Min CC 09/08/1992 i ' 1 MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS- THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Members present: Mayor Bauder, Council Member(s) Mark Buell, Tex Farnsworth, Jeff Miller and Claude Smith. Mr. Delgado was absent. Staff present: Ann Smith & David Walker. 3. INVOCATION. Council member Tex Farnsworth gave the invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led those present in the pledge. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 Minutes Each) Mr. Wiley Sanders, Thistle Creek, was present and stated that he was pleased with the proposed budget planning. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP, AUGUST 18, 1992. B. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP, AUGUST 25, 1992. C. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 25, 1992. D. CHECK REGISTER THRU AUGUST, 1992. Jeff Miller (Tex Farnsworth seconded) motioned to approve the consensus items, as presented. All approved. Motion carried. 7. DISCUSSION, POSSIBLE ACTION FOR UTILITY RELOCATION FOR LOOp 539 HIGHWAY PROJECT. Tex Farnsworth (Mark Buell seconded) motioned to open for discussion. The concerns of the council, regarding the letter from Dale Stein, TXDOT, advising that the MPO had approved the funding for Loop 539, was that it stated "pending the approval by the Highway Commission, the Governor and the FHWA" . The consensus was to begin the bidding procedure but that no bid would be awarded until at such time as the above had giving final approval. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motioned to authorize the staff to start the bidding process around November 16, 1992, with a bid opening around December 16, 1992 and then set an award date in January, pending the approval of the funding of the project from the Highway Commission, the Governor and the FHWA. All approved. Motion carried. 7-1. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON THE PROPOSED TAX RATE, IF INCREASE OF MORE THAN THREE PERCENT, TAKE ROLL CALL VOTE AND ANNOUNCE DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING. With no discussion, Tex Farnsworth motioned to propose a 1992 tax rate of .490282 which is 7 .90 over the effective Maintenance & Operation rate. Claude Smith seconded the motion. Mayor Bauder called for a roll call vote: Jeff Miller "Aye" Present but not voting : Mayor Mark Buell , "Aye" Bauder Tex Farnsworth "Aye" Absent: Tino Delgado Claude Smith "Aye" MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 (Cont 'd) 8. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Council member Jeff Miller commended Mark Buell on his chairing of the Cibolo Fest planning and organizational skills. Mr. & Mrs. Miller had attending one of the 192 Fest Committee meetings and really enjoyed the enthusiasm. 9. COMMENTS BY STAFF. David Walker stated that the sewerline repair project near Dobie Heights, at the creek, is scheduled for the week of September 14th. 10. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder noted that the city had been invited to participate in the Universal City' s annual Veteran' s Day Parade. PASSED AND ADOPTED THE 22ND DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1992. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY