Min CC 11/09/1993 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1993 AT 7: 00 PM AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7: 00 PM II. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Sam Bauder, Norman Fetterman, Jeff Miller, Claude Smith. Mark Buell & Tex Farnsworth were absent (Tex arrived later) III . INVOCATION Sam Bauder Led those present in a moment of prayer IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Sam Bauder Led those present in the pledge V_. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. CHECK REGISTER THRU SEPTEMBER 1993 All in favor. Motion accepted VII . BRIEFING FROM PARAGON CABLE ON NEW PROGRAMMING AND RATES Susan Williams briefed the council on rates lowered and they have added several channels. San Antonio has certified the rate regulators. If Cibolo chooses not to certify, we will be extended same rates as what San Antonio comes up with. Ms. Williams left letter to that effect. VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON THE GUADALUPE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR/ COLLECTORS OFFICE COLLECTING THE TAXES FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO Betty Boyd gave a presentation on procedures of collections for City and qualification of her office. Tex Farnsworth made motion to give contract to Guadalupe County Tax Assessor (Claude Smith seconded the motion) All in favor. Motion passed IX. VOTING ON CANDIDATES) FOR THE GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER SECTION 6.03 (g) , OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE Jeff Miller nominated Sylvia Schlather. (Claude Smith seconded) All in favor. Motion passed X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON REVISION TO THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FEES, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE #385 PAGES 6 AND 28 Claude Smith motioned to go with $24 per plat, $2 per lot, $10 per acre for all other uses. Tex Farnsworth seconded. All in favor, motion carried. page _2 Minutes 11-9-93 XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON FILLING THE VACANCIES OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR, AND CITY SECRETARY, DETERMINING JOB _ DESCRIPTIONS FOR THESE TWO POSITION, AND THE QUALIFICATIONS TO BE REQUIRED OF THE APPLICANTS. Claude Smith made motion to advertise in Express News, Herald & Seguin paper. Jeff Miller seconded the motion. All in favor Motion passed. Claude smith and Mark Buell were appointed to review applications as received. Will set up workshop to review applications,-at a later date. XII. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL Norman Fetterman commented- on Texas Parks & Wildlife grant. AACOG not happy with Certificates of Obligation. They require the money to be obligated now. $5, 000 by Cibolo Fest, $20,000 by the city. This is neede by Monday. Sam Bauder will call Tom Anderlich requesting a letter of obligation stating that the city is good for the money. Tex Farnsworth asked about status of gas cards. Wes Suiter replied we were in process of obtaining new gas tanks for gasoline storage. Stated that the gas cards would come use if ever power outage and our pumps would not work. Tex stated EMS was obtaining 94 For diesel ambulance. Would have soon. SAFES could possibly be signing contract to transport for RAFB. Rodeo--Directors Meeting - will be announcing stars for rodeo, ticket to go on sale onsthe 11th. Claude Smith questioned Sam Bauder as to where he was on GVEC material. Sam has material for council review. Jeff Miller will be out town, Cannot make meeting in Schumannsville. He did attend TML meeting Thursday & Friday, was very interisting. Ron Flake had update on Gunn case. Working with TML' s attorney trying to get Universal City out of the case and get it transferred from Bexar County to Guadalupe County. If this can be accomplished, it would give the city a better chance of not having any liability. XIII.. ___COMMENTS_.BY STAFF,_.--, ­ Wes. Suiter still working on grant material. Hopes to be done soon. Keith Gilbreath commented EUWD surveyed 50 - 60% of town. Found only one bad gusher on;s.er. vice line on Bramblewood XIV.- COMMENTS BY MAYOR Sam Bauder has new signature cards for checking accounts for distribution after meeting. XV. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bauder adjourned meeting APPROVED AND ADOPTED THE 8TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1994 SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ® ATTEST: U � CITY ADMINISTRATOR/CITY SECRETARY