Min CC 10/09/1990 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Pro Tem Tex Farnsworth called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Present: Council Member Jeff Miller, Tino Delgado, Mark Buell, Bob Glisar and Tex Farnsworth. Mayor Bauder was absent due to business. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith, and Chief Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Council Member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 4_ CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) No Citizens were present. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPT. 18, 1990. r' B. CHECK REGISTER THRU SEPT. , 1990. Bob Glisar (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the minutes, as presented. All Approved. Motion carried. 6. PRESENTATION ON UNITED WAY BY ED THORPE AND SHARON GRIMM, R.O.A.D. FOUNDATION, CIBOLO. Sharon Grimm, Program Director, R.O.A.D. Foundation, Inc. gave a slide presentation for community awareness on the activities at R.O.A.D. , spoke on the goals, community approach and philosophy of the Foundation. Ed Thorpe gave a presentation on the United Way Drive in Guadalupe County and how the funds received are disbursed. 7. SIGNING AND PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION DECLARING 4-H WEEK IN CIBOLO. Mayor Pro Tem Tex Farnsworth read a proclamation for National 4-H Week, October 7-13, 1990 and presented it to members of the Cibolo 4-H Club. 8. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF DONATINS MADE TO THE CIBOLO POLICE DEPARTMENT. Tino Delgado (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to accept the following donationsin behalf of the Police Department: A. Bunn Coffee Maker, case of coffee, creamer, sugar and cups donated by Chuck Ridge B. Beta max video cassette recorder - Mary Wilson C. $25 .00 - Josie Nirider All Approved. Motion carried. C'o,ji coe e lab GOhS/r..UC e.4010'/1 C;�y o74' C i .bolo Co - - ­3-/D"0,C' 0''- /2 "O.C. 7 I MVax. z- #5 • �3�2� 2-#8 /o" f'ePim e,/er_ - - - - .. . . /h ferior Garage - Co�por� - BeCIM _.. Beam Beam RESIDENTIAL ` COMMERCIAL All residential slab-on-ground construction 1 All comercial slab-on-ground construction shall comply with these minimums. Variations i shall comply with these mimimums. Variations are acceptable where soil investigation of are acceptable where soil investigation of the building site, climatic rating, and the building site, climatic ratings, and engineering analysis indicated a slab of engineering 'analysis indicate a slab of li- lighter or heavier design is suitable, ghter or heavier design is suitable. CONCRETE: 2500 PSI minimum compressive CONCRETE: 3000 PSI minimum compressive etre- stregth, gth. LAPS OR SPLICES: Minimum 30 diameters. Any LAPS OR SPLICES: Minimum 30 diameters. Any variation must have an engineer seal. variation must have an engineer- Beal. SLAB: 5" minimum thickness with #3 bars 10" SLAB: 5" minimum thickness with #3 bars 10" O.C. both ways, Maximum clear panel between O.C. both ways, Maximum clear panel between beams is 15 feet, beams is 25 feet. BEAMS: 10" wide by 30" deep. (24' deep for BEAMS: 10" wide by 30" deep. (24" deep for attached garage, carport, or porch beams. ) attached garage, carport, or porch beams.) Reinforce with two (2) 06 bars top and two (2) Reinforce with two (2) 06 bars top and two (2 08 bars bottom, continuous. Space all- stir- #8 bars bottom, continuous. Space all stir- rups 22" O.C. All beams shall penetrate min- rips 22" O.C. All beams shall penetrate 6" imum- 6" into undisturbed soil, into undisturbed soil. .CORNER BARS: Provide 6" corner bars in all CORNER BARS: Provide 6" corner bars in all corners of the perimeter of exterior beams, corners of the perimeter or exterior beams. Install one at top, outside, and one at bot- Install one at top, outside, and one at bot- tom, outside, tom, outside. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS:- Accessory building slabs PATIOS-Uncovered: 4' slab with 6x6 #10 mesh to be 6" thick with #4 bar 12" on center both or #3 retars 18" on center both ways.* ways. Slab not to exceed 200 square feet or 3 20' in any one length, I PATIOS_Covered and Covered & Enclosed: To be constructed as required for residential slab described above. ** SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks to be 4" thick with #3 *Per City Coucncil Minutes of June 3, 1982. bars 18" on center both ways, with expansion *• Per Cit Council Minutes of June 17 1982. joints every 25 and false joints every 51 . y DRIVEWAYS: Driveways are to be 5" thick with 03 bars 18" on center both ways with i expansion joints at house and property line. F! MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Contd) October 9, 1990 9. