Min CC 05/07/1991 i MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 7, 1991 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A SPECIAL CALLED MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1991 AT 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present': Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Tino Delgado, Tex Farnsworth and Mayor Bauder. Councilmember Mark Buell was absent due to business. Staff present: David Walker, Ann Smith and Chief Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Councilmember Farnsworth gave the invocation. 4 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge of allegiance. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. Mrs. Barbara Carr, Thistle Creek Subdivision, spoke to the Council on enhancement of the police department. Mrs. Carr stated that she was proud of her community but felt that the city should add additional manpower, administrative personnel and high_-er salaries in the police department. Mrs. Carr stated that she would favor a tax increase to cover some of these areas. Mrs. Linda Britt and Ms. Mary Wilson also supported Mrs. Carr ' s statement on adding more manpower to allow for 24 hr coverage. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 23, 1991. B. iCHECK REGISTER THRU APRIL, 1991. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to approve the minutes as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 7. PRESENTATION OF AWARD TO MR. CLYDE RUTHERFORD FOR SERVING ON THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION. Mayor Bauder presented Mr. Clyde Rutherford a plaque of appreciation for serving on the Planning & Zoning Commission for approximately five years. Also, Mayor Bauder introduced Mr. Gerald Garrison, newly elected chairman of the P & Z . 8. CANVASS THE MAY 4TH ELECTION RESULTS AND ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND SIGNING OF PRE-OATH STATEMENT BY THE ELECTED OFFICIALS. Tex Farnsworth motioned to declare the May 4th Election results as accurate. Mr. Glisar seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried. Mayor Bauder issued the Certificate of Election and the winners signed the Pre-Oath Statements. Results of the tally: Mayor: Sam Bauder 58 Votes Place 2: Mark Buell 59 Votes Place 3: Justino Delgado 56 Votes MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) May 7, 1991 9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTIFICATION OF WATER RATE INCREASE FROM GREEN VALLEY WATER COOPERATIVE, INC. AND DISCUSSION ON RATES FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO. David Walker informed the Council that G.V.W.S.C. had sent a letter giving the required 60 day notice of a rate increase. Effective July 1, 1991, the city' s rate for purchasing water will increase from $ .93 to $ .98 per thousand gallons. Also, Mr. Walker provided charts showing the debt service requirements thru the year 2001 and a chart showing several different rates and the revenues they would generate. It was the consensus that the staff would confer with the financial advisor and city auditor then present a recommendation on the fee schedule increase at the next meeting. 10. DISCUSS/POSSIBLE ACTION ON UTILITY SERVICES FOR THE SCHERTZ PARKVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON FM 3009. Jeff Miller (seconded by Tino Delgado) motioned to permit the Parkview Baptist Church to extend a 2" line thru a 2" meter along Dietz Road and FM 3009 to serve only their property. Also the church would be required to bear all expenses of the installation and maintenance of the line. All approved. Motion carried. 11 . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth thanked the Police Department for his housewatch and report while on vacation. Other comments by Councilmemeber Farnsworth included: a. stated that colored turning lane buttons were available for FM 1103 and Main Street. b. gave a briefing on the Texas Dept. of Commerce meeting . C. ask if the Council wanted to consider any plans for an annual festival, as "Cibolo Days" . d. Ask if the city had been approached by residents in Thistle Creek about the possibility of city support in planning a park/tennis courts in the subdivision. e. briefed the Council of the CVADAC meeting. f. ask about feasibility of a representive attending the Guadalupe Co. Appraisal District monthly meetings. Jeff Miller ask if the P & Z could look into the possibility of plumbing requirements being incorporated in the zoning ordinance. 12. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker noted that the Randolph Metrocom Chamber of Commerce had restructured their allocation of dues by using the number of employees and that Cibolo ' s annual fee would remain the same. Also, Mr. Walker stated that Green Valley Water was applying for a special utility district and that they would not having taxing authority but would. qualify for various tax exempt and grant status. The Council was reminded of the CVFD Annual Sausage Supper and Auction on May 11th. MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) May 7, 1991 13. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder had no comments. 14. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. Council adjourned at 8:35 p.m. PASSES & APPROVED THE 28TH DAY OF MAY, 1991. i Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: -4/ � nn Smith, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER MAY 1991 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Acme Lumber Commode for Park 48.79 American Bankers LIfe Life insurance premium 45.50 American Mobilphone Pager service 32.00 _ ,3exar Electric Repair ballfield lights 213.00 Blue Cross, Blue Shield Pass thru funds-A. Jimenez, Jr. 68.91 City of Cibolo 5-15 Payroll 6,367.47 5-15 payroll taxes 1,778.34 5-31 payroll 6,603.95 5-31 payroll taxes 1,875.02 Election workers 205.00 Reimburse petty cash _42:37 Water bill-City park 38.37 Water bill-City Hall 24.11 Water bill- Police Dept. 24.11 CVFD Donations from the public 12.81 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. Pass thru funds-Supplemental Ins 121.00 Creative Trophy Plaque for Clyde Rutherford 31.45 Dickies Industrial Uniform rental service 54.00 Ewald Tractor Oil, blades, pins, washers 43.92 Entex Police Dept-z gas bill 13.38 Farm Plan Blades, belts, oil, filter 66.67 Ron Flake June Court, June Retainer 500.00 Hernandez-Application for Specfic Use 680.00 GBRA Water samples 10.00 GVEC Water Tower Elec 29.98 City Hall elec 131.96 Police Dept. elec 103.13 City park elec 290.94 City Rec bldg elec 40.11 Main Shed elec 21.10 Garden Ridge Quality Closeouts Paint for picnic tables 11.98 Angela Gilbreath May child support 275.00 Keith Gilbreath Reimburse for work boots 30.00 Green Valley Water Supply 5,240,000 gallons 3/27-4/29 4,813.34 HS Office Furniture Used bookcase,used computer table 150.00 Hart Graphics 500 election ballots 105.00 Herald Newspaper Group ad for election, and Maint worker 58.71 Humana Health Care Health insurance premium 1,364.17 IIMC Annual dues to 6/30/92 45.00 I & J Concrete Repair damaged curb on Rail Lane 250.00 Joe Curry & Son Repair radar unit-Kustom Model 156.64 Lone Star Printing Envelopes, newsletters 118.60 Calculator ribbons, labels 18.27 Christi M. Lovett Refund citation overpayment 10.00 Michael G'S Weld shredder 25.00 Unit 1 a/c service 25.00 Ozarka Water Pass thru funds 21.90 Roy Richard, Jr. June court 150.00 Sylvia Richerson May child _support 180.00 David Wayne Row Refund citation overpayment 15.00 S & P Monthly radio contract 152.00 Schertz Animal Hospital Vet service 37.50 City of Schertz Animal shelter rent 135.00 ippels' Hardware Misc hardware 26.89 Supplies to install commode 9.06 Fuses & holder 6.76 Cleaning supplies for the park 14.57 Returned & replaced 3/8' drill 5.50 Ann Smith Car allowance less FICA 23.09 S W Bell 658-9900 123.06 659-1999 47.27 Stubblefield, Brister Delq taxes attorney fees 349.93 TML Annual dues for League services 383.00 Texas City Management Assoc TCMA annual conference registration 175.00 Tri County Office Equipment Annual contract for typewriters 316.00 City of Universal City Monthly dispatch service 336.00 U S. PostOffice Postage 87.00 V & J Brokers Tire repairs 43.50 1 � May 1991 Check Register, continued PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Victoria Bank & Trust 1982 Series interest due June 1 6,600.00 Williams Office Products Used bookcase, used chair 175.00 Xerox Dry ink for copier 94.00 David Walker Car allowance less FICA 92.35 TMRS General fund & Water/Sewer 1 , 147. 52 CCMA Sewer Service 4,629 . 06 ,Moore Disposal Garbage Service 5 ,546 .96 U. S . Post Office Water bills 88 . 51 Postage 29 . 00 Admn. 29 . 00