Min CC 05/28/1991 MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 28, 1991 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS, THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present: Mayor Bauder Jeff Miller Tex Farnsworth Tino Delgado Mark Buell Members absent : Bob Glisar Staff Present: David Walker and Ann Smith 3. 'INVOCATION. Council Member Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the group in the pledge of allegiance. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens were present. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MAY 7, 1991. Tex Farnsworth (seconded by Tino Delgado) motioned to approve the consensus items, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 7. SWEARING IN AND OATH OF OFFICE CEREMONY FOR NEWLY RE-ELECTED CITY OFFICIALS. Ann Smith, City Secretary sworn in the re-elected Mayor Sam Bauder, Council Member Place 2 Mark Buell and Council Member Place 3 Tino Delgado. 8. NOMINATIONS/APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TEM FOR PERIOD FROM MAY, 1991 to MAY, 1992. Mark Buell nominated Jeff Miller as Mayor Pro Tem; however, Mr. Miller declined the nomination due to health reasons. Mr. Miller thanked Mr. Buell and then Mr. Buell withdrew his nomination. Tino Delgado nominated Mark Buell, Tex Farnsworth requested that nomination stop. All approved the nomination of Mr. Buell as Mayor Pro Tem. Vote was unanimous. Mr. Buell thanked the Council and Mayor Bauder extend congratulations. 9. ACCEPT DONATION OF A BELT SANDER FROM MR. CHUCK RIDGE. Tex Farnsworth (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to accept the donation and that appropriate acknowledgement be sent Mr. Ridge. All approved. Motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) May 28, 1991 10. ACTION ON THE 1991-92 BUDGET PREPARATION CALENDAR. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to approve the proposed 1991-92 Budget Calendar. All approved. Motion carried. 11. APPROVE/DISAPPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE # 410, - SCHEDULE OF FEES - WATER RATES INCREASE. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to open for discussion. The staff had presented a letter from Green Valley Water Supply Corp. stating that a _rate increase of $ .05 per thousand gallons would go into effect July 1, 1991 and a chart showing the debt service payment requirements and the amount of Profit increase with different rates. The council discussed the necessity of an inverted rate scale based on higher rates for the large volume water user. It was the consensus that the council did not favor the inverted scale at this time. After much discussion, Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to increase theresidential water rate to $12.00 for the first 3,000 gallons and $1 .76 per 1000 gallons for 3,001 plus. Also in the motion was to leave the commercial rate at $13.11 for the first 3,000 gallons and to increase the 3, 001 plus to $1 .76 per 1000 gallons. The rate increase would be effective for the June 15 - July 15, 1991 readings to be billed August 1, 1991 . All approved. Motion carried. 12. APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. The Planning and Zoning Commission meet with the interested candidates and recommended both citizens, with Mr. Jaime Casarez, 126 Sweetleaf Lane as their first choice and Mrs. Jennifer Sterling, 120 Navajo Circle as second choice. Tex Farnsworth (seconded by Jeff Miller) recommended Mrs. Sterling to fill the vacancy on the planning and zoning commission. Mr. Farnsworth stated that though both parties would be excellent, he felt that with two members from Thistle Creek already serving on the P & Z that a representative from the Cibolo North Subdivision would be an asset. Members voting "Aye" - Tex Farnsworth, Jeff Miller and Mark Buell. Voting "Nay" Tino Delgado. Motion carried 3-1 . 13. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth stated that he would suggest that an extra--- law enforcement officer and a fireman .be.cohsidered`i-nthe 'budget. Also Mr. Farnsworth ask if the DECA student assigned to City Hall would be staying on during the summer and recommended if the staff needed the position and funds were available to continue her employment. Mr. Delgado noted that his reason for the negative vote during Item # 12, was that he felt we should function as a whole city. Mr. Miller ask if the County Law Enforcement Departments worked together to inform each other of investigations and arrests, such as the drug raid at the rest stop on I-35 recently. Tex Farnsworth stated that he would bring it up at their next Guadalupe County Law Enforcement Officers Meeting. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (cont'd) May 28, 1991 14. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker noted that the CVFD Ladies Auxiliary would be hosting an "Arts & Craft Show" in the city park on July 27, 1991 and that anyone interested could rent a table for $15 .00. Also, Walker requested that any budget item suggestions would be welcomed from the council. The P & Z Commission had recently toured that city and that possibly the council would like to do the same in the near future. 15. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder reminded the Council of the upcoming 4th of July Parade in Schertz. Council Member Farnsworth noted at this time that no comments had been received on the feasibility of an annual "Cibolo Days" event. Mayor Bauder stated that he would like to see Cibolo had some type of annual celebration around the anniversary of the city. Council Members Farnsworth and Buell agreed to work as a ,start up committee for the planning. 16. ADJOURNMENT. - Council Member Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to adjourn at 7 :55 p.m. All approved. Motion carried. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THE 11TH DAY OF JUNE, 1991. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: 6 Ann Smith