Min CC 02/26/1991 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1991 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. All members of the council were present. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith, and Chief Suiter. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder and the Council lead the pledge. 4. INVOCATION. Council member Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) Vicky Little, 405 Main Street, approached the Council on the possibilities of a bike lane on Main Street. Margaret Lessard, 118 Buffalo Trail, ask the Council 's assistance in prohibiting a proposed tavern to be opened at Buffalo Trail and FM 1103. Coralee Fenner and Chad Nikels, Samuel Clemens H.S. Project Graduation Party, ask the Council ' s assistance with sponsoring the chemical free party after graduation. The Mayor stated that, though no funds were budgeted for this type program, that the Council would consider at the March 12th meeting any type of support that we could provide. Mayor Bauder also suggested that if the group would like to place a fundraiser collection box at City Hall that Cibolo would be most happy to collect donations for them. Jennifer Sterling, 120 Navajo Circle, also came to protest the proposed tavern on Buffalo Trail and FM 1103. Mrs. Sterling requested any assistance the Council could provide in getting the owner/leaser of the proposed tavern, Mr. Tony Hernandez, to change his plans on the tavern to possibly a convenience store or laundry mat. Mayor Bauder stated that the city attorney was still looking into the matter. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: • A. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ON FEB. 12, 1991. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to adopt the minutes as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 7. REVIEW OF 1ST QUARTER (FY 1990-91) BUDGET RECAP. Council reviewed the Budget Recap thru December 31, 1990. Various questions were answered; however, no areas of concern were noted. r MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING: (Cont'd) FEBRUARY 26, 1991 8. APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF CHAPTER FOUR - EMERGENCY VEHICLE OPERATION OF THE POLICE PROCEDURE MANUAL. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to open for discussion. Chief Suiter stated that he had been advised that the Multi Agency Policy, signed by each Police Chief, had been • questioned by the City of Converse ' s attorney. Chief stated that this would be pulled from the text and that the procedure would be incorporated in the policy on pursuit for the Cibolo officers. Councilman Farnsworth questioned the requirement of the Communications Officer and the authority the policy placed on that position. After discussion, Justino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to table any action. All approved. Motion carried. 9. MAYOR TO CALL FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO GENERAL ELECTION ON MAY 4, 1991 AND SIGNING THE "ORDER OF BUSINESS" . Mayor Bauder read and signed the Order of Election for the May 4th General Election. Expiring terms are Mayor, Council Member Place 2 and Council Member Place 3 . 10. APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION OFFICIALS AND SETTING COMPENSATION. Tex Farnsworth (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to appoint the following election officers: Ann Smith - Absentee Judge Modesta Flores, Election Judge Phyllis Smith - Absentee Clerk Velma Schulz - Clerk Sue Whitaker - Absentee Clerk Dorlene Higginson, Clerk Further motion was to set the salary of $5.00 per hour and an additional $10.00 to the Election Judge for Administrative Fees for the Election Day workers. All approved. Motion carried. 11. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF CITY PARR ROAD/REPAIR TO CONCESSION STAND ROOF. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to open for discussion. Council discussed the options provided by David Walker on the City Park Road Improvement and the repair/replacement of the concession stand roof. On the road/parking upgrade, ten options were presented ranging from $11,071 to 19, 679 approximately. The concession stand roof, whichis in need of repair and leaking, had two proposals -- one from Barela Construction for $3, 250.00 and Fey' s Home Improvements for $3, 600.00. Mr. Fey' s proposal had included some vents and one turbo vent. Due to neither project being budgeted this year, funding would have to come from the General Fund Capital Improvement account. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to authorize David Walker to negiotate with the two proposals on the roof project and award the project to the low bidder to include vents and a turbo vent and to move the funds from the General Fund Capital Improvement account to the General Fund Operating. All approved. Motion carried. No motion was made on the park road project. 1:2. