Min CC 02/11/1992 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAYS FEBRUARY 11, 1992 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNIPICAL BUILDINGS 109 SOUTH MAIN STREETS CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. All members were present. 3. INVOCATION. Councilmember Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder requested the Lone Star Girl Scout Council lead the group in the pledge of allegiance. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No one requested to address the council . 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINGS JANUARY 28, 1992. B. CHECK REGISTER THRU JANUARYS 1992. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to accept the consensus items as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 7. PROCLAMATION FOR "GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE MONTH _ FEBRUARY, 1992. Mayor Bauder signed a proclamation for "Girl Scout Cookie Sales Month" in February. The Lone Star troop met with the mayor prior to the meeting to earn merit badges on government. The mayor explained the duties of a mayor and then each girl was to ask questions. After the proclamation signing the troop presented the Council with three boxes of girl scout cookies. 8. ORDER ELECTION FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION ON SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1992. Mayor Bauder read the Election Order for the May 2nd General Election. Places expirng are Place 1, 4 & 5. 9. REVIEW/ACTION ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR TWO (2) 1992 PATROL VEHICLES. Jeff Miller (lino Delgado seconded) motioned to open for discussion. The consensus was that the council was pleased with the six bids received and the low bid of $11,464 per vehicles by Jordan Ford. The council ask the chief if all requirements of the bid were meet and Councilman Miller further recommended that the top of the line warranty ( 100,000 miles/5years) be included in the purchase at $965 per vehicle. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to award the bid for two ( 2) 1992 Crown Victoria LTD Fords, with the extended 100,000 mile warranty, to Jordan Ford Company and to purchase the vehicles with funds in the General Fund Capital Improvement Account. All approved. Motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont 'd) Feb. 11, 1992 10. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth requested that the P & Z along with the city engineer evaluate our street improvement needs and report back to the Council . Mayor Bauder requested that David Walker present this to the P & Z . Tino Delgado ask about possibly of spraying for mosquitoes. Jeff Miller ask about improvements to Town Creek Road. Also, Mr. Miller ask if the Council could tour the city soon, as the P & Z had done at one of their meetings, to view all areas of the city. 11. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker presented a letter from the Randolph Area Rotary requesting nominations from the city for "Volunteer of the Year Award" . Also, Walker noted that Excel Communications would like to make a presentation to the council at the next regular meeting for the possibility of another cable franchise. 12. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder read a letter inviting everyone to the TML Region Meeting in Seguin on March 14th. 13. ADJOURNMENT. With no further business, Bob Glisar (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to adjourn at 7 :40 p.m. Vote was unanimous. PASSED AND APPROVED THE 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1992. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary CHECK REGISTER FEBRUARY 1992 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT City of Cibolo 1-31 payroll transfer 5 , 590 . 62 1-31 payroll taxes 1 , 767 . 48 2-14 payroll transfer 7 , 302 . 57 2-14 payroll taxes 1 , 899 . 67 Reimburse petty cash 45 . 12 City Park water 16 . 98 City Hall water 24 . 11 Police Dept water 24 . 11 Enchanted Cottage Sympathy basket 31 . 50 Entex Police Dept gas bill 37 . 12 Ewald Tractor oil filters , misc 97 . 85 Exxon Company gas for police dept 31 . 46 Farm Plan air filter, fuel filters 27 . 69 Frost National Bank 1985 Series-Principal 5 , 000 . 00 1985 Series- Interest 21 , 125 . 00 1985 Series bank charges 189 . 01 GBRA !dater samples 12'. 00 GFOA Annual dues 95 . 00 GCAD 1992 software maintenance 352 . 00 GVEC Rec Bldg 33 . 54 Main shed 52 . 47 City Hall 151 . 86 City Park 26 . 44 Police Dept 46 . 27 Water Tower 23 . 89 Herald Newspaper Ad for police officer 27 . 94 Humana Insurance Health ins premium -March 1 , 224 . 50 Jan , Feb Premium 2 , 766 . 46 Internal Revenue Service Bal due 23 . 44 J & R Hauling 1 load crushed limestone 45 . 00 Life RE Dental insurance 79 . 00 Master Lube Unit 2 oil change 14 . 95 Unit 4 oil change 14 . 95 McBee Systems General & Payroll checks 232 . 54 Michael G ' S Unit 2 transmission service 25 . 00 Ozarka Water Water cooler 21 . 90' Page Texas Pager service 32 . 00 S & P Communications Radio contract 141 . 00 Sam ' s Wholesale Club Supplies 159. 69 San Antonio Light Ad for police officer 65 . 55 Schertz Tire Shop Unit 1 tire repair 6 . 00 City of Schertz Animal shelter rent 20 . 00 Sippel ' s Oil paint & brushes 18 . 94 Smith Municipal Supply Street signs 169 . 48 Ann Smith Austin mileage 56 . 86 Southern Bldg Code 1992 annual dues 40 . 00 S W Bell 659-1999 67 . 95 658-9900 131 . 70 Donnie Strickland Warrant fees 225 . Od Tri County Office Paper, dater stamps 72 . 30 City of Universal City Dispatch service 336 . 00 David Walker Car allowance 123 . 12 Ann Smith Car allowance 46 . 17 Roy Richard, Jr . March court 150 . 00 Angela Gilbreath Child support 275 . 00 Ron Flake Retainer & March court 500 . 00