Min CC 06/11/1991 MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1991 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. All members of the Council were present. Staff present: David Walker and Ann Smith. 3. INVOCATION. Councilmember Bob Glisar gave the invocation. . 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the Pledge. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens were present. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 28, 1991. B. CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 1991. Tex Farnsworth motioned to approve_ ==the', .conse-nusr_-items with a correction noted by Councilmember Miller=on - the minutes, Item #13, paragraph 3, to read "trailer court on FM 1103" rather than "rest stop of I-35" . Jeff Miller seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried. 7. PRESENTATION ON THE 1992 PROPOSED GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT BUDGET AND GCAD UPDATE - PAT FOX, CHIEF APPRAISER. Mrs. Pat Fox gave a short briefing on the GCAD. First, Mrs. Fox thanked Councilmember Tex Farnsworth for attending the last monthly GCAD Board Meeting. Mrs. Fox stated that proposed 1992 Budget would probably be adopted in a month or so after the proper notices and public hearings. Mrs . Fox stated that the total budget utas down approximately 30 of last years with a total required of $615,939. Cibolo ' s new values, at present, are $45,428, 000 down some $6,075,000 f.or. last years. Mrs. Fox stated the new method of allocation would require re-calculation of each entities payment on the third quarter and adjustments for levy changes. 8. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Council Member Farnsworth noted several "bills that passed during the 72nd Texas Legislature that will affect general law cities. Also, Council Member Farnsworth introduced a new program, supported by the Randolph Region EMS and sponsored by the Bexar County Pharmaceutical Association, called "Vial of Life" . The free program provides a vial to hold medical information sheet and a sticker to be placed on the refrigerator. Vial ' s will be available at City Hall for interested citizens. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Cont'd) June 11, 1991 Council Member Delgado ask if Cibolo had more than one animal vaccine clinic= annually and if the Alarm System Permit was annual and what a resident needed to do to register an alarm. 9. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker announced that the Randolph Metrocom Chamber of Commerce would hold their board meeting at City Hall on Wednesday, June 14, 1991 at 1:00 P.M. Walker also noted the latest update on Proposed Loop 539 as per Bill Jones, Highway Department showed slow progress; however, the old gas tank at the old Haeckerville Texaco is scheduled for removal soon. 10. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder discussed the upcoming 4th of July Parade in Schertz and suggested the Council get a vehicle decorated to ride in the parade. Also the Mayor noted the new legislative action on HB 985 that allows General Law Cities to annex property again. 11. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn at 7 :35 P.M. All approved. Motion carried. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary