Min CC 10/26/1993 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL C014VENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1993 AT 7: 00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ODDER OF BUSINESS: I . CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p„m. II. ROLL CALL Present: Jeff Miller, Mark Buell, Norman Fetterman, Claude Smith Tex Farnsworth and Mayor Bauder. Staff present Ann Smith, Keith Gilbreath & Wes Suiter. III. INVOCATION Mayor Bauder asked those present. to have a moment of silent prayer IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Bauder led those present in the pledge. V CITIZEMS. TOBE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Fred Molter of Cal-Tex Developers updated the Council on their progress on preliminary Plat submittal. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS A. MINUTES OF SEPT. 28, 1993 B. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 7, 1993 C. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 12, 1993 Tex Farnsworth motioned to approve. Seccnded by Norman Fetterman VII . DISCUSSION/A.CTION ON REQUEST FROM ALAMO WASTE, INC. ON RENEWAL/EXTENSION OF THEIR THREE YEAR CONTRACT FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND REQUEST A 9/ OVER CURRENT RATE. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded) motion -to authorize contract renewal for 3 years and for request of 9/ increase. New rate to be effective 12-1-93. _ All approved, motion carried. VIII . APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO REVIEW CITY ENGINEERING STATEMENTS OF INTEREST AND BRING RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL Workshop to be set up on Tuesday, November 2, 1993 at 7: 00 p.m. with a Special Council Meeting at 7: 30 p.m. to possibly take action. IX. APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE CANYON REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY Tex Farnsworth (Claude smith seconded) motion to appoint Keith Gilbreath. All approved. Motion carried. X. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATE. Keith Gilbreath informed the Council that Schlather Street was have final coat bringing it up to grade and that they had to take of 2 driveways and rework them, also re-sloping street in area of Grange Hall. Tomahawk Circle will be redone to correct an 40 indentation in street. Loop project: SW Bell and Paragon Cable are finished. There was a problem with manholes but CCMA will go through vaults. This was decided by CCMA Board. The problem is when Capital goes to take manholes out as a part of the drainage project, there could be a problem. Capital Excavation is waiting page 2 10-26-93 on their bridge work till CCMA is completed because the sewer lines are still active. Jeff questioned who is responsible for disposing of PVC pipe. Kethi-replied CCMA would take care of that. XI. EXECUTIVE SESSION: THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO A CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT THE PROVISIONS OF GOVERNMENT CODE 551 .074 (V.A.C.S. , art 6252. 15 sec. la): FOR THE FOLLOWING: Ab_ DISCUSSION/BRIEFING ON LITIGATION Council went into closed session XII. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION Council reconvened in open session at 7:42 PM. No action taken XIII . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Norman Fetterman 1 . Asked about the letter from the Humane Society regarding OSHA required rabies vacinations for animal control workers. Keith advised he had information that a prescription was needed from a doctor. It is to be taken to Uvale-Ialong with payment of $44.00 per vial, 3 vials per person. There is 3 persons needing vaccinations. He will keep the Council informed as to follow up. 2. Status of dispatch service. Ron Flake advised that Universal City had said no rush, just to get something done by end of year. Wes is checking into radios situation and what else needs to be done. Tex Farnsworth 1 . Asked why a letter was received from Nabisco. Ann Smith stated it-:,was in reply to a May letter regarding the Veterinarian Clinic. 2. Asked status of GVEC letter. Sam Bauder replied he had received a package and would possibly ha4e information to Council at next meeting. 3. Questioned the status of joint Cibolo Council and Schertz .Council meeting. This is still unknown, 4. Inquired about warrant situation. Wes stated that copies had been mailed by the Court Clerk. There has been a delay due to some legal matter between agency and Universal City. This was being cleared up and we had received first status fax this morning. Contents was unknown at time of Council meeting. 5. Asked Gerry Garrison that if the engineering firm being selected the City had the capability to produce a CAD map, would this be cheaper for the City. Garrison said he thought it would be. 6. Asked about regular scheduled maintenance of trucks and brakes. Wes stated that when the brakes were replaced, other parts were looked at. Mark Buell gave a update on Cibolo Fest. It was considered a success. Said he received nothing but good remarks from citizens at Fest. Thanked everyone for their work. Jeff Miller had received some update information regarding a company that was thought to be moving into Cibolo. Plant decided to move to Schertz. He wondered what Schertz had over Cibolo. XIV. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Keith Gilbreath updated the Council on water leaks. EUWD will be here next Tuesday to start leak detection. Also, there is a new company located on corner of Rawe and S. Main. Press Tech sells and services printing equipment. Also briefed Council on situation at Grange Hall with bees. Wes Suiter gave update on grant. Going is slow, has 5 years worth of paper to go through. Looking at completion date of Dec. 1 . Gerry Garrison requested that the City Council do anything they can to help P&Z Commission obtain overlay map so the P&Z can complete their P&Z Ordinance. page 3 10-26-93 Ann Smith stated that a spokesman will be needed to do a presentation for upcoming grant at the AACOG meeting. Said it is recommended that it either be a councilman or the Mayor. XV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Sam Bauder stated that the Metro Com letter was not received in time to be placed on the agenda. Ask each councilman fill it out and return to Ann by Nov. 5 . XVI. ADJOURNMENT Council meeting was adjourned at 8 : 00 p.m. . APPROVED AND ADOPTED THE 8TH OF FEBRUARY, 1994 SAM BAUDER, MAYOR 40 ATTEST: 0".Vq" e; (3 j� CITY ADMINISTRATOR/CITY SECRETARY