Min CC 01/22/1991 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1991 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. All members were present. Mr. Delgado arrived during Item #H. Staff present: David Walker and Ann Smith. 3. INVOCATION. Council Member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens were present. 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF JANUARY 8, 1991. • Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to approve consensus items as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 6. DISCUSSION/PRESENTATION BY DAVID DAVENPORT, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CANYON REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY (CRWA) ON THE PROGRESS OF CRWA AND REQUESTING PARTICIPATION FROM THE CITY OF CIBOLO. Mr. David Davenport, representing CRWA, stated that time was here for the City of Cibolo to become involved with the future of surface water for Cibolo. CRWA is currently negotiating a contract with Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority to operate and manage the water treatment plant if the 4.2 million grant is approved through Farmer ' s Home Administration. Also, CRWA has applied for a federal grant for additional transmission lines. Mr. Davenport requested that the Council support this application with a resolution or letter to Greg Laughlin, U.S. Congressman. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to approve a resolution supporting the CRWA efforts and to authorize the staff to start application procedures to join the CRWA. All approved. Motion carried. 7. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON AMENDING THE CITY PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL. Tex Farnsworth (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to open for discussion. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to table action for the staff to re-draft the amendments with the Council ' s suggestions. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (Cont'd) JANUARY 22, 1991 8. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON SELECTING THE "VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR IN CIBOLO" NOMINEE FOR THE RANDOLPH METROCOM COMMUNITY AWARDED ANNUALLY BY THE RANDOLPH FIELD AREA ROTARY CLUB. Tex Farnsworth (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to nominate ,` • Mrs. Velma Schulz, resident and longtime supporter of the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department and Ladies Auxilliary. All approved. Motion carried. 9. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON SENDING LETTER OF CONCERN/RESOLUTION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, CONCERNING ACTIONS OF THE CITY APPRAISER. After discussion on the issue created by the Chief Appraiser, GOAD, Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to call a meeting with the entities having tax levy on the NCNB property in question and discuss the impact and a course of action. All approved. Motion carried. The appraisal district chief appraiser apparently settle.d a law- suit, out of court, with NCNB on a 198 acre tract of land in Cibolo, without notification to the Board of Directors or any of the entites effected -- leaving a shortfall of 1 .6% of the total levy for 1990 collections to the City. 10. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: A. DISCUSSION ON THE SELL OF REAL PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE • CITY OF CIBOLO. 11. RECONVENE AND TARE ANY NECESSARY ACTION ON THE EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Council reconvened in open session; however, no action was taken. 12_ COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Council Member Tex Farnsworth ask if Officer Cielencki was still on sick leave due to her recent surgery and if she had leave accumulated for her time off. 13. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker announced that the CCMA agenda was available and also that Ann Smith and himself would be attenting a free seminar hosted by the City of Schertz on Public Relations. 14. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder announced that the next regular meeting on February 12th would be changed from 7 :00 P.M. to 5 :00 P.M. 15. