Min CC 04/14/1992 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 14, 1992 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. All members were present. Staff: Ann Smith, David Walker and Wes Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Councilmember Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led those present in the pledge. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. None 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1992 B. CHECK REGISTER THRU MARCH, 1992. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded the motion) motioned to approve the consensus items as presented. All approved. Motion carrie.d 7. ACTION ON DONATIONS OF (1) JVC PORTABLE TELEVISION, (1) DASH LIGHT AND $670 FOR INSTALLATION FEES OF EQUIPMENT FOR NEW PATROL VEHICLES. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to accept the following =donation's to the city: a. JVC Color Portable television - donated by Mary Wilson b. Dash Light - donated by Bill Little C. $670 from Bexar Metro 9-1-1 to be utilized for tranfer of equipment from patrol cars. d. Black tool box donated by David Walker All approved the list of donations. Motion carried. 8. PROCLAMATION PRESENTATION FOR "TELECOMMUNICATOR'S WEER" . Mayor Bauder signed a proclamation honoring the Universal City Dispatchers for National Telecommunicator ' s Week. Tex Farnsworth accepted the proclamation on behalf of Universal City. 9. RECOGNITION OF NORMAN & MARILYN FETTERMAN, CIBOLO'S VOLUNTEERS OF THE YEAR AWARD. Item tabled until the Fetterman ' s could be present. MINUTES OF APRIL 14, 1991 (Cont'd) 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: THE CITY COUNCIL WILL GO INTO A CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17 V.T.S.C. , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTHORITY CONTAINED IN SECTION 2(g) TO HEAR: A. PATROL OFFICERS APPEAL ON DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Item was withdrawn by employee at 4:15 p.m. , April 14, 1991 . No need for executive session. 11. RECONVENE AND TARE NECESSARY ACTION ON ITEM 10-A. Item withdrawn by employee. No action necessary. 12. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Councilman Farnsworth reported on the Randolph Rotary and the SAFES Fundraiser and Auction held last Sunday. Councilman Buell noted that the 1992 Cibolo Fest Committee had met on Monday night and scheduled a carwash for Saturday, April 18th at Victoria Bank and Trust - Cibolo. Also, Councilman Buell announced that the Buffalo Valley Lions Club planned to paint the Niemietz Park concession stand as their first community service project on April 25th. Councilman Miller ask if we had the Southwestern Bell Mobile 9-1-1 or COP# system available for mobile phones yet. Mr. Miller stated when this is available to local mobile phone owners that we should put something in the newsletter. 13. COMMENT BY STAFF. Ann Smith reminded the Council that early voting was going on thru April 28th. David Walker ask for newsletter articles and also announced that he was looking for auction items for the Cibolo V.F.D. Annual Sausage Supper and Auction. Walker briefed the Council on a meeting he had attended in Austin with Representative Edmund Kuempel and Ray Stoker of the highway department in regards to state highway projects in the area. Cibolo's main concerns were the FM 3009 project and the delay of the Proposed Loop 539 project. Chief Suiter invited the Council out to inspect the new patrol units, which are now in service. 14. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder suggested that we draft a letter to the highway department to get into their 10 year plan the possibility of re-routing FM 1103 to cut over from IH-35 to IH-10. 15. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Bob Glisar seconded) motioned to adjourn at 8 :00 p.m. All approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED THE 28th DAY OF APRIL, 1992. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER APRIL 1992 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A-1 Fire & Safety Service fire extinguishers 78 . 00 ARMA San Antonio Records Management Seminar 37 . 50 Ace Plumbing Fountain bubblers , wrench 103 . 25 Acme Lumber 10 bags Redimix, 1 bag cement 22 . 65 Alamo Waste Garbage collections 5 ,528 . 64 Bizmart Office supplies 60 . 97 Blue Cross , Blue Shield Pass thru insurance premium 186 . 12 CCMA Parkway Baptist, 127 Dobie 1 ,000 . 00 CCMA 211 Bee Alley, 305 Scotchrose 1 , 000 . 00 Carter Tire Co. 2 tires , 2 tubes for JD mower 54. 00 City of Cibolo 4-30 payroll 6 ,366 . 87 4-30 payroll taxes 1 , 744 . 08 4-15 payroll 6 ,440 . 30 4-15 payroll taxes 1 , 734. 74 City Hall water bill 24. 11 Police Dept . water bill 24. 11 City Park water bill 14 . 17 Reimburse petty cash 42 . 31 Colonial Life & Accident-Pass thru supplemental ins-May 121 . 00 Colonial Life & Accident-Pass thru supplemental ins-April 121 . 00 Commercial Life Ins April & May premiums 90 . 60 Entex Police dept . gas bill 15 . 14- GBRA Water samples 12 . 00 GVEC City Hall 97 . 11 Police Dept . 61 . 62 Rec Bldg. 35 . 33 Maint Shed 29 . 56 City Park 58 . 43 Water tower 21 . 48 Gifford Hill 1 load asphalt 186 . 42 Green Valley Water 4,810,000 gallons 4, 623 . 84 4, 150 ,000 gallons 3 , 977 . 04 Hart Forms Tx. Municipal Elections laws 39 . 58 Humana Health Plans Health ins premium 1 ,224 . 50 Internal Revenue Service Quarter ended 3-31-92 87 .34 J & R Hauling haul 1 load asphalt 25 . 00 Life Re Corp Dental insurance premium 79 . 00 Lone Star Printing Office supplies 92 . 88 50 copies 5 .45 Master Lube Unit 3 oil change 15 . 45 Michael G' S Dodge truck oil filter 6 . 25 Complete brake job-Dodge truck 214 . 12 Unit 3 transmission fluid change 25 . 00 National Uniform Service-Uniform rentals 76 . 32 Nick' s Sporting Goods 1 Home Plate 24. 60 0 & R Utilities 12 water meters 512 .40 Ozarka Water Water cooler rental , bottles 21 . 90 Page Texas Pager service 32 . 00 Quill Corp. Office supplies 99 . 78 S & P Communications Radio Contract, belt clip 155 . 00 City of Schertz Animal shelter rent 30 . 00 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 701 . 35 Sippel ' s Hardware 1 70 AMP breaker 43 . 99 Weedeater cord 9 . 99 Scotchguard 6 . 49 2 Light ballasts 55 . 98 Misc maintenance supplies 8 . 14 1 ballast for City Hall 17 . 99 Misc maintenance supplies 31 . 15 Southwest Safety 2 strobes , sirens, etc . 1 , 166 . 00 Southwestern Bell 658-9900 130 . 47 659-1999 69 . 33 3 used desks for City Hall 85 . 00 1 used chair, typing stand 10 . 00 John Sharp, Comptroller State Court Costs-March 31 , 1992 3 ,051 . 00 State sales tax March 31 , 1992 1 ,348 . 62 A. Smith Denton seminar expenses 68 . 10 P . Smith Court seminar expenses 9 . 20 STICO 2 way radio antenna 175 . 92 Donnie Strickland March & April warrant fees 700 . 00 Stubblefiedl , Brister Atty fees on delq taxes-thru Feb 360 . 83 Legal expenses-Section 33 .48 708 . 00 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TMCCP 1992 supplement to Tx election laws 25 .00 TML Worker ' s Comp Insurance-less adj . 1 ,363 .00 Liability Insurance 2 , 842 . 75 TMRS April contributions 1 ,232 . 08 TDPS New editions of Traffic & Criminal Laws 70 . 00 Texas Employment Comm Quarterly taxes 552 . 14 ThomaS Software WBIL annual license 350 . 00 Tri County Office 1 Used Royal typewriter 175 .00 Maint agreement 237 . 00 U S Post Office Water bills postage 131 . 71 Stamps 145 . 00 W. H. Mullins Sewer plans & specs 845 . 76