Min CC 01/21/1970 ` ! CITY OF CIBOLO , GUADALUPE COUNTY CIBOLO,TEXAS The. City B'ouncil of the City of Cibolo met in regular session on the 21th of January 1970 at 7:30 E.M. in the Community room of the Cibolo State Bank. .Mayor Schlather presided over the meeting and the following Councilmen were present; Karl Biser, Fred Niemietz, Alwin Lieck, Ted Dykes and Glenn Rhew. The City Marshall was not present. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The financial statement was given showing a balance of $11,353.39. Approved Mr. Uhr and Mr. Hamby were at the meeting representing the United gas corp, oration 'in the matter of a gas rate increase. After discussing the matter and answering questions concerning the gas rates, Mr. Uhr requested that the proposed ordinance written by the Gas Company be approved. Alwin Lieck made a motion and it was seconded by Karl Biser to accept the proposal made by the Gas Company which was made in an ordinance determining and fixing the maximum schedules of rates to be charged by the Pennzoil United, Inc.,its successors and assigns, in the Uity of Cibolo, Texas,, For natural gas service furnished by it to residential and commercial consumers, containing definitions, fixing the effective dates mf gas rates prescribed in this ordinance, making miscellaneous provisions and repealing all ordinances in conflict. This ordinance was numbered 23:. Motion Carried with Alwin Lieck, Ted Dykes and Karl Biser Voting for the ordinance Fred Niemietz and Glenn. Voted against the Ordinance. x. Fred Niemietz gave a report on the street improvements. The Henk's Paving Company estimated it would cost $920.00 for repairs described to-him or the company would do it on an hourly basis. A motion was made by Ted Dykes and seconded by Alwin Lieck to allow Fred Niemietz to enter into a contract for the City of Cibolo, Texas with the Henki35 Paving Company to furnish the materials and furnish the labor to ..repair the gravel street and patch the paved street. A limit of $1,000.00 was set to complete the project. Motion approved. A discussion as to whether the City of Cibolo could have its City election in the same site and time as the Publ&cSchool Board of Trustee Election was held. The secretary was asked to find out about this. A motion by Fred Niemietz and seconded by-Ted Dykes to approve Ordinance #24 which would allow the City of Cibolo to accept the property of-Evelyn Kramme Ripps and Edwin W. Ripps to be in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas. Passed Motion was made by Glenn Rhew and seconded by Karl Biser to accept the following ordinances #25,#26,#'27,#28,#29 which would allow the City of Cibolo to accept the properties of W.E.Dean to be in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas. Passed _ Motion was made by Fred Niemietz and seconded by Karl Biser to accept Ordinance #3A which would allow the City of Cibolo accept the property of Patricia Dean to be in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas. Passed Discussion on trying to secure the Old Cibolo Bank Bmmlding for the City of Cibo to el a City Hall was held.