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1991. _5a" Mayor Sam Bauder ATTEST: / CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CHECK REGISTER JANUARY 1991 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Texas Municipal Clerks 1991 supplemental -Election Laws 15.00 TNIRS January contributions:City 466.91 Employees 670.84 U S Postmaster Postage: Court, Admn 145.00 Galls, Inc. Winter jacket for officer 92.64 ;AP-MA-San Antonio Records Management Seminar 85.00 David Walker Car allowance 100.00 City of Universal City Dispatch Service 336.00 Tamarac Office Products Office supplies for police dept. 83.76 Stubblefield, Brister Delinquent taxes attorney fees 884.72 Donnie Strickland Warrant fees for January 225.00 Southwestern Bell City Hall 168.88 Ann Smith Car allowance 25.00 Sippel True Value Hardware Maintenance supplies 17.04 St Paul Stamp Works Tags for dogs and cats 80.95 Roy Richard, Jr February court 150.00 Sylvia Richerson Payroll deduction child support 90.00 R & R Uniforms Sergeant's badge 62.50 Mississippi Tool Supply 1 pair chest waders-Maint dept 45.51 Michael G's New wiper motor_ for Unit 1 151.02 Lube Center Oil change-police dept 13.95 Lone Star Printing Office supplies 40.58 Humana INsurance February premium :City 1,082.70 1,667.31 Employees: 584.61 Cibolo Auto Service Tire repair-Unit 3 5.50 Angela Gilbreath Payroll deduction child support 137.50 Gazette-Enterprise 1 year renewal 34.00 Ron Flake, Attorney Retainer, court 500.00 _.Dickies Industrial Service Uniform rental service-Main 67.00 ' -olonial Life INs Supplemental paid by employees 121.00 4, T & T Consumers Products 1 box FAX paper 78.00 American Bankers Life Ins Life insurance premium 50.00 Agee's A/C Service repair damage to heater and a/c unit 127.05 Texas Municipal League Newsletter subscription 25.00 Texas Employment Commission 4th quarter unemployment taxes 90.51 Texas City Management Assoc Dues for City Administrator 78.00 TML Risk & Management Worker's Comp INs premium 4,770.25 Stubblefield, Brister Delinquent taxes attoreny fees 503.09 Southwestern Bell Police Dept. 54.18 Sipple True Value Valve for faucet in park 15.08 Schlather,s Fertilizer 47.84 City of Schertz Animal shelter rent 60.00 Schertz Animal Hospital Vet service 25.50 S & P Communications Radio Contract payment 185.50 Sylvia Richerson Payroll deduction child support 90.00 Recorder Times Advertisement 25.00 Randolph Tire Service Tires for Dodge truck 213.88 Randolph Metrocom Annual dues 150.00 Ozarka Drinking Water Passthru funds 15.05 Michael G'S Police Dept repairs on cars 74.30 Michal GS' Tune up Dodge truck 58.21 Lube Center OIl Change-Police Dept. 13.95 Lone Star Printing Office supplies 167.80 Life Re Corp. Dental ins premium City 77.00 Employees 20.50 �uriana Ins January premium City 1,082.70 Employees 584.61 GVEC City Hall 106.01 Police Dept. 45.98 Main shed 15.13 Park 104.90 Appraisal District Quarterly payment 1,108.27 Dickies Indusrtial Service Uniform rental-Maint 79.95 Comptroller of Public Accounts Quarterly State Court costs 3,454.20 Colonial Life INs Supplemental ins paid by employees 121.00 Coca Cola Pass thru funds 41.89 City of Cibolo-Water Dept. City Hall 24.11 Police Dept. 24.11 City Park 27.08 January 1991 Check Register continued: PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT City of Cibolo Reimburse petty cash 21.31 Bizmart Business Office supplies 85.56 American Mobilphone Pager service 32.00 American Bankers Life Ins Premium 50.00 Acme Lumber Company Materials for park 58.50 City of Cibolo 'Transfer tax money to Debt Service 51,543.85 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 259.17 Gasoline 444.40 Texas Municipal Retirement December Contributions City& Employees 1,169.07 J S Postmaster Postage for Water Dept. 95.89 Victoria Bank & Trust Jr. Lein REvenue Bond interest 1,200.00 Blue Cross, Blue Shield Payroll deduction for employee 110.34 Comptroller of Public Accounts Sales tax remittance 1,465.76 Angela Gilbreath Payroll deduction child support 137.50 Green VAlley Water City water usage 4,776.14 Blue Cross, Blue Shield Payroll deduction for employee 110.34 CC^9A Sewer 4,525.58 U S Postmaster Postage for Water Dept. 50.00 GBRA Water samples analysis 10.00 Green VAlley Water Supply Water usage 4,506.44 Moore Industrial Garbage service 5,571.83 Thomas Software Services Phone support for WBIL 5.00 CCMA Sewer taps 1,500.00 City of Cibolo Payroll transfer 1-15 6,297.58 Payroll taxes 1,796.06 City of Cibolo Payroll transfer 1-31 6,472.00 Payroll taxes 1,838.94