Min CC 02/08/1994 • CITY OF CIBOLO - MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING - THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REOUbARLY 60EE00bE0 MEETINO ON TUESDAY, February Be 1994 AT 700 00 !.-R. AT THE 0DOW HUNINPAh. BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STRRET, 01E0W WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINES8= I . CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. II . ROLL CALL. Present: Jeff Miller, Mark Buell , Norman Fetterman, Claude Smith and Mayor Bauder. Tex Farnsworth absent due to personal illness. Staff present Chuck Balcar, Claudia Schneider, Wes Suiter & Keith Gilbreath. P&Z Chairman Jerry Garrison. III . INVOCATION. Mayor Bauder asked those present to have a moment of silent prayer. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led those present in the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Ms, Coralee Fenner, a co-worker of the late John Peterson, presented the Council with copies of petitions requesting that Hwy 78 be renamed in honor of Mr. Peterson who tragically lost his life in the line of his public service duties: 2-8-94 VI . CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, October 26, 1993.- B. MINUTES OF EMERGENCY -Workshop AND SPECIAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 2, 1993 MEETING-.. C. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 9, 1993. D. CHECK REGISTER FOR JANUARY, 1994.. Councilman Smith asked that November 9, minutes be amended to reflect presence of Councilman Farnsworth. Councilman Buell questioned two items on Check Register and • received explanation from Keith Gilbreath on lead analysis from Texas Dept of Public Health and item on signage which includes other stock items. Councilman Buell moves for approval of amended- minutes and consent - agenda. Seconded by Councilman Miller and gained unanimous approval . VII . SIGNING OF ELECTION ORDER FOR MAY 7 , 1994 Election for Place 1, Place 4; and Place 5. Absentee voting- begins April 18 and ends May - 3. So ordered and signed by Mayor Bauder and Secretary Balcar. VIII . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PLACEMENT OF HISTORICAL MARKER IN THE CITY City Administrator recommended tabling due to absence of Mr. Pena. Motion to table made by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Smith. Motion carried.- IX. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION #1128, AUTHORIZING THE • CITY SECRETARY TO PREPARE AND GIVE NOTICE OF REDEMPTION. OF CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION M. Buell so motions, seconded by C. Miller. Unanimous approval . page 3 of 4 2-8-94 l X. CONSIDER AND RATIFY CONTRACT FOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR/ CITY SECRETARY Discussion: C. Smith raised question about language is section .6A. Requested striking the sentence-forbiddingstaff 's contact of Council memberst without - notifying City Administrator. Mayor Bauder stated he believed that -this process -was necessary. -Mr, Balcar stated that this particular policy was also found in the Adopted Personnel Procedures. M.Buell agreed that this could be stricken from the contract as it was in the employee personnel rules manual.. Jeff Miller recommended striking first sentence. M.Buell made motion to amend contract and C.. Smith seconded: Mr. Balcar informed .Council and Mayor that there are other items addressed in the personnel rules of the City that- are required to be stated in the contract such as leave time. Motion passed approve contact as amended to delete second sentence- of Section 6A. XI . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL- MEMBERS. Mark Buell requested status of CADmaps from Mullins. - Mayor Bauder replied that Mr. Mullin told him other copies would be made. Mr. Balcar stated that the base -map had - been found. Mayor Bauder said that engineer Ford suggested that we have a blue , .print made and covered in plastic. M. Buell wants to look at Impact Fees and cost recovery on capital costs for extending of services. Mr. Balcar stated that the water system actually- lost money last year. M. Buell then welcomed Mr. Balcar to the City. L XII. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Mr. f Balcar complimented staff and stated that there was some economic development efforts currently under way and -mentioned a meeting in McAllen on establishment of Federal Empowerment Zones.. Some technical amendments need to be made in the budget to reflect consolidation of authorized positions and reorganization of the structure of the City's government. Keith stated that street work was startpd at Deer ree Eyey leak has been repaired and most of the valve boxes and wa er loE ratio is only 12% which is very low. XIII . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. 2-8-94 page 4 of 4 • • Noted that the City had passed a resolution on. Tax Abatement six or eight months ago but hadnot yet granted any. XIV. ADJOURNMENT. Norman Fetterman moved to adjourn. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THE 22nd. OF FEBRUARY., 19.94. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: CHARLES BALCAR, CITY ADMINISTRATOR/ SECRETARY •