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF WORK PROGRAM FOR CLASS "C" VIOLATORS. Tino Delgado (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to approve implementation of a work program for class "C" violators who either plead or were found guilty in Municipal Court. All _ approved. Motion carried. 10. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON AMENDING SPECIFICATIONS FOR PATIO:. - SLAB CONSTRUCTION. Jeff Miller (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Committee to amend the specifications for patio slab construction (with- the omission of "the building official having discretion to modify the standards based on proposed weight or consistency of the soil" to read as : Minumum Standard for Patio Slabs Perimeter Beams minimum 10" wide and 12" deep - minimum of three 33 (two up/one down) in all beams. Slab Steel minimum 36 - 6X6 welded wire mesh. Y' Slab concrete minimum 4" concrete tested at 2500 psi at 28 days. All Approved. Motion carried. 11. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS_ Tino Delgado ask if the city attorney could send letters the continual "high weeds & grass" violators. Jeff Miller stated that he would represent the city at the GBRA Pecan Fest on October 20th. 12. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker briefed the council on: a. Seal coating completed. b. Police Station renovation going slow. C. Nothing new on Proposed Loop 539. d. gave out copies of the draft of the Draught Management plan for study. e. discussion on membership in the Canyon River Authority. 13. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. a. Thanked David Walker and Wes Suiter for the extra time they had put in on the remodeling of the P.D. b. ask about restrictions on permitting "cook-outs" on the vacant lots in Thistle Creek. C. ask about the timetable on the removal of the gas tanks at the old Texaco station. d. ask for more visiblity of the P.D. in school zones. e. briefed the Council on the 25th Anniversary planning. 14. ADJOURNMENT. Bob Glisar (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED THE 13th DAY C= 19 0. �5__kt, Sam Bauder, Mayor Ann Cmi i-h . r 1-v Qct-7`I= ry CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER OCTOBER 1990 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Acme Lumber Supplies for building 141 .63 American Bankers Life Life Insurance Premium 50.00 32.00 American Mobilephone Pager Service-maint. 16.00 16.00 Gordon Armstrong Audit 2,000.00 Biz Mart Office Supplies 295.34 =T ( Blue Cross/Blue Shield Pass thru for S. Whitaker 113.91 B. Bullock Sales Tax (garbage) 1 ,395.35 Cibolo Auto Service Repair tire-maint. (back hoe/tractor) 12.50 (dodge truck) 9.00 CCMA Sewer Charges 4,544.28 City of Cibolo Prize money for poster contest 35.00 Payroll Transfers 10/12 8,000.00 Water Charges 62.48 General fund 150.00 General Fund 10,000.00 CVFD 4th Quarter donations 12.88 Coca Cola Bottling Co. Pass thru funds 40.53 Colonial Life Ins. Employee Insurance 10/26 121 .00 Supplement,, ' Insurance 10/9 121 .00 Countywide Title Co. ' - , Refund for CK. #0002096 10.00 Creative Trophies Plaque and ribbons 56.43 Plaque for David 34.30 Custom Computers Maintenance for computer hardware 1 ,435.00 Dickie's Industrial Serv. Uniform Rental Serv. 26.00 39.00 Enchanted Cottage flowers for Anniversary Celebration 65.50 (Flowers- sympathy Phylis/Gary Smith) Fab Masters Garbage refund 27.46 Farm Plan Repairs-hydraulic lift for mower 48.00 Ron Flake, Attorney October-Court Retainer 500.00 November-Court Retainer 500.00 J Frost National Bank Debt Service Expense 536.34 Garden Ridge Pottery Supplies for 25 th Anniversary 112.23 Gifford Hill & Co. 8.17 Ton Crushed Stone 159.32 Angela Gilbreath Child Support 10/9 137.50 10/23 137.50 Guadalupe Valley elec. Rec. Bldg. 41 .60 Water Tower (maint. shed) 17:68 Police Dept. 28.39 City Park 12.24 City Hall 187.29 Water Tower 28.01 Green Valley Water 8/30-9/28 5,940,000 gal . 5.464.34 Guadalupe Blanco River Water Samples 10.00 Paul Hamilton Police Dept. ._Bldg_ Remodeling 700.00 Heart of Texas -Souvenir for 25th Anniversary 370.55 Humana Health Insurance October Health ins. premium 10/1 1 ,667.37 J & R hauling Load of Asphalt 25.00 Johnson & Higgins Public official bond 250.00 LifeRe Corp. Dental Ins. Plan 102.00 Lone star Printing Office Supplies 67.44 Newsletter 33.60 Lube Center Police unit #282 Oil and Lube 13.95 �Menar_d^Acoustical Contr. . Police Dept. rehab funds 500.00 Michael G's Inspection-Ford truck 8.50 Repair- Police Dept. ,Olt #284 12.75 -`Police Dept. unit #280 539.99 - Police Dept. unit #283 50.99 Mission Bautista Refund of park rental 10.00