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: A. DISCUSSION/ACTION IF REQUIRED ON CITY OF CIBOLO VS W. KEITH GILBREATH LITIGATION. The Council convened in closed session on 8:30 p.m. I ` i MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) Tuesday, February 26, 1991 13. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION. The Council reconvened at 9 :00 p.m. and took no action. • 14. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Council member Tex Farnsworth noted that the Randolph Rotary Round-up would be Sunday, March 3rd at the Bluebonnet Palace and barbeque tickets could be purchased in advance for $5 .00 ea and $6.00 each at the door. ; noted that he had completed a two day court clerks course in Austin and was now a certified court clerk; ask if the school zone ordinance revisions were being prepared for the next council meeting. Council member Jeff Miller ask if anyone would be attending the Metrocom Mixer and the TML Regional Meeting in Kirby. 15. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Chief Suiter announced that a blood drive was being held for a Bexar County Deputy that was shot. David Walker briefed the council on the meeting that he attending on the State Highway Departments plans for I .H. 35 and the area exits. Mr. Walker stated that it looked good for Cibolo with the Wiederstein Road exit. Also, Walker stated that he had received a letter from Judge Sagebiel on the Edward Underground scheduled for March 11th; that Green Valley Water Coop. would have their annual meeting on March 21st and that a copy of the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority Annual Study was available at City Hall . 16. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder had no comments. 17. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THE 12TH DAY OF MARCH, 1991. sAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST; __1 L ------------- ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER FEBRUARY 1991 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AIMOUNT AmericanBanker's Life Group life insurance 50.00 American Mobilphone Pager service 32.00 Angela Gilbreath Child support 2-15 & 2-28 275.00 Betty Boyd, Tax Collector Taxes on old post office bldg. 40.91 Bizmart Business Credit Office supplies 186.25 Blue Cross, Blue Shield Employee pass thru insurance 110.34 ^-MA Wastewater treatmnt service 4,794.72 of Cibolo Payroll transfers 2-15 6,035.96 2-28 5,347.02 Payroll tax deposits 2-15 1,695.10 2-28 1.738.86 City of Cibolo-Water Dept. City Hall water 24.11 City Park water 50.49 City Police Dept. water 24.11 City of Cibolo Reimburse petty cash 43.34 City of Cibolo Debt Service transfer to Water Dept. 30,494.77 City of, Schertz Animal shelter rent 10.00 Custom Computers Service call for Accounting bad files 185.00 Entex Police Dept gas bill 80.41 Farmer's Home Administration Refund overpayment of ad valorem taxes 359.34 Frost National Bank Bank fess for servicing debt service 583.21 Frost National Bank 1985 Series P& I payment 26,343.75 GBRA Water samples analysis 10.00 GVEC 2-12 Police Dept. 43.64 City Hall 189.89 City Park 25.18 City Maint shed _21;•35 Park Rec Bldg 34.86 GVEC 2-27 City Hall 196.77 City Police Dept, 49.98 City Park 31.10 City Rec Bldg 37.00 City Maint Shed 17.54 fford Hill 7.10 ton crushed rock 138.45 Green Valley Water Supply 4,830,000 gallons 4,682.79 Cibolo Auto Service Tire repairs for Unit 4 4.00 Tire repairs for backhoe 15.00 J & R Hauling Hot mix, base material, sand 135.00 Life RE Corp Dental Insurance 97.50 Lone Star Printing Window envelopes for court 49.00 Lube Center Oil change for Unit 1 13.95 Melick, Armstrong Annual audit 2,850.00 Michael G'S Repairs to Ford Ranger truck(tune-up) 56.67 Moore Industrial Garbage service 5,545.49 Ozarka Water Pass thru funds 32.15 Randolph Tire Center 2 tires for Unit 1 131.80 S & P Communications Monthly radio contract-Police 118.50 Maint 33.50 Sam's Wholesale Club Supplies for all departments__ 239.23 Scherts ISD Taxes for old post office bldg. 181.25 Schlather's Feed Store Weed killer 22.60 Sippel's Hardware STore Flourescent bulbs 11.88 Electrical supplies for the park 83.78 New chain for saw 15.49 Smith Municipal Signs Signs, brackets 328.69 Southern Building Code Congress Annual dues 40.00 thwestern Bell 658-990 138.92 659-1999 46.92 Sylvia Richerson Child support 2-15 & 2-28 180.00 Donnie Strickland Warrant fees 1,175.00 TMRS February contributions-City 446.48 Employees 641.50 Tamarac Office Products Acetate, tape, Sharpie pen 6.02 2 reams colored paper-pink, blue 13.51 Texas State Directory 1991 edition 27.95 Thomas Software Telephone support for WBIL 5.00 Generic water bills 100.80 Tri City Insurance Notary bond and filing fee-A. Smith 71.00 U. S. Postmaster stamps-General Fund 29.00 Water bills, newsletters 143.98 February 1991 Check Register, continued r PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 655.44 David Walker Car allowance-less FICA tax 92.35 City of Universal City Dispatch service 336.00 Ann Smith Car allowance-less FICA 23.09 Roy Richard, Jr. Court March 150.00 Ron Flake Court-March 150.00 1l _