Min CC 06/23/1992 MINUTES OF REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1992 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present: Jeff IT.jIlYe•ir, Tan® Delgado, Te-x Farnsw_orth,_ -Mark-Buell and-Mayor- -Bauder'. Councilmember Claude Smith was absent due to illness. Staff present : Ann Smith and David Walker. 3. INVOCATION. Councilmember Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led those present in the pledge. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. Mrs. Milton Schul approached the Council requesting support and assistance with the property survey on Pecan Street. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 9, 1992. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to approve the consensus items as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 7. APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY ON THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seocnded) motioned to approve the appointment of Gail Douglas to fill the unexpired term of Claude Smith on the Planning & Zoning Commission. All approved. Motion carried. 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RECOMMENDATION©N"EMPLOYEE SICK LEAVE POLICY CHANGE. Tex Farnsworth (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to disapprove recommendation on employee sick leave policy change. It was recommended that the policy be restudied and presented in recommendation that would be rewarding to those employees that did not use sick leave. All approved. Motion carried. 9. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE ON THE CANYON REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY BOARD OF MANAGERS. Tex Farnsworth (Tino Delgado seconded) motioned to table any further action on the CRWA and to place the item on the next agenda for discussion/possible actionto rescind previous action for associate membership in the CRWA and to consider full membership on the Board of Directors. Mayor Bauder suggested a workshop for discussion of the matter. All approved. Motion carried. PAGE -2- June 23, 1992 10. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex Farnsworth ask when the Guadalupe County Appraisal District would be coming to the Council meeting to discuss their proposed budget. Mr. Farnsworth stated that he would like to see the city continue with an active warrant program or hire a warrant officer again. Todate the city has some 272 outstanding warrants totaling approximately $32, 000. Councilmember Farnsworth commended the police on monitoring the new 4-way stop at FM 1103 & Main Street. Tino Delgado ask if we were inspecting the new houses being built. 11. COMMENTS BY STAFF. None 12. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder read a letter from the Mayor of Universal City and President of the Universal City Police Officers Assoc. request efforts to curb the sales of the recording called "Cop Killer" that is currently being sold. Mayor Bauder noted dates for the Randolph Metrocom Mixer and the August 22nd TML Region 7 Meeting. The mayor also read a thank you for the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Depart for the assistance received during their annual sausage supper. 13, ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth motioned to adjourn. PASSED AND ADOPTED THE 14TH OF JULY, 1992. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: 9-"� Ann Smith, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK REGISTER JUNE 1992 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Alamo Waste Garbage service 5,548 . 97 Blue Cross Employee pass thru ins . 278 . 55 Brister, Schoolcraft -Delq. taxes atty fees 1 , 124 . 77 CCMA Sewer connects-Scotchrose 2 ,000 . 00 City of Cibolo Reimburse petty cash 41 . 26 City Hall water 24 . 11 Police Dept . water 24. 11 City Park water 24. 73 Colonial Ins Employee supplemental ins- pass thru 121 .00 Entex Police Dept gas bill 13 . 33 Ron Flake Court fee 150 . 00 Retainer 350 . 00 Frost Bank 1975 Series interest 267 . 50 Bank charges 60 .00 GCAD 3rd quarter payment 1 , 160 . 03 Angela Gilbreath Child support 275 . 00 GBRA Water samples 12 . 00 GVEC Water tower 47 . 17 Harts Forms 500 printed election ballots 107 . 50 Holiday Inn TCMA convention-D Walker 234. 33 Humana Health insurance 1 ,224 . 50 Institute of Muni- cipal Clerks Annual membership 50 .00 Life Re Corp Dental Insurance 79 .00 Lone Star Printing Supplies 28 . 11 Michael G' S Windshield wipers-Unit 2 13 .46 National Uniforms Uniorm rental service 76 . 32 Oakwood Tire Service Tir repairs for JD tractor 50 . 10 Ozarka Water Water cobler rental 21 . 90 Pit Pros Oil change , lube-Unit 2 18 . 97 = J. Anderson Refund overpmnt for citation 10 . 00 C . Reger Refund overpmnt for citation 3 . 00 Kevin Reffett Expenses for water course, New Braunfels 50 . 88 Roy Richard Court 150 . 00 Shadrock Petroleum 300 gallons gasoline 342 . 90 Sippels PVC pipe for markers 13 . 98 Weedeater cord 9 . 99 Smith Municipal Signs Posts , brackets , caps 236 . 09 Ann Smith Car allowance 46 . 17 S W Bell 658-9900 140 . 68 659-1999 67 . 52 City of Schertz 3rd quarter SAFES 13380 . 00 Schertz Animal Hosp. Vet service 15 . 00 Tx Dept Health Renew waterworks operators certificate 30 . 00 Tri County office Bal due on maint contract 72 .42 City of Universal City, Dispatch service 336 . 00 Post Office Stamps 116 . 00 Water bills postage 132 . 41 Victoria Bank 1977 Series-Interest 1 ,200 . 00 D . Walker Car allowance 115 . 44 CCMA Sewer service 4, 747 .37