Min CC 07/28/1992 MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1992 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1992 AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present: Jeff Miller, Claude Smith, Tino Delgado, Mark Buell, Tex Farnsworth and Mayor Bauder. Staff present : David Walker & Ann Smith. 3. INVOCATION. Councilmember Tex Farnsworth gave the prayer. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder lead those present in the pledge. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. Mr.\ Mrs. Milton Schul thanked the Council for their assistance with the survey problems on Pecan/Weiderstein Street. Neil Fisher Engineering, one of the original surveyors, re-surveyed the property in question and has written Cash Engineers requesting that they correct their survey work accordingly. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF WORKSHOP, JULY 14, 1992 @ 6:30 P.M. B. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 14, 1992 @ 7:00 P.M. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to approve the consensus items. All approved. Motion carried. 7. REVIEW BUDGET RECAP THRU 6-30-92. Council reviewed the fund balances on revenues and expenditures thru 6-30-92. General Fund/Revenues are at 83% with expenditures at 72. 1%. Proprietory Fund shows revenues at 68% with expenditures at 64.3%. The Council commended the staff for a good job of management of the finances. 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE PROPOSED 1992-93 BUDGET PLANNING CALENDAR. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to adopt the proposed 192-93 Budget Calendar, with a change to August 19th for a workshop. All approved. Motion carried. 9. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO CALCULATE THE 1992 EFFECTIVE TAX RATE & PUBLISH NOTICE. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to authorize Ann Smith, City Tax Assessor-Collector to calculate the 1992 effective tax rate and publish required notices. All approved. Motion carried. 10. DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATIONS ON PROPOSED GARAGE SALE ORDINANCE. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to open for discussion. Pros and Cons of an ordinance governing garage sales were discussed. The proposed ordinance would limit the number of garage sales per year, sign limitation, permits and penalties for violation. Councilmembers Delgado and Smith stated that they were not in favor of governing garage sales at this time. Councilmember Buell and Miller were favorable to the ordinance with possibly some changes. Council Farnsworth stated that the ordinance was too restrictive and recommended that the city wait on an ordinance until a later date and possibly have the staff keep a log of calls/complaints on garage sales. 11. DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATIONS ON PROPOSED TAX ABATEMENT & REINVESTMENT ZONE ORDINANCE. The Council reviewed the proposed ordinance, setting up guidelines and criteria for tax abatements. The ordinance defines standard and optional abatements, with the procedure guidelines. The Council discussed various options and agreed to review and consider adoption at the next meeting. 12. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL. Tex Farnsworth noted that he had visited the Guadalupe County Elections Administrator and the Commissioner ' s Court had approved the polling places for the November general election and there would be no polling place in Cibolo. Mr. Farnsworth also commended on the street damages on Tomahawk and Indian Circle and stated that the city needed to expedite repairs and to do whatever was necessary to see that the quality of construction/repairs be top notch. Tino Delgado as if steps were being taken to have the graffiti signs removed throughout the city. Also, Mr. Delgado ask if the juveniles could be required through the courts to clean up the areas. Jeff Miller ask if the maintenance workers could assist Mr. Johnson on Town Creek with clearing -- the banks of a ditch that the city had made during the rains for drainage. 12. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Ann Smith announced that the 1992 certified tax roll had been received from the appraisal district. David Walker stated that Canyon Regional Water Authority would act on Cibolo ' s full membership on August 10th. 13. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder noted that anyone wishing to attend the TML Region VII meeting should respond by July 31st. 15. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. PASSED AND ADOPTED THE 11TH OF AUGUST, 1992. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO CHECK vRECISTER JULY 92 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Ace plbg & Hdwe Chain saw blade 20. 98 Agee ' s Repair A/C Police Dept . 104. 00 Am Grip Inc. public official bond (tax assec . 250 . 00 Public employee bond 160 . 00 Blue Cross Employee pass thru (Ins) 278 . 55 COMA . . Pass thru/Connect fees 1500 . 00 Cibolo Vol . Fire 3rd Quarter payment 750. 00 City of Cibolo w/s Petty Cash Re-imbursement 32 ..65 Police Department 24. 11 City Hall 24. 11 City Park 31 . 06 Payroll Transfers 7-15-92 6645 . 57 payroll taxes 1873 . 20 Coca Cola Bottling Pass thru funds 26 . 98 Colonial Life (Aug. ) Employee Pass Thru Fees Ins . 121 . 00 Colonial Life Employee Pass Thru Fees Ins . 121 . 00 Commercial Life Ins . (July) Life Ins . AD&D 42 .45 Commercial _Life . Ins . (Aug. ) Life Ins. .AD&D 49 . 70 McAllen Pipe Water/Sewer Supplies 108 . 00 Entex P .D. Gas 12 . 53 Ron Flake, Attorney Court fee 150 . 00 Retainer 350 . 00 Frost National Bank I&S Payment 15 ,426 . 25 GBRA Water Samples 12 . 00 GVEC Water Tower meter 14.48 GVEC City Hall 200 . 55 Police Dept . 135 . 86 City Park 115 . 84 Rec . Bldg. . 38 . 14 Maint . Shed 19 . 79 GVEC City Hall 118 . 65 City Park 137 . 17 Police Dept . 92 . 20 Maint . Shed 19 . 76 Rec. Bldg . 56 . 20 C'aedcke Equipment Cut off saw/Blades 759':52 Angela Gilbreath Child support/pass fee 137 . 50 Green Valley water 4, 830 ,000 gallons 4643 .44 Green Valley Water 5 , 650 ,000 gallons 5447 . 04 Humana Health July Ins . Premium 1564. 64 Internal Revenue Bal due 2nd quarter taxes ^80 . 32 Comptroller Sales Tax QTR. End 6-30-92 1380 . 39 Comptroller Court Cost 6-30-92 3010 . 95 Life Re-Corp July Dental 90 . 50 Lone Star Printing Supplies/ copy paper 469 . 70 McAllen Pipe & Supply Water meters/supplies 632 . 32 Micheal G' s Inspect Dodge truck/ Brakes 102 . 39 National Uniforms Uniform rental 76 . 32 Ozarka Water Pass thru 21 . 90 Page Texas Mo . Pager Service 54 . 32 Quill Sony Compact Transcriber 259 . 99 Roy Richard Jr . Municipal Judge 150 .00 S&P Contract (Aug. ) 149 . 00 S & P Contract/ July 141 . 00 S . W. Bell Telephone bill 47 . 03 Telephone bill 128 . 02 Sam' s Wholesale Electric Generator/ Light Stand 369 . 06 City of Schertz Shelter rent 75 . 00 Schertz Animal Hospital Vet Services 7 . 00 Shadrock Petroleum Gasoline 6/24 & 7/13/93 1043 . 73 Sippels Pipe fittings 18 . 53 Sippels Bench Grinder Misc . Supplies 104 .99 Sippels Supplies to repair shredder 16 . 08 Sippels supplies 21 . 80 E Ann Smith Car allowance 46 . 17 TML` III uarterly liability/low enforcement auto .mobile insurance 2842 . 75 Court Clerks Membership dues 25 . 00 TMRS June retirement 1242 . 67 Texas Dept . of Health Registration K.Gilbreath 30 .00 Tx. Empl . Commission 2nd Quarter taxes 486 . 55 Tri. County Office -Equipment Typewriter W/S 242 . 10 PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT City of Universal City Monthlu dispatch fee 336 . 00 W.H. Mullins Inc . Utility re-location 65 . 00 David Walker Car Allowance 115 .44 D . Walker- Air travel/meals/parking-TCMA 118 . 35 Xerox Maint Contract (limos . ) 697 .40 City of Cibolo 7-31 Payroll transfer 6 ,481 . 18 7-31 payroll taxes 1 ,841 . 20 TMRS July contributions 1 ,272 . 45 Alamo Waste July garbage 5 , 043 . 48 CCMA Sewer service 4, 763 . 00 U. S . Post Office Postage-water bills 116 . 51 Postage-Court 29 . 00