Min CC 11/23/1993 CITY OF CIBOLO s MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1993 AT 7: 00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. II . ROLL CALL All council members were -present at meeting. Staff present were Wes Suiter, Phyllis Smith, Keith Gilbreath and City Attorney Ron Flake. III . INVOCATION Tex Farnsworth led those present IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Sam Bauder led those present in the pledge V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None VI . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS Bob Feike made presentation of new health coverage insurance. Humana Ins. will have a 11/ increase in premiums (budget allows for up to 15/ increase) with changes of doctor office visits from $10 to $15 and prescriptions from $5 to $7. Ron Flake informed the council that when contract is over $5 ,000, it must be put out for bids, even when it is a renewal contract. Must be in newspaper 15 days prior to signing of contract. Bob Feike will prepare bid notice for paper and bid packages. Tex Farnsworth motioned to table issue til bids are received. All in favor, motioned passed. VII . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PAYMENT TO R.E.L. CONSTRUCTION AND FORD ENGINEERING FOR THE 1993 STREET PROJECTS Tex Farnsworth (Claude Smith seconded) motion to pay final bill of $156, 384. 39 to R.E.L. on 11-24-93 . Funds will be from balance of Highway Dept. funds and from the water & sewer funds. All in favor, motion carried. VIII . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AN APPEAL OF THE DISCIPLINARY ACTION GIVEN A CITY EMPLOYEE Claude Smith felt action taken was too severe especially since city was short staffed and that it should have been brought to the council for action. Mark Buell and Tex Farnsworth agreed. Tex felt that there had been a great lack of communication within the city. Jeff Miller stated he felt employee lacked in common sense in his part of action and felt reprimand was a little too stiff. Sam Bauder disagreed with all. Mark Buell asked what the official guidlines are on reprimand actions. Ron Flake stated that with no formal staff structure at this time, Mayor is in charge of city and staff. All references in manual were not official at this time. Claude Smith motioned that suspension of 2 days without pay be changed to with pay and reprimand be put in file and if it should happen again with any employee, it should • be brought to next council meeting for action. Jeff Miller disagreed with waiting til next council meeting, that Mayor should take action and if necessary, brought to next council for page 2 11-23-93 backup. Claude changed his motion to refer just to this case of suspension with pay and reprimand in file. All in favor, motion carried. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON HIRING A CITY ADMINISTRATOR/AND OR A CITY SECRETARY Mark Buell and Claude Smith compiled a job description for position of City Administrator/City Secretary as one combined position. They felt one person could perform both jobs. They asked for councils input on duties and experience requirements. Council reviewed list of duties and gave comments on several items. Council gave directions to place an ad for a combined position in the Express News. Mark and Claude will be responsible for determining wording of ad. All agreed to continue with placing ad for combined position with Dec. 15, 1993 ad deadline for application acceptance. IXA. EMERGENCY AGENDA ITEM - RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION FOR PARKS & WILDLIFE GRANT Texas Parks and Wildlife representative Steven Bosak had called questioning proof of city' s matching share. Tex Farnsworth (Jeff Miller seconded)approval of signing of Resolution for Certificate r of Obligation for this issue. X. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Norman Fetterman questioned status of dispatch service. Wes M Suiter stated still working on all possibilities available. He also asked if there was a problem with placement of stop sign at Dietz and Thistle Creek Road. Stop sign is way back from the intersection. Sign was placed there before fence was erected. Not feasible to move sign. Ron Flake stated that law recognizes that you stop at the closest point to intersection where you can safely see both sides. Tex Farnsworth informed that United Fund campaign coordinator, Doug Fosler of Live Oak, had asked who he contacts in city for United Fund participation. Sam Bauder replied whoever answers the phone as we really have no one responsible for that task. Tex questioned letter from Keith Gilbreath in reference to child support check being mailed late to his ex-wife. It was stated that due to lack of personnel things were not running normal and that payroll had been taken over by someone who had not previously been doing that job. It was late partially due to ( trying to determine payment due to recent employee suspension. Mark Buell reported a $2,500 profit as of the night of Cibolo Fest. Throughout the year an additional $2, 248 from Las Vegas raffle and golf tournament and $130 from signs for a total of $4, 878 for 1993 profits. Expenses for year were volleyball court $462, refrigerator for $331 , which was donated to the city, they applied for a grant at a cost of $700, for Total profit of $3847. Added to previous year $8970. Still owe $2000 to city which they will soon start work on paying that back. Jeff Miller stated he was approached by Mr. Edward Ramirez of Custom Design Shutters as to why they could not use Garbage Gobbler service. Jeff looked up garbage ordinance, it states service of contracted service is exclusive within city, no other contractor is permitted to do business within the city. Jeff will take a copy of ordinance for Mr. Ramirez to read. Tex Farnsworth questioned Gerry Garrison if P&Z is considering amending the fees for all city activities. Seems we are cheapest of all cities. Gerry stated they are working on standardizing the fee ordinance, but fee changes are up to the council. page 3 11-23-93 Ron Flake received notice from the old bond carrier for Rogers Cablevision, cancelling their bond. Company is requesting acknowledgement of letter. The new ordinance with Paragon says we can require a bond but we don' t have to. Ron will send acknowledgement. He also received a form of agreement from Ford Engineering. It is a standard form. It does not require Ford to carry Professional Liability Insurance. It is very expensive for engineers. We could request it on certain jobs. He doesn' t know if Fords rates were competitive. It needs to be put on next meeting as a agenda item. Tex Farnsworth gave update of CRWA. Will be laying line across Lake Dunlap next month and should start producing next June. When project is completed, we should expect a 27/ reduction. Sam Bauder received letter of complaint, will discuss later. Passed a copy.--to each council member. XIII . ADJOURNMENT Tex Farnsworth moved for adjournment. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THE 22ND OF FEBRUARY, 1994 N SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY ADMINISTRATOR/CITY SECRETARY