Min CC 08/19/1992 - Budget Workshop MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1992 z THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A BUDGET WORKSHOP ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREETS CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bauder called the workshop to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Present: Jeff Miller, Claude Smith, Mark Buell, Tex Farnsworth and Mayor Bauder. Absent: Tino Delgado.. Staff present: Ann Smith, David Walker and Wes Suiter. 3. INVOCATION. Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder lead the pledge. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. None 6. DISCUSSION/REVIEW OF THE 1992-93 PROPOSED BUDGET. Mayor Bauder and the staff presented the proposed 192-93 budget. The Council reviewed each fund and line item. The proposed budget was planned around a 7.9% tax rate increase. With a rate of $ .490282 the budget reflected ad valorem tax revenues at $205, 000 (this includes a levy of $126, 299.73 for Debt Service) . It was the consensus of the council to discontinue communication equipment maintenance contracts, copier and some computer maintenance contracts. The proposed budget reflected a shortage in the general fund and an overage in the water and sewer. Several maintenance capital improvements had been placed in the water and sewer for funding. On the advise of the city auditor, the staff recommended increasing the Transfer in Lieu of Taxes from the water & sewer to the general fund. Also, the staff recommended a percentage transfer of the garbage collection fee retained by the city to the general fund and leaving a percentage plus the penalties for the administrative portion of handling the billing and collection. Nothing was placed in the budget for salary increases. Discussion centered on a COLA of $75 or $50 per/month per employee; however, Councilmember Claude Smith recommended a salary adjustment for the Police Chief to $22, 000 annually and the City Secretary to $19,000 annually and a four percent (4%) cost of living for all other employees. Discussion also was centered on the request to increase the retirement to a 6% employee contribution and a 6.48% (1.50% ) for the city. The council ask that the city secretary calculate the total cost of these salary increase including benefits and the cost difference of the increase in the retirement and present it at a workshop on August 25th. 7. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to adjourn. PASSED AND ADOPTED THE 8TH OF SEPTEMBER, 1992. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: v