. PRESENTATION FROM DAVID DAVENPORT ON GENERAL OVERVIEW OF WATER ISSUES BY GREEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION. David Davenport gave a presentation on the outlook of the water issue facing the area. Mr. Davenport strongly urged the Council to start planning for an alternate source of water, possibility the City of Schertz . Mr. Davenport presented each Council Member with a booklet containing letter and statistical data on the water useage, Edwards Plan and the Texas Water Commission plan. Mr. Davenport stated that he wanted the Council to understand, at present, he was not representing the the City of Cibolo to the Texas Water Commission. Discussion ending with that a committee or workshop would be schedule soon for further discussion. 9. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.S.C. A. CONFIRM HIRING OF PATROL OFFICER. B. REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION - DISCUSS ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL FACILITY. 10. RECONVENE AND TARE NECESSARY ACTION. The Council came back into open session at 8:55 p.m. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) confirmed the hiring of William Lee Richerson, effective May 1, 1990. All Approved. Motion carried. Jeff Miller (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to authorize the mayor to negotiate with the owner on the purchase of the old post office building on Main Street. All approved. Motion carried. 12. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth mentioned planning a "Cibolo Day" with parade and activities to benefit the fire department. Also, Mr. Farnsworth ask about topping the park road. 13. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Ann Smith briefed the Council on a problem with TML over the final premium on the health insurance coverage. The termination and premium notice was reviewed with Ron' Flake, Atty. , and he advised the staff to pay the $1,451 . premium. David Walker briefed the Council that the utility re-location has gone thru the Highway Dept. and been approved. Also, a letter confirming the joint agreement with C.C.M.A. had been received on the Dietz Joint Venture. 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) May 15, 1990 14. COMMENTS BY MAYOR_ Mayor Bauder reminder each one of the upcoming TML Mayors/Council Conference and also the Schertz 4th of July parade. 15. ADOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: AL) 'IzZZZ� A n Smith City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CHECK REGISTER MAY 1990 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A T & T Phone Center Fax 9015F 1 ,075.00 American Mobilphone Pager Service 32.00 City of Cibolo 5-15 Payroll Transfers General Fund 4,850.73 Water & Sewer 1 ,231 .14 941 1 ,692.58 5-31 Payroll Transfers General Fund 4,826.19 Water & Sewer 1 ,305.18 941 1 ,730.14 Petty Cash 47.55 Cibolo Water & Sewer City Park Water 90.97 City Hall Water 23.93 CCMA Sewer Tap 500.00 Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Co. Supplemental Insurance 157.25 Dept: of Public Safety Texas Motor Vehicle Laws 5.00 Texas Criminal Laws 5.00 Dickies Industrial Service Uniform Rental Service 52.00 Mary Ann Fitzgerald Payroll Deduct Child Support 5-15 87.50 GBRA Water Samples Analysis 10.00 Angela Gilbreath Payroll Deduct Child Support 5-15 137.50 Carl Griffith Refund-Deposit of Park 5-6 30.00 GVEC Water Tower 23.22 Lights at Ballfield 253.62 Harts Form & Services Minute Book Binder 102.25 Filler 33.00 � . Freight 2.41 Helping Hand Sharpen Shredder Blades 20.00 Hoppy's Tire Service Used Tire & Mount On Rim 18.50 Life Re Corp. Employee Dental Plan 79.00 McAllen Pipe & Supply 4 Repair Clamps 362.56 1 O.D. Tape 12.50 Michael G's Repair Rear Transmission Mount/Check & Repair Front Brakes 149.57 Ozarka Water Pass Thru Funds 14.85 Postmaster Stamps for Delinquent Tax Statements 50.00 Postage for Late Notices 25.00 Postage for Water Bills 66.29 Quality Aluminum, Inc. Refund - Overpayment on Water Bill 12.07 R & R Uniforms 2 Shirts-6 Buttons (283) 68.50 Lee Richerson Reimbursement for Uniform Pants 29.15 City of Schertz April Shelter Rental 15.00 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline - 300 Gallons 276.45 Ann Smith Reimbursement for Supplies 8.95 Southwestern Bell Installation Charges for Fax Machine 260.05 659-1999 69.85 TML Health Insurance Ending 1-31-90 1 ,451 .62 Victoria Bank & Trust 1975 Series - Interest 2.10.00 rl I PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT American Bankers Life Life Insurance Premium 45.50 CCMA Sewer Tap Fee-Wiederstein Elem. 500.00 City of Cibolo Water-City Hall 24.11 City Park 20.11 General Fund-Sewer Tap transfer 600.00 Colonial Life & Accident Pass Thru Fund 157.25 Curley All Pro Rooter Sewer Line Cleanout 74.50 Mary Ann Fitzgerald Payroll Deduct Child Support 5-31 87.50 Ron Flake, Attorney June Retainer, June Court 500.00 Angela Gilbreath Payroll Deduct Child Support 5-31 137.50 Green Valley Water Water Service 5,270,000 Gallons 4747.88 GVEC City Hall 108.08 Park 99.99 Community Bldg. 27.25 Whse. 19.17 Hilbert Implements Bearings & Housing for John Deere Mower 53.47 Humana Ins. Co. Health Insurance 1364.21 Lone Star Printing Receipt Book for Court 85.55 Office Supplies-Court 24.36 MCI Long Distance Service 19.56 Michael G's Headlight - 282 18.90 Inspection 8.50 Starter - #282 50.00 Minute Man Muffler-Shop, Inc. Muffler -. 1985 Dodge PU 49.95 Moore Industrial Disposal Garbage Service 5543.93 Pit Pro's Oil Change - #282 16.95 Roy Richard, Jr. June Court 150.00 Lee Richerson Reimbursement-Uniform Pants 29.15 Sylvia Joyce Richer.son Payroll Deduct Child Support-5-31 90.00 Donald T. Radke, Jr. Refund-Picnic Area 10.00 S & P Add Channel - #284 Mobile 60.00 Repair radio - #282 57.50 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 384.40 S & P Communications Radio Maint. Contract-Police 118.50 Maint. 47.50 Ann Smith Car Allowance 25.00 _0TMRS May Contributions 1277.75 Thomas-'Software Telephone Support 10.00 City of Universal City June Dispatch 300.00 Victoria Bank & Trust Series 1982 - Interest 2750.00 Debt Service 4950.00 David Walker Car Allowance 100.00