Min CC 01/25/1994 MINUTES O F O F C I TY COU N C I L MEET I N G THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1994 AT 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WILL BE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I . CALL TO ORDER. 7 : 30 P.M. II . ROLL CALL. ALL MEMBER ARE PRESENT. Staff was represented by Keith, Wes, Ron Flake Claudia, and Phyllis. III . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None were present. IV. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT AND AUDIT FOR FY92-93 BY ARMSTRONG VAUGHAN & ASSOCIATES Nancy Vaughan congratulated the City on receiving a Certificate of Excellence (which only 8% of cities receive) In General Fund, expenditures exceeded revenues by $58,000 . That includes capital outlay (otherwise revenues exceeded expenditures by about $28,000 . A transfer from Water & Sewer covered the shortfall in the Schalatter Street project. General Fund showed $30 ,000 favorable. Water & Sewer Fund showed transer out to general fund for Schalatter Street Project. Retained earnings in W&S Fund were $532 ,000 . In the comments on the Management letter, Ms . Vaughan called for special attention to the exceptions as these would be important if the City was successful in obtaining federal funds that it had been seeking. The City had $230 ,000 in General Fund reserves in Spetember 1993 that was unemcumbered and $23 ,000 in average monthly operating expenditures (exclusive of debt service and capital projects) so that 10 . 4 months was in reserve. Over the last five years, operating expenditures have increased 7 .1% over the past five years (very low) . Debt to equity ratio has improved every year. Tex Farnsworth recommends approval , Mark Buell seconded it . Approved. 1-25-94 page 2 of 3 V. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RENEWAL OF CONTRACT WITH ARMSTRONG VAUGHAN & ASSOCIATES Tex motions for discussion, Claude seconds. Tex asked how much was paid under previous contract . Ms . Vaughan said the amount was $4,800 last year and would be the same this year. Tex recommends approval , second by Jeff Miller. Approved. VI . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON SPENDING JOINT FUNDS WITH THE CIBOLO VFD Fire Dept asked that it be tabled until the next meeting. VII . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE FINAL PLAT PLAN FOR DEER CREEK PHASE I , UNIT 1 P&Z had approved pending the corrections submitted by City Engineer Ed Ford. The new maps were not available to the Council at this meeting. Keith Gilbreath responded to a question from Mark Buell and said that Mr. Ford stated that Dietz would have to be widened. Keith said there was nothing that showed the City accepting the road but that it appeared on some maps. Mark moved for approval , Claude seconded, subjected to making all corrections required by Mr. Ford. Approved. VIII . EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.071, (1) , (A) & (B) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE A. DISCUSSION ON THE APPOINTMENT TO POSITION OF CITY SECRETARY/CITY ADMINISTRATOR Entered executive session at unknown time. The Mayor stated that it was for Lawsuit by Mr. David Walker. IX. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION TO TAKE ACTION ON POSITION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR/CITY SECRETARY At 8:20 the Council returned from executive session. Mark made motion to have Mayor negoitate with Candidate #1, #2 and then #3 and the person should start immediately. Seconded by Jeff Miller. Approved. 1-25-94 page 3 of 3 X. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex asked about the amount of water loss suffered by the City. He asked for an action item on the next agenda dealing with fire hydrants and water meters . Mark said that the City was turned down for the Park grant. He said that Thistle Creek had been sold. XI . COMMENTS BY STAFF. Ron Flake said that Lou Borgfeld had to modify his plat to change from 60-foot to 45-foot setback on seven lots. Ron also said it was not illegal to discuss what happens in executive session but that you have to be very careful about it. XII . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. The Mayor said that the City was supposed to be reimbursed when lots are sold for the water line. It looks like we will not get our CDBG grant, Cibolo came out 14 out of 17 . XIII . ADJOURNMENT. Tex made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 14TH OF JUNE, 1994 G SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY