Mins Historic 08/22/2024"CITY OF CHOICE" HISTORIC COMMITTEE MEETING City of Cibolo 200 South Main St. August 22, 2024 6:30-8:30 PM MINUTES 1. Call to Order— Meeting was called to order by Ms. Tudyk at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Excused Absences — Members Present: Ms. Tudyk, Ms. Womack, Ms. Casey, Ms. Beach, and Ms. Smith; Members Absent: Mr. Merillat and Ms. Kearns 3. Moment of Silence/Invocation — Ms. Tudyk ask for a Moment of Silence. 4. Pledge of Allegiance — All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Citizens to be Heard This is the only time during the Historic Meeting that a citizen can address the Historic Committee. It is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Committee on any issue to include agenda items. All visitors wishing to speak must fill out the Sign -In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. Historic Committee may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non -agenda issue at this time; however, the Committee may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion - JC -0169) (Limit of three minutes each.) All remarks shall be addressed to the Committee as a body. Remarks may also be addressed to any individual member of the Committee so long as the remarks are (i) about matters of local public concern and (ii) not disruptive to the meeting or threatening to the member or any attendee. Any person violating this policy may be requested to leave the meeting, but no person may be requested to leave or forced to leave the meeting because of the viewpoint expressed. This meeting is livestreamed. If anyone would like to make comments on any matter regarding the City of Cibolo or on an agenda item and have this item read at this meeting, please email Dcimics &cibolotx.aov or text 210-566-6111 before 5:00pm the date of the meeting. No one signed up to speak during this item. 6. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the minutes of the June 13, 2024, Historic Committee Meeting. Ms. Tudyk made the motion to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Judy Womack. For: All; Against: None. The motion carried 5 to 0. 7. Discussion/ Action A. Discussion/Action on Historic Committee Goals and Objectives. Ms. Casey went over the goals and objectives that they had worked on during the meeting held on June 13, 2024. With two new members on the committee the group explain why they felt they needed to have goals and objectives and the process they went through to get this project completed. Ms. Womack made the motion to approve the goals and objectives that were handed out at the June meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Womack. For: All; Against: None. The motion carried 5 to 0. B. Discussion on the Historic Committee Pamphlet. The committee briefly went over the pamphlet and explained to the new members what they were trying to accomplish with the pamphlet. The pamphlet has been approved by the City Council. The plans are to include it in the newcomer's packet given to new Cibolo residents when signing up for water or trash. Ms. Tudyk also explained that copies could also be given to businesses so individuals could pick one up when utilizing that Cibolo business. C. Discussion on any Historic Committee activities for FY 23-24 and FY 24-25. The only activity at this time is the Cemetery Walk scheduled for October 26, 2024. This event takes place over at the cemetery across from City Hall. The committee was informed by Ms. Tudyk to bring ideals back to the committee at the next meeting to consider for future events. D. Discussion/Action on the Outhouse at the Old School House. Ms. Womack brought this item up during "Citizens to be Heard" during a recent Council meeting. She wanted some type of sign be placed at the Outhouse located at the City Hall Annex Bldg.. The Council directed Ms. Womack to talk with the Historic Committee to consider if they wanted a sign. Ms. Womack explained to the committee how old this Outhouse is and how unique it is as having six seats. Its in great shape for the age and during Ms. Womack's research very few of these structures that are even available anymore. Several have been placed in museums. Ms. Womack will come back to the next meeting with what type of sign that would be appropriate and an estimated cost to produce the sign. 8. Future agenda items and date of the next meeting_— Next meeting September 12, 2024. 9. Adjournment— Ms. Beach made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m. The motion was seconded by Ms. Smith. For: All; Against: None. The motion carried 5 to 0. 'hairman t Historic Committee