Min CC 03/10/1992 MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1992 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAYS MARCH 10, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present: Mayor Bauder, Jeff Miller, Bob Glisar, Mark Buell and Tex Farnsworth. Absent: Tino Delgado. Staff present: Ann Smith, David Walker and Chief Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Council member Bob Glisar gave the invocation. , 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led those present in the pledge. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. Ann Almond, Parade Chairman for the Schertz Business Club 4th of July Parade, came before the council requesting Cibolo' s participation in the -,parade with a float entry. Ms. Almond suggested constructing a buffalo from chicken wire and paper mache or a decorated float with a council table and members of the council riding the float. Mayor Bauder agreed that it was a good idea; however, no city funds were available for this year. It was agreed that a notice would be placed in the May newsletter asking for volunteers to handle a fundraiser and volunteers to help construct a float. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETNG, FEB. 25, 1992. B. CHECK REGISTER FOR FEBRUARYS 1992. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to approve the consensus items as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF TWO SIGNATURES ON ACCOUNT AT FROST NATIONAL BANK TO TRANSFER FUNDS TO VICTORIA BANK-CIBOLO. Jeff Miller (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to authorize Mark Buell and Tex Farnsworth to sign on checking account #01-9991082, Frost National Bank, to transfer funds to Victoria Bank & Trust- Cibolo to an interest bearing Interes and Sinking Fund. All approved. Motion carried. 8. APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES AND CLERKS FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION ON MAY 2, 1992. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to appoint the following election workers for the May 2nd general election: Ann Smith, Absentee Judge Phyllis Smith, Absentee Clerk Claudia Schnedier, Absentee Clerk Modesta Flores, Election Judge Velman Schulz, Alternate Judge Dorlene Higginson, Clerk MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 10, 1992 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO A CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE OPEN MEETING LAW, ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.C.S. , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTHORITY CONTAINTED IN SECTION 2(g) : A. APPROVE/DISAPPROVAL OF HIRING SELECTION OF PATROL OFFICER. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to suspense with the closed session, with no discussion and take necessary action. All approved. Motion carried. 10. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TARE NECESSARY ACTION. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to accept the staff ' s recommendation to hire Jerry W. Bivens as patrol officer. All approved. Motion carried. 11. SWEARING IN OF PATROL OFFICER. Mayor Bauder administered the oath of office to Jerry Bivens and welcomed him to the city staff. 12. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth noted his concerns over the primary election voting boxes in Guadalupe County. Councilman Farnsworth noted the fact that there was "no" voting place in Cibolo and the confusion of several boxes being combined and the lack of publicity made many people angry and caused a low voter turn out. Councilman Farnsworth ask if any of the funds from the certificates of obligation for the postponed Loop 539 could be utilized for street repairs. Also, he noted that the local fire department should be contacted in reference to an upcoming "Disaster Preparedness Exercise. Also, Councilman Farnsworth stated that Larry Jones, Guadalupe County, would be bringing a proclamation for Child Abuse Prevention to our next meeting. Counclmember Buell stated that the "kickoff" meeting of the ' 92 Cibolo Fest Committee had been well attended and invited the public to the next meeting on April 13th. Jeff Miller noted that possibly the council should consider cancelling meetings that fall on election days. Mr. Miller stated that by meeting tonight caused a conflict for councilpersons to attend the precinct meetings. 12. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker stated that he would "showing off Cibolo" to Mr. Pete Groves, Texas Dept. of Commerce, on March 19th. Also, Walker noted that our last sales tax check was up over last years reporting. 14. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. None 15. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED THE 24th DAY OE-MARCH, 1992. e;5CZ,v9 : L� Attest;/) o Sam Bauder, Mayor CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER March 1992 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Acme Lumber Concrete , bolts , etc . 84 . 84 Alamo Waste March trash pickups 5 , 588 . 66 Bluebonnett Travel Air fare-Denton seminar 88 . 00 Officer Bivens Reimburse for uniform pants 97 . 39 Blue Cross Enroll Ashley Gilbreath 103 . 20 Blue Cross Jimenez dependents insurance-Mar„'186 . 12 April 186 . 12 City of Cibolo Payroll transfer-3-13 5 , 937 . 64 3-13 payroll taxes 1 , 592 . 22 Transfer from Water & Sewer for monthly expenses 12 , 581 . 09 City Hall water bill 24 . 11 City Park water bill 36 . 34. Police dept water bill 24 . 11 Cibolo Vol . Fire Dept . Quarterly allotment 750 . 00 Colonial Life Ins . Employee Supplemental Ins . 121 . 00 Commercial Life Ins . Life insurance premiums-April 44 . 35 Feb . & March 91 . 50 Creative Trophies 2 engraved name plates 5 . 60 Dickies Uniform Service Uniform rentals for Maint . 95 . 40 Entex Police Dept . gas bill 19 . 35 Ron Flake, Attorney April court 150 . 00 Frost National Bank 1987 Series Prin & Int& fees 12 , 739 . 18 GBRA Water samples 12 . 00 GLAD Quarterly payment 1 , 160 . 03 GVEC Water tower 26 . 79 Rec Bldg . 44 . 16 Maintshed 53 . 25 Police Dept 55 . 38 City park 27 . 51 l City Hall 201 . 39 City Hall 97 . 71 Police Dept 47 . 59 City Park 30 . 84 Rec Bldg . 33 . 17 Maint shed 22 . 71 Angela Gilbreath Child Support 275 . 00 Green Valley Water 4, 570, 000 gallons 4, 388 . 64 Hart Forms Election supplies 58 . 53 Herald Newspaper Ad for patrolman 3 . 86 Humana Health Plans Health insurance 1 , 224 . 50 J & R Hauling 1 load base 45 . 00 Jordan Ford, Inc . 2 Ford Cr Victoria ' s 22 , 928 . 00 2 extended warranties 1 , 930 . 00 Life Re Corp . Dental insurance 79 . 00 Lone Star Printing 600 newsletters 34 . 85 Typewriter ribbons , envelopes 98 . 08 Master Lube Oil changes , Units 2& 4 30 . 90 Melick , Armstrong Response to GFOA certificate 250 . 00 Michael G ' S Front brake pads for Unit 4 52 . 00 North Tx . Court Clerk ' s April 8 seminar 20 . 00 Oak Wood Tires 2 tires & labor for backhoe & John Deere tractor 243 . 08 Ozarka Water water cooler & jugs 27 . 85 Page Texas Pager service 32 . 00 Roy Richard, Jr. April Court 150 . 00 Ron Flake , attorney April retainer 350 . 00 S & P Communications Radio contract 141 . 00 S W Bell 659-1999 67 . 91 658-9900 140 . 57 City of Schertz Animal shelter rent 25 . 00 SAFES-Quarterly payment 1 , 380 . 00 Schertz Animal Hospital Vet service 7 . 00 Schertz Tire Shop Unit 2 tire repairs 7 . 00 City of Selma Flares for police dept . 81 . 88 Shadrock Petroleum 271 gallons gasoline 278 . 32 401 gallons gasoline 381 . 75 500 gallons gasoline 476 . 00 Sheraton Denton Hotel Denton seminar 58 . 76 Sippels Hardware supplies 62 . 38 Ann Smith car allowance 50 . 00 Stubblefield, Brister Delq . taxes attorney fees 360 . 83 Check Register-March 1992-continued PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Tx Dept of Public Safety Updated manuals 70 . 00 Texas Election Laws Law manual 25 . 00 Municipal Clerk ' s Assoc Seminar Registration 125 . 00 Texas Police Assoc Austin seminar 30 . 00 Texas State Directory 1992 edition 27 . 95 Post Office Box 88 rent 11 . 25 Stamps 29 . 00 City of Universal City Dispatch service 336 . 00 David Walker Car allowance 125 . 00