Min CC 12/11/1969 V-
The City Council of the City of Cibolo met in regular session on the 11th of
December 1969 at 7:3.0 pm in the 8'ommunity Room of the Cibolo State Bank.
Mayor Schlather. presided over the meeting and the following Councilmen were
present; Karl Biser, Fred Niemietz, Alwin Lieck, Ted Dykes and Glenn Rhew.,
City Marshall was not present.
The Minutes of the previos meeting was read and approved.
The financial Statement was given€=showing a balance of 1;780.54 dollars was
Mr. R.Marvin Shipman was present at the meeting at the invitation of Mayor
Schlather to discuss a new way in which Cibolo may be able to secure a city
sewage system, Mr. Shipman explained how the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) could help in planning for improvements in future growth
of the City of Cibolo.
Councilman Glenn Rhew made a. motion and it was seconded by Karl Biser authorizing
the R. Marvin Shipman and Co. to represent the City of Cibolo in all matters
with regards to the proposed programsof_rAdvances for Public Works Planning,for
the making of an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Motion passed unam:
Mayor Schla*ther offered representives of the United Gas Corporation the increase;
in gas rates for the City of Cibolo to give them 6% on their investments. The
offer is being consided by the Gas Company.
Street grading was discussed and Fred Niemietz was appointed to get prices from
some companies that do this type of work.
There being no other business the meeting adjourned.
Ci Secretary