Min CC 03/22/1994 M I NU T E S O F C I TY COU N C I L MEE T I N G THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 22, AT TOO - P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS- THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I . CALL TO ORDER. at 7 :10 pm II . ROLL CALL. All Council members were present. Staff present included Chuck Balcar, Wes Suiter and Keith Gilbreath. Also Ron Flake, City Attorney/ III . INVOCATION. One minute- of silent prayer IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) VI . CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF MARCH 15, 1994 B. RESOLUTION- HONORING MR. DAVID LEWEIN Tex moved approval , and Claude seconded. -Former patrolman -David Lewien was presented a plaque by Mayor• Bauder for his service to the community. VII . ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH TEXPOOL Tex moves, and Mark seconds. Chuck stated that Council approved opening an account at the- previous meeting, and this was a step, to formally opern the account and get required- signatures on a ! resolution. Approved. 3/22/94 page 2 Of 4 VIII . DISCUSSION ON OWNERSHIP OF DIETZ ROAD - Mr. Ford addressed the Master Plan-. The Mayor directed Chuck to prepare a -letter to the Count Judge (Sagebiel ) asking for their position on the ownership of the road. Chuck had contacted the TML and could find no law that demanded that the_ City accept the road. If the City owns the road, it may assess abutting owners a fee for improvements. The City is applying for an MPO grant for the entire $633,000 for road improvements. Two other options were discussed: (1) widening the road from FM 3009 -to the entry road in Phase 2 in Thistle Creek and not continuing the improvements along the 1991 feet of school property (Chuck's alternative) ; or (2) straightening Dietz Road through the Deer Creek Subdivision to eventually join with Wiedner Road on into FM 1103 (Mr. Ford's alternative) . The school is at capacity now, so major increase in traffic will be toward FM 300.9. Chuck has contacted Jim Box, the Dove Meadows developer and recommended that he may want to have exits from that subdivision placed somewhere other than Dietz Road across from the Dobie School . Mr. Ford said that the road will not handle the increase in traffic without improvements (from 20 feet to 42 feet) . Mark Buell said let's look at doing the whole thing and having the developers pay for it. Ron Flake said that if we went to Court we (Cibolo) and Schertz would end up with the road. Tex Farnsworth asked that we get the position of the County, get Commissioners Court involved. Mr. Ford said that Bexar County brings a road up in condition and then the City accepts it. Chuck said we could improve the - road by interlocal government agreement or by Chapter ,43 annexation.. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON DRAINAGE AT SCHLATHER AND MAIN Mr. Ford said that Main Street acts as a dam and putting in a box culvert would reduce water flow towrd the -bowling alley by 30%. Estimated cost was $10,000 to $15,000 . Tex moved that the project be done if funding is available. Seconded by Mark Buell . 3/22/94 page 3 of 4 X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CHANGING FEES IN THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND DISCUSSION ON IMPACT FEES Council discussed raising fees for platting, variances and building permits. Motion to have Chuck analyze fees and recommend changes as soon as possible. Mark said we have been letting people off easy and rates should have been adjusted years ago. The Mayor asked for inclusion of- administrative fees. Tex moved and Claude seconded. Approved. Impact fees were not discussed. XI . APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THISTLE CREEK Thistle Creek is going to pay park money in lieu of dedicating park land. Mark brought up .the distance that the students would have to walk a long ways to the bus. The Mayor mentioned that when the next phase to be platted is built, there will be a thourghfare road and the bus could go into the street. Norman said that the- pumper can go in without any problem. Tex moved for approval , seconded by Claude. Approved. XII . DISCUSSION OF POLICE MATTERS INCLUDING DISPATCH Tex pointed out that U.C. has hardly raised rates in the many years that have provided service to Cibolo.. "After 8 years with U.C. why change?" Chief Suiter explained the options and the costs of each one. Council directed staff to open negoiations. with Schertz for dispatching service. Councilmembers wanted to include some type of escalator clause that would limit increases in charges for services limiting the increases to some index for up to five years. XIII . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. XIV. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Tex, Jeff and Chuck will attend the Regional TML conference in Live Oak on April 8 . Staff and the P & Z are compiling a Top Ten list of code violations . 3/22/94 page 4 of 4 R K Steel is in non-compliance with current regulations because they are storing steel-- on the City's Right-of-way. The Police Chief mentioned adding another Police Officer position later this year. We already have half as many arrests in the first two and one half months as in six months last year. XV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Cibolo could grow by 50% in the next year, staff should prepare estimate on the cost of an additional police officer. XVI . ADJOURNMENT. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 12th DAY OF APRIL, 1994 SAM BAUDER MAYOR ATTEST• �:Lcm_z CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY/ CITY ADMINISTRATOR