Min CC 09/04/1990 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 @ 7:00 P.M. The Cibolo City Council convened in a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, September 4, 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. at the Cibolo Municipal Offices, 109 South Main Street, Cibolo, Texas. The following was the order of business: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. All members of the council were present. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith and Chief Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Council member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (limit 3 Minutes Each;) No citizens were present. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING:, AUG. 23, 1990 @ 6:30 P.M. B. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING, AUG. 23, 1990 @ 7:00_ P.M. C. CHECK REGISTER FOR AUGUST, 1990 Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the consensus items, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. MAYOR ISSUING PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING SEPT. 17-23, 1990 AS CONSTITUTION WEEK AND SEPT. 17TH AS CITIZENSHIP DAY IN CIBOLO. Mayor Bauder read and signed a proclamation declaring the week of Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week and Sept. 17th as Citizenship Day. 7. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE ORDINANCE # 423 ADOPTING THE 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adopt • the proposed 1990-91 Fiscal Year Budget in accordance with Ordinance #423 . The balanced budget for 1990-91 is at $744, 923.00.Vote was unanimous. Motion carried. S. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE 1990 PROPOSED TAX RATE AS SET OUT IN ORDINANCE # 424. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to adopt a 1990 Tax Rate, in Qr�dinanega #424, of $ : 164843 for the purpose of Maintenance and Operation and $ . 233629 for the payment of Principal and Interest on debt for a total rate of $ .3.98472 per/100 valuation. Voting "yes" : Council Member Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Tino Delgado, Mark Buell and Tex Farnsworth. Vote was unanimous -- motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPT. 4, 1990 Page 2 9. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE 1990-91 BEXAR METRO 9-1-1 BUDGET. . Tex Farnsworth (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to approve the 1990-91 Bexar Metro 9-1-1- Budget. All approved. Motion carried. 10. DISCUSSION/ACTION APPOINTMENT OF CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES(S) AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS FOR THE CIBOLO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. CONSTRUCTION VENTURE (KNOWN AS THE CVFD ENHANCEMENT FUND) AND APPOINT TWO REPRESENTATIVES TO SERVE AS COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE INVESTMENT PHASE OF THE ENHANCEMENT FUND. Tex Farnsworth (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to open for discussion. Council members expressed concern regarding builder' s liability in the event that Mr. Andrew Tolle, construction superintendent for the project, was unable to complete the construction of the fire station for any reason, such as health. Another concern was that of liability responsibility during the construction phase. Council directed David Walker, City Administrator, to check with the city attorney regarding these questions. After discussion of the plans and liabilities, Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to appoint the following : Council representatives to sign checks on the CVFD Enhancement Fund: Jeff Miller Mark Buell Tex Farnsworth Council representative to serve on Joint Investment Committee: Jeff Miller Sam Bauder All approved the nominations. Motion carried. 11. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ORDINANCE_ 425 ADOPTING THE - EDWARDS UNDERGROUND WATER, DISTRICT EMERGENCY- - ACTION PLAN. Jeff Miller ('Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to adopt Ordinance # 425. All approved. Motion carried. 12. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON BLOCKING A PORTION OF MAIN STREET FOR THE OCTOBER 20, 1990, TWENTY FIFTH ANNIVERSARY AND REPORT FROM THE CO-CHAIRMEN ON THE PLANNING COMMITTEE. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to block • a portion of Main Street from FM 78 to the St. Paul ' s Church parking lot for the 25th Anniversary Celebration. All approved. Council member Tex Farnsworth and Bob Buell gave a committee report on the progress of plans for the celebration. 13. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Mr. Delgado noted that citizens were concerned about safety of school students walking from Dobie Intermediate School to the Thistle Creek Subdivision. Mr. Delgado suggested more visibility of the police department during the hour before/after school. Chief Suiter stated that he would work with school on safety measures . r, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPT. 4, 1990 Page 3 14. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Ann Smith, City Tax Assessor-Collector, announced that -� Pat Fox, Chief Appraiser for GCAD, was hosting the first quarterly meeting of the Guadalupe County Taxing Authority' s to build communication lines between the appraisal district and the entities that they represent. Any concerns that the council has can be addressed at these meetings. 15. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder announced that the Guadalupe County Appraisal District proposed (revised) budget had been received and anyone wishing to look at it could do so at City Hall . Also, the mayor read an invitation to participate in the Veteran ' s Day Parade in Universal City on November 11 , 1990. 16. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1990. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: zt ---� Ann Smith, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER AUGUST 1990 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Ace Plumbing Fittings 57.52 Acme Lumber Co. Building Materials-Remodel Police Station 609.78 American Bankers Life Life Insurance Premium '36.50 American Mobilphone Pager Service - Police 16.00 Public Works 16.00 Biz Mart 2 'Drawer Latural File Cabinet-Court 169.00 Lewis Borgfeld Refund - Park _ 30.00 CCMA Sewer Charges 4,247.29 Cibolo Volunteer Fire 4th Quarter Allocation 500.00 City of Cibolo Transfer-Construction Fund 4,476.16 Park Water 35.71 City Hall Water 25.11 Payroll Transfers 8/15 6,097.43 Payroll Taxes 8/15 1 ,714.58 Coca Cola Bottling Pass Thru 36.53 Colonial Life Ins. Employee Insurance 8/31'- 121 .00 Custom Systems Office Supplies-ribbons 119.84 Dickies Industrial Uniform Rental 66.80 Ron Flake, Atty. Sept. Court 150.00 Sept. Retainer 350.00 Joe Flores Repairs due to water line break 1 ,009.00 Inez Friesenhahn Cleaning City Hall 50.00 Frost Natl . Bank 1988 Series Agent Fees 171 .64 Cert. of Oblg. 1985 Series 21 ,343.75 GVEC Rec. Bldg. 30.20 Park 12.2.4 City Hall 250.54 Maint. Shed 19.42 Water Tower 23.02 Angela Gilbreath Child Support 8/31 137.50 Child Support 8/15 137.50 Green Valley Water 5,840,000 Gallons 5,371 .34 Guadalupe Co. Tax Title Application-1991 Funds(2) 20.00 GBRA, Water Sample Analysis (2) 10.00 Helping Hand Mower blades sharpened (1 ) 20.00 Hilbert Implement Ignition Switch for John Deere Mower 12.57 Holiday Inn Convention Hotel Reservations-Tax Course 209.05 Hoppy's Tire Service Repair Tractor Tire 20.00 Change Spare Tire to Existing Rim-Truck 4.50 Humana Insurance Sept. Premium 1 ,559.10 Life Re Corp. Dental Insurance 72.00 Lone Star Printing Court 7.58 Court Jackets 69.30 Envelopes 58.00 MCI Long Distance Service 10.77 Michael G's Dodge Truck 52.78 Moore Industrial Garbage Service 5,093.27 W. H. Mullins, Inc. Specifications for Seal Coating 2.10.00 Sewer & Water Main Relocations 3,223.00 Cibolo North Sub.-Plat Review 105.00 Sewer Extension 911 .00 Sewer & Water Main Relocates 985.00 Sewer & Water Main Relocates 1 ,842.50 Force Main Relocation 702.00 Water Main Relocation 3,247.00 Water Main Relocation 4,037.00 Repair Mesh on Ground Tank 195.00 Ozarka Drinking"Water Pass Thru 26.15 Pit Pro's Oil Change & Lube - PD Chevy 16.95 Recorder Times Publish Effective Tax & Rollback 303.15 Kevin Reffett Re-imburse for Water Operator Test 20.00 Milage-120 Miles @.23 27.60 Meals 5.95 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Roy Richard; Jr. Court=Sept. 13 150.00 Sylvia Richerson Child Support 8/31 90.00 Child Support 8/15 90.00 S & P Comm: = Maint. Contract 47.50 Police Dept. Contract 118.50 Installation Services-Police Car 253.00 Installation Services-Police Car 308.88 City of Schertz Shelter Rental-Animal Control 325.00 Schlathers, Inc. City Hall - grass seed 2.50 Streets v Primatol 22.00 Shadrock Petro 360 Gallons 396.36 400 Gal. Unlead Gasoline 364.40 130 Gal. Diesel 87.23 Sippels Hdwe. Compression Coupling 2.35 Coupling 7.18 Weed Eater String 12.29 Belts 1 .99 Wax Ring 21 .31 Hacksaw, keys, traffic paint & rollers 37.39 Electrical-New Building 24.00 Saw File Guide 5.99. Chain Saw File 1 .99 Slimp Oil ,Co. Drum RC-2 Street Repairs (1 ) 78.10 Ann Smith Car Allowance 25.00 Reimbursement-Milage 129.49 Meals 55.35 SW Public Safety Lens Covers Domes (4) 152.00 Streamlite SL-20 83.95 Cage Proguard 89.00 Maglite Cord 10.95 SW Bell Phone Bill 658-9900 122.19 659-1999 54.40 Donnie Strickland Warrant Fees - August 1 ,000.00 Stubblefield Delq. Atty. Fees - July 173.69 Wes Suiter Re-imbursement - lumber Police Station 48.39 TX Engineer Ext. Ser Registration-K. Reffett (Basic Waterworks Op. ) 60.00 Thomas Software Phone Support 10.00 Tri County Church Refund - Ballfield Rental 97.50 Ultra Power Serv. Weedeater Parts 24.58 U. S. Postmaster Court 25.00 Admin. 25.00 Water & Sewer Bills & Postage 133.95 Stamps-Auditors Letters 25.00 Universal City September Dispatch 300.00 Victoria Bank Box Rental (1 year) 30.00 Village Locksmith Repair front door lock. 30.50 David. Walker Car Allowance 100.00 Re-imburse desk 45.00 ash tray 3.00 City of Cibolo Payroll Transfers 8/31 6,140.29 Payroll Taxes 8/31 1 ,